
Monday, September 28, 2015

The Liar - Review

The Liar by Nora Roberts (Amazon link)

Rating: 4.5 Stars
Source: Library

Description:  Shelby Foxworth lost her husband.  Then she lost her illusions...
The man who took her from Tennessee to an exclusive Philadelphia suburb left her in crippling debt.  He was an adulterer and a liar, and when Shelby tracks down his safe-deposit box, she finds multiple IDs.  The man she loved wasn't just dead.  He never really existed.
Shelby takes her three year old daughter and heads south to seek comfort in her hometown, where she meets someone new: Griff Lott, a successful contractor.  But her husband had secrets she has yet to discover.  Even in this small town, surrounded by loved ones, danger is closer than she knows - and threatens Griff, as well.  And an attempted murder is only the beginning... (from Goodreads)

Genre: Romance - Contemporary

Why I Picked This Book:  It's a new Nora Roberts.  I can't resist!

My Impression: By my calculation I've been reading Nora Roberts for about 15 years.  Early on I binged on her books and with the exception of her early books which are just a bit too dated I loved them all.  Lately, I've felt a little more meh about them.  I've enjoyed them because a meh Nora Roberts is still a pretty good read (with the exception of her early books of course) but the ability to hook me and pull me into the story was definitely diminished.  That was not the case with this one.  From pretty much the first page the story grabbed me and pulled me in.  It was the kind of read that I was almost reluctant to pick back up because I knew it'd be next to impossible to put it down.

I loved Shelby.  I was a little worried because I know a Shelby pretty well and sometimes it can be hard to separate the book character from the person in real life.  However, Nora's Shelby was so well drawn and fully fleshed out that from the beginning she held her own.  She's an interesting character.  She's bent but not broken from a bad marriage and still recovering from having her world drop out from under her when her husband dies and she discovers that nothing was what it seemed.  The emotion behind her homecoming and reuniting with her family was so real it almost brought tears to my eyes.

One thing to keep in mind while reading this is that it's not just a romance.  Yes the relationship between Shelby and Griff is a major plotline but it isn't the only one.  To me this was the story of Shelby really discovering who she was and finding her home.  I loved all the side characters especially Emma Kate and Shelby's brothers.  I really wish this was a series because I'd love for Forest to get his own story.  Shelby's daughter Callie is a smidge too perfect but she's cute enough for that to be forgivable and I loved her and Griff together.

The mystery aspect of the story is interesting and I really enjoyed the hints and unraveling of it all.   While everything did kind of happen at the end it worked for me and I enjoyed the journey.  At 500 pages it does feel a little long but it was a super fast read.  I enjoyed this more than any Nora Roberts I've read in a really long time and I'm really looking forward to seeing what she's got next!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Oh definitely!  I've got several books of hers to catch up on and I'm looking forward to her new series.

Would I Recommend this Book?: Yes! If you like Nora Roberts and/or enjoy a homecoming 2nd chance type romance with a good dash of suspense I think you'd enjoy this one.


  1. I know what you mean about meh Nora Roberts books. I binged on them about 12-14 years ago and loved the majority too. Sometimes I even love the dated ones. I know, I'm weird like that. But they don't hold me like they did back then. So I'm SOOO glad that you really enjoyed this. I am so going to give it a try.

    What are some of your favorite Nora Roberts books?

    1. Some of the dated ones are pretty good but the very earliest are pretty bad! I have so many favorites it's hard to list them all. I love the Gallaghers of Ardmore, the Key series (which if you haven't read you must - you'd love Dana), and In the Garden. For stand alones I love Three Fates and Midnight Bayou.

  2. I loved this one, too...a nice mix of romance and suspense, I also had a hard time putting it down. Glad you enjoyed you, I find some of NR's books are "meh," but the romantic suspense seem to hold my interest.

    1. I agree that the romantic suspense have been holding my interest more. I really enjoyed this one and my last favorite was The Witness

  3. I like Nora Roberts, and like you, I haven't read much of her lately because the books became rather hum drum - which is great hum drum, though. I think I have to take a look at this one, though.

    1. I liked this one more than I have any if hers for awhile so hopefully you will enjoy it. I have a theory that maybe she's just doing outlines and others are filling the out which might account for the lack of punch lately. Not based on anything of course.

  4. Glad Nora was another success for you. My mum and I decided to not read her trilogies anymore. The last witch one by the end was played out.

    1. I haven't read the last in the witch trilogy even though I did like the 2nd book more than the 1st. It was okay but a bit lackluster

  5. Nora Roberts is an amazing author and when you consider all her J D Robb books as well... mind boggling. I enjoyed this one too, listened to it and was happy with it. It is more than romance as you point out and they in my opinion are the best kind of books.

    1. These are definitely the best kind of romances in my opinion too! The amount of books she writes is insane! I really want to try the JD Robb!

  6. gah i started this one, then my son was born and never finished :(

  7. I've read a few of her books sprinkled throughout the years and really liked them. I very badly wnt to read her JD Robb Death books. I like the sound of this one too.

    1. I'm looking forward to giving the Robb books a try. I read one once but it was ages ago and I remember basically nothing about it!

  8. In Death books are great but you have to start at the beginning and watch the characters grow.

    1. I'm looking forward to starting them. I read one about a hundred years ago but I remember nothing.

  9. I like Nora Roberts though I haven't read a lot of her books.

    1. There are so many of them it's hard to get much progress on the list

  10. Katherine...I bought this on release day...and still haven't read it. Seriously I need to fix it, because I know I will love it. Fantastic review!

    1. Thanks! Now go read it!! I think you'll like it.

  11. I haven't read a Nora Roberts for awhile and this one looks good, Katherine. Good review!
