
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Peach Keeper - Review

The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen

Rating: 4.5 Stars
Source: Library
Description:  The New York Times bestselling author of The Girl Who Chased the Moon welcomes you to her newest locale: Walls of Water, North Carolina, where the secrets are thicker than the fog from the town's famous waterfalls, and the stuff of superstition is just as real as you want it to be.
It's the dubious distinction of thirty-year-old Willa Jackson to hail from a fine old Southern family of means that met with ruin generations ago.  The Blue Ridge Madam - built by Willa's great-great-grandfather during Walls of Water's heyday, and once the town's grandest home - has stood for years as a lonely monument to misfortune and scandal.  And Willa herself has long strived to build a life beyond the brooding Jackson family shadow.  No easy task in a town shaped by years of tradition and the well-marked boundaries of the halves and the have-nots.
But Willa has lately learned that an old classmate - socialite do-gooder Paxton Osgood - of the very prominent Osgood family, has restored the Blue Ridge Madam to her former glory, with plans to open a top flight inn.  Maybe, at last, the troubled past can be laid to rest while something new and wonderful rises from its ashes.  But what rises instead is a skeleton, found buried beneath the property's lone peach tree, and certain to drag up dire consequences along with it.  (From Goodreads)

Genre: Fiction

Why I Picked This Book:  Sarah Addison Allen has been on my TBR for awhile and I was in a peach kind of mood when I happened to stumble on this one at the library.

My Impression: To be honest I was a little nervous about this going in.  People kept telling me how great she was and that I'd really love this one but I was a little concerned about the whole magical realism thing.  I had read a book by another author that had that and I wasn't a fan of the book.  I didn't know if the problem was the book itself or the magical realism.
But it turned out I had no reason to be nervous.  I absolutely loved this book.  Just the reading experience as a whole was lovely.  I was immediately drawn into the town and the story and could visualize it all so clearly.  I did periodically want to reach into the book and give Willa and Paxton either a shake or a hug depending on what was going on but the book read so quickly I didn't have much time to feel that way.
I couldn't wait to find out what happened and watch everything come together.  The magic that I was so concerned about was barely there.  Enough to make itself felt but much more of a whisper than a shout.  And I was really excited when I realized that the caterer was the same Claire that is in the Garden Spell.  I'll definitely be reading that one soon!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Absolutely!  I'm very much looking forward to spending more time in Sarah Addison Allen's world.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Yes definitely.  Especially if you're a little concerned about magical realism.

Challenges Met?


  1. That cover is so very lovely ! That book and your review appeals to me, and I'm not bothered at all about magical realism :) Great review, Katherine !

  2. This author has been on my to-read list for a while too. I was trying to win First frost on Goodreads but as I didn't, I need to reserve that book at the library. Great review!

  3. I loved Garden Spell. It's been a while since I read one of Allen's novels--I must give her another try.

  4. I have heard great things about this author, too! I haven't read any of hers, but I'm now I really want too. I'm so glad you enjoyed this. I love that feeling when a book you are nervous about turns out to be awesome.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Deleted the last comment b/c I wanted to comment in one altogether as I had wanted to add something. I read this book some time ago. It was pretty good. I was more of a fan of Garden Spells.
    I finally tried out Sabrina Jeffries! I first tried to read her very first book, Dangerous Love. I couldn't finish it I'm afraid. However, I then had the first of The Hellions of Halstead Hall and loved the first book! The banter of the siblings made me laugh. I'm currently on the second installment and am loving it.

  7. I read The Girl who Chased the Moon long ago and wasn't so thrilled by it, but I feel the need for another try and want to pick up Garden Spells as that one has been on my tbr list forever, and if I like that, will pick up Peach Keeper. Or maybe I have the order wrong here but you know what I mean :) Thanks for a very informative review.

  8. I am also not a fan of magical realism, but I've read a couple of Sarah's books and I've really enjoyed them. She is great at not putting the focus on the magic, but on the characters and setting. Her book covers are always lovely, the one for First Frost is one of my favorites.

  9. I keep hearing good things about this author. Magical realism tends to be hit or miss for me but this one is appealing. I'm glad it worked for you.

  10. This author has been on my radar for years! Seems like many of my blog friends are reading her lately... this sounds like a good place to start.

  11. So I am not one for flowery looking covers as they usually mean I am not going to enjoy it, maybe to literary and I just love a good face paced read but I admit it sounds interesting. So I put it on my maybe wishlist on amazon for later. :)

  12. I've been wanting to try this author for awhile and this one sounds good.

  13. I was sure I had this one on my bookshelf but have searched everywhere and can't find it. The books I have read by SAA I have loved. Great to hear you enjoyed this one.

  14. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I've read all of her novels - love them. I think what I love the most is that it feels like I'm in the world of the novel when I read her books - not sure if that makes sense.

  15. Magical realism can definitely be hit or miss with me. But like you, I've been needing to read one of Sarah's book for forever. Happy to know this one worked out for you. I really need to read one of her books this year. Maybe I'll start with this one as well, since you gave it such good praise.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  16. Yay, I adore her so I am exited to see you enjoyed this. She has a way of conveying a story I find unique.

  17. I am so glad that you enjoyed this book, I have read and loved all of this authors books.

  18. I'm glad you enjoyed this one. I try to read an earlier book by her and couldn't quite get into it. I think it was Lost Lake. But I've heard such good things about Garden Spells that I would really like to try her again. The Peach Keeper sounds like a good place to start.

  19. I love SAA and I think this is the only one of hers I haven't read, I do have it waiting patiently for me on audio though so thanks for giving me a reminder. Hope you love Garden Spells, it's my favourite with Lost Lake coming in a close second :)
