
Sunday, September 13, 2015

This Week in Reading - September 13

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Liar by Nora Roberts - This was on the featured table when I went into the library the other day and I couldn't resist.  I've been in line for the ebook copy for ages so I snapped up the print copy.  (Library)

Operation Slow Down Book Acquiring is back up and running again.  I have 2 requests pending at NetGalley but they're both for books from authors I've read before so not random.  I've also been trying to get in a little reading done during the day so I at least FEEL like I'm making more progress on the scary stack of review books.


Reading:  Peril by Ponytail by Nancy J. Cohen, Come Hell or Highball by Maia Chance, and All I Want by Jill Shalvis

Listening: The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag by Alan Bradley.  This is the 2nd Flavia de Luce and so far I'm enjoying it.  Jane Entwistle's narration is fantastic.  

Watching:  Now that the fall season is about to start I'm catching up on the season finales for some of my favorites - the NCIS shows and Elementary especially.  I don't like cliffhanger endings to the point I keep the season finale until the season premier comes on and then watch them together.  And that's you peek into my craziness today.

Off the Blog:

School starting is always like a fresh start for me as well.  I work on getting more organized and setting schedules and routines and the whole bit.  This year took a little while longer with getting Emma moved to her dorm but I'm now full in a routine and loving it.
All summer I'd been kind of toying with how to add in more time to do projects or other things that I really want to do and it seems to be working.  I've got at least a day a week where I can really focus on a project.  I got an old end table from a thrift store awhile ago that I want to paint.  I'm getting this fantastic octagonal end table that was my grandmother's from my dad next week and I've got to figure out how to give it a bit of an update without messing it up.  Right now it looks a little too 1968 (which is when it's from) than I'd like.
I also finished The Life Changing Art of Tidying Up.  It was okay though probably could've been easily condensed down to an article versus a book and had quite a bit of information that I didn't find applicable.  It did, however, inspire me to do some purging in my closest and drawers.  I get rid of 2 giant bags of clothes and you really can't tell that much of a difference but everything isn't as jammed which is nice.  I did try the vertical folding in the drawers and am a convert and it's just as easy to maintain as regular folding.
I'm having a bit of a reading struggle right now.  I have a number of Christmas books that are coming out at the end of this month but no part of me is ready to start reading them.  And really are you ready to read reviews of books full of snow and holiday wonderlands?  Do you think it's beyond awful if I put those reviews off until November?  And really why are these books coming out in September anyway?

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: A is for Arsenic - Nonfiction Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Signs You're in a Historical Romance (freebie)
Wednesday: Peril By Ponytail - Cozy Mystery Review
Thursday: Beyond the Books - My Favorite Food
Friday: Friday Linkups with Current Book Excerpts
Saturday: TBD but something foodie

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I enjoyed The Liar, though had read something a bit similar by Laura Lippman (I think) which I'd enjoyed a tad more!

    Glad you're back into some routines again!

    1. I'm definitely a creature of habit so I'm definitely much happier getting my routine going.
      I've had that happen with another Roberts book but the book it reminded me of was one of her earlier books!

  2. The Liar was good, I really enjoyed the audio version. I'm looking forward to All You Want, I have it to read and will get to it a little later on. Yes reading Christmas stories now is a little much, although I always enjoy a snowy story because we don't get snow where I live.

    1. We don't get too much snow here either so it's definitely nice to read something snow covered though I do prefer it a little closer to Christmas!
      I'm really looking forward to The Liar. I'd love to to get some of her books on audio but so far my library's digital site doesn't have any yet.

  3. It does seem a little early for Christmas, I think November is a good time! I'm still adjusting to it being fall, or fall- like weather anyway. And LOL about your cliffhanger comment- I HATE cliffhangers, and since I've been watching more on Netflix all these shows I'm trying seem to end on cliffhangers. Grr. :)

    Good luck with Operation Slow Down Book acquiring! :)

    1. Thanks I will need all the luck I can get!
      I hate cliffhanger endings! I've gotten into a few shoes that ended up being cancelled. I try to look into shows before I get pulled in but am not always lucky enough to catch it!

  4. I always feel good after cleaning out our closets and drawers. I have Roberts book. I am hoping to get to some of the books I purchased this year before the year ends. #realworldproblems

    1. So many books to get to! We will get to them all one day right??

  5. Do you know, I don't think I've ever read Nora Roberts and not sure why. Look forward to hearing your thoughts. Hearing about the table made me smile. I have a table I've been planning no epainting for six months at least. I too need to set aside more time. Have a good week. Emma

    1. I definitely have more than my share of I started projects! I am hoping to get something accomplished. I like Roberts' books as long as I avoid the early ones.

  6. I haven't read that Nora Roberts book. I seem to not read as many of her standalones. I do love her trilogies and what is the name for 4-books-in-a-series? Good to hear that your schedule has settled down. And clearing out is always good. I'm looking forward to the new TV season as well. We've been watching the new season of Longmire on Netflix. So happy they picked that show up from A&E. Have a good week!

    1. Lol! Quartets maybe? Though that sounds like they should be playing instruments. I tend to prefer her series books as well. Though of course I'm massively behind on my reading!

  7. I think I have only read one Nora Rbiberts book but I liked it. So many books & so little time as the saying goes.
    Good luck on refinishing and painting that table. That's a good project!
    Tomorrow I am participating in Mailbox Monday's on my book blog. I got some cool books this past week.

    1. I look forward to seeing what you got! I'm hoping the table will go well. I've never done anything like it so it should be interesting.

  8. I loved The Liar...hope you do too. The Last Lucky Harbor Trilogy sounds tempting. I've been so obsessive about clearing out, that I'm afraid to read a book about tidying up...who knows what that could set in motion?

    Thanks for sharing...and enjoy. And thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. You've been making serious purging progress so I think you're good!
      I'm excited about The Liar. The premise really interests me.

  9. The Liar looks good. Heard about it, didn't read it yet. I enjoy Roberts, though can be hit or miss for me.

    I just signed up for and posted about the HoHoHo read-a-thon over @ Kim's, and it made myself and a few others chuckle... but in the retail biz, they are always jumping the gun and booksellers/publishers are no different. They want you to start thinking holiday now to stretch out the season for selling those titles. I don't mind reading reviews maybe starting in October... September just seems too "Autumn-like" to think of Christmas though.

    Just wanted to let you know I read your blog every single time you post, even if I don't always leave a comment. You are, hands down, one of my very favorite go-to blogs and I've visited here since your early days :) Happy dance!

    1. Thank you so much!! This totally made my day.
      I agree Roberts can be hit or miss though most of her more recent books are good if not amazing. I'd like to pretend her early books don't exist. It's for the best.
      I just can't handle the Christmas books this early! I can handle them before Thanksgiving but not Halloween.

  10. It sounds like you've had a busy week! I haven't read The Liar, but it looks pretty good! I might have to check that one out... I also have several Christmas books that I want to read, but I'm holding out for #HoHoHoRAT! Good luck with that! :P Have a great week :D

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

    1. I'm thinking I'll spend the rest if September and October reading thrillers or creepy books and then on Nov 1at start on the Christmas books. I don't think I can handle them earlier than that!

  11. I have a bunch of Christmas books also that I am saving for the Hohoho Read-a-thon but a lot comes out in September which is strange since it should be November. I am so behind on organizing that I plan to do that all this week and with Bloggiesta next weekend I plan to be super organized by the Monday after :)

    Have a great week Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

    1. They definitely should be November. I don't mind starting before Thanksgiving but not before Halloween! Good luck with Bloggiesta and getting organized!

  12. I'm also saving my Christmas and holiday books for the Ho-Ho-Ho Read-a-Thon, so the reviews will post in November and December.

    The Liar is on my library wish list but I've heard good things about it. I hope you like it!

    Lots of bloggers working on organization and purging lately, ya;ll are inspiring me!

    Have a great week!

    1. Get to purging Bea! It's kind of fun and definitely satisfying. I'm excited about The Liar! I've read really positive reviews for it and I always enjoy Nora Roberts' books.

  13. Yea, slow down acquiring books, if you find the secret to that let me know, k? I try. I really try.
    I wouldn't be even thinking about those Christmas books. And I won't until December. So I don't blame you. Who cares if they come out this month(which is stupid). Even when we read your review I doubt many of us will think twice about adding the book to our TBR. Who wants to be in the Christmas spirit this early? Lol! November is a good time period. :)

    1. It's a struggle! There's no secret just willpower and mine sucks!
      That's exactly what I'm thinking with the books. I don't mind before Thanksgiving but before Halloween is just craziness.

  14. I need to go on this ban with you! :) I try to tell myself if I think it looks like something I would be interested in then put it on my amazon wishlist for later. I have to get my scary list condensed down before I grab any more. Not sure if my talk is helping me but I try. :)

    Happy reading!
    Week in Review

    1. I am trying to buy more or at least getting the books used and only requesting a few books. It's a struggle though!

  15. Hi Katherine,
    Seems like you're in a bit of a dilemma about the Christmas books. I'd just read one a week for now but schedule/save the reviews until late November/December time :) It's more seasonal then AND it'll take more off your plate later on *bonus because Christmas is usually as busy as hell* lol.

    Hope this helps,
    Amy x

    1. Oh I like that! It helps with the business - because you're right the entire month of December is madness and will keep me from getting an overload of holiday romances!

  16. What??? Operation Slow Down Book Acquiring??? Let's hope this is just a temporary operation.

    1. It's temporary and not a ban! Mainly I'm just trying to get out from under all my review books!

  17. Dang it! I just love how super organized you are and BIG kudos to you! I read The Liar a little while ago and enjoyed it. I had stopped reading Nora Roberts for a while and glad to see she's in rare form. Happy Sunday to you and congrats the slowdown is over! Hugs...Ro

    1. Thanks! I don't feel particularly organized but I'll take appearing that way!
      I'm really looking forward to reading The Liar. Everyone seems to have really wnjoyed it!

  18. Oh for goodness sake TTT is a freebie? I hate having to think of my own topics! I have a ton of painted furniture in my kitchen that needs a fresh coat. Maybe I will tackle some as a project too. What a great idea. Again I am looking forward to your Beyond the Books post. Have a wonderful week. :)

    1. I've cheated for the freebie topics before and gone with old topics if I don't have any ideas. I'm not known for my creativity!
      I'm so glad you're enjoying the BYB posts! I'm having a really great time doing them!

  19. The Liar looks good. Sorry to hear about The Life Changing Art of Tidying Up. Being in the military taught me about making space while traveling, which transferred nicely into rolling socks, t-shirts, and jeans all the time. I did a huge purge of clothes and stuff before moving last winter, so now I have plenty of room to acquire some new clothes and artifacts. Good luck with tackling your TBR!

    1. There's nothing like moving to get some purging done! We got rid of so much stuff it was kind of amazing we had anything left. I can imagine the army will keep you on the straight and narrow!

  20. I completely ignores the TIDYING UP book when it was offered but people seem abso mad for it. Glad you got some ideas for you that helped.

    1. I was pretty underwhelmed by the book but if you need some inspiration to get to cleaning out it's worth getting from the library or borrowing.

  21. I like The Liar too. I recorded the season finales of my favorite shows to remember what happened! Have a great week.

    1. I'm looking forward to The Liar! That's another reason I keep finales. If I watch them in May I never can remember what happened when it premiers again in September!

  22. Oh wow, that does sound early for Christmas books. November sounds like a better month indeed.
    Have a great week!

  23. I've got The Liar on audio to get to ... not sure when, it has joined the long queue lol. NetGalley and I had a good relationship til last month when (not sure what possessed me) I requested 8 books and they were all approved and all due around the same time lol. *kicks self* ... never again, it was so stressful! I've read everything but still have 2 reviews to write.
    I'm telling myself if I stop acquiring books, I will have time to whitewash some cane furniture, make some cushions and edit a thousand photos haha. And October/November is the earliest I want to read reviews for Christmas books ... hope that helps you feel better ;)
    Have a great week and happy reading!

  24. I liked The Liar, but didn't love it. I want her to write another series like the Inn or the Wedding ones. Those are my favorite Roberts. I managed to read the next to last JD Robb this weekend, and then nearly finish a NetGalley book, which feels good. I think I only have one Christmas title pending, a historical, and while I always request historicals they never call to me when I'm choosing what to read. I need to try to stop that.

  25. I so need to do the slowdown of review books too. I've got one pending but the same. It's an author I know :D Happy reading this week!

  26. This is the first year (in seven) that I'll be posting Christmas books at or near pub dates. So, the first ones are scheduled for Sept. 29 and Oct. 1 (pub date is Sept.29). I hope readers don't get too upset with me :)

  27. I enjoyed the Liar but to be honest I prefer her as JD Robb! I love the In Death series. Hope you have fun with your projects!

    Heather | Random Redheaded Ramblings

  28. Oh my do I need to slow down requesting and buying books. I am using this month as a way to get through my review books. I need to get a better hold on that pile - Good luck to you on yours!! Have a great week!

  29. I hope you enjoy The Liar as much as I did! And I know what you mean about the Christmas books. To misquote Ron Weasley, "I've got about six of them," and I'm really not quite in the mood yet. But there it is; I've agreed to read at least two of them before the publication date, so I better get cracking. I don't know why they bring them out so early; seems like November would be better.

  30. I think waiting on the Christmas books is okay. It's too early for that yet. I have a couple to read for the upcoming season too, but I don't think they're officially out until the end of next month and November.

    I think I would be feeling that same organizational pull as you are if my life settling more into a usual routine right now. I think our little vacation last week and then company coming this weekend and staying through the rest of the month has thrown me off. I feel a bit anxious and out of sorts, really. It's a bit unsettling.

    I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week! Take care.

  31. NORA ROBERTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that author so freaking much! I have read so many by her but need to read like the other 70% hahaha She has so many books! I loved Red Lily a lot.
