
Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Bedtime Book Tag

I was tagged for The Bedtime Book Tag by the awesome La La over at La La in the Library and I stole her graphic because it was adorable.  The Bedtime Book Tag appealed to me because I'm primarily a night time reader and am usually up way past my bedtime trying to squeeze in one more chapter!

1. A Book That Kept Me Up All Night
There are so many possibilities for this one but the one that came to mind is The Other Daughter by Lauren Willig.  I just had to find out what was going to happen.

2.  A Book That Made Me Scared To Sleep
I'd heard of Hitchcock's version of this story though I'd never seen it.  I'd always thought it sounded a little silly.  I mean how can birds be scary.  Than I read Daphne du Maurier's The Birds & Other Stories and changed my mind.  Birds are terrifying.  I've never felt quite comfortable seeing a whole bunch of birds together since.

3.  A Book That Made Me Go To Sleep
Browsings by Michael Dirda was like a nice cup of chamomile tea in book form.  Very soothing and relaxing.

4.  A Book That Left Me Tossing and Turning The Night Before In Anticipation Of It's Release
I'm weird about this one.  I don't really keep up with book release dates because for so long I've gotten all my books used.  I've gotten a bit better about it now but now I have enough review books that I haven't added to many to that stack.  I do remember counting down the days to the release of the 4th Bridgerton book!  Romancing Mister Bridgerton didn't disappoint!

5.  Books That Have My Dream Ship Between Two Different Stories
I think it would be fantastic to take Christie's A Caribbean Mystery, which is already pretty great in that it takes the quintessential English spinster Miss Jane Marple and plops her down into an exotic location, and throw in Patricia Wentworth's incredibly competent and governess-y Miss Silver.  Granted, the book would have to be turned into a short story because those two would make short work of any murderer!

6.  A Book That Would Be My Worst Nightmare To Live In
Pretty much any dystopian.  I'm not a fan of the whole zombie apocalypse end of the world thing.  I've gone without electricity for an extended period of time thanks to some tornado outbreaks a few years ago and decided then that any world that doesn't involve a hot water heater is not a place for me!  Since I don't read too many dystopian I'm going with The Hunger Games which I have read.

7.  A Book That Reminds Me Of Nighttime
Witch by Barbara Michaels.  Between the creepy mystery, the closeness of the woods, the closed minds of the townspeople and the evil lurking in someone's heart this is all kinds of darkness.  It's one of my favorite Michaels books but I haven't read it in awhile.  I think I need to dig this one up for an October read!

8.  A Book That Had A Nightmarish Cliffhanger
I wouldn't necessarily say that Queen of Hearts by Colleen Oakes has a nightmarish cliffhanger but it does end on a serious cliffhanger and there's no publishing date listed for the sequel which is pretty nightmarish in my world!  I hate cliffhangers to the point that will try to have the entire series before I start reading the first book just in case and I don't watch the season finale of shows I really like until the season premiere comes on.  It might be a sickness.

9.  A Book I Actually Dreamed About
I don't know if I've ever really had a dream with characters from books.  One time I had a dream that was an entire episode of Law and Order complete with full cast, cut screens, and that fabulous duh-duh sound that occurs every time a scene change.  But for the most part my dreams are jumbled and tend to disappear pretty much as soon as I wake up.  So I'm picking He's So Fine by Jill Shalvis because if I could pick a book to dream myself into it'd be this one.  Really any Lucky Harbor book would work but I loved Olivia and Cole.

10. A Book Monster I Would Not Want to Find Under My Bed
While the killer in this book is technically a human I've always found human monsters the most terrifying.  This book was really the first book that scared me to the point of double checking the locks and jumping at every sound.  I enjoyed the first few of the Kay Scarpetta mysteries but Post-Mortem's monster scared me the most.

I'm going to take the easy way out on the tagging and tag everyone.  This is a fun tag and I had a good time figuring out which books fit which category.  The downside is that now I want to reread about half of them!  I hope to see lots of answers to this one!


  1. I've only read 3 of those (P. Cornwell, P. Highsmith and A. Christie), but now I'm curious about reading the others ^^ Especially Jill Shalvis, whom I've heard so much about but haven't read yet - one of her books is waiting patiently on my kindle !

    1. I hope you find a few you enjoy! I think you'll like Shalvis. Her Lucky Harbor series is my favorite

  2. How fun! OK, let's see what I've read here. Well, certainly A Caribbean Mystery. It's one of my favorite Miss Marple books, even though it is set outside of her usual venue. She comments on the beauty and then the 'sameness' of the view. LOL

    Witch is one of my favorite Michaels books and it has been years since I read it. I need to read it again soon. I did like The Hunger Games, but I can't even imagine living in that world. And have you never seen the Hitchcock version of The Birds? Yes, indeed, birds can be scary. I know the du Maurier story is a bit different, but scary as well. I feel certain that I've read that Cornwell book, although I did quit her a long time ago. I agree that sometimes the 'real' monsters are much scarier.

    1. I've seen bits and pieces of the Hitchcock movie but never seen the whole thing. I have it recorded so I hope to soon. The book was terrifying!
      I had forgotten about the sameness issue with Miss Marple. I love her!

  3. There are many books that have kept me up all night. I can't think of any that have given me nightmares nor do I toss and turn over new releases. I agree that human monsters are the worst.

    Fun meme and that graphic is adorable.

    1. Isn't it! I had to borrow it. I'm glad I'm not the only one who regularly keeps track of new releases!

  4. I wish I had discovered JQ before the release of Romancing Mr. Bridgerton. When I started reading JQ that one was already out. The Bridgerton series wasn't complete, but at least 5 were out. Maybe more. And you're right, it sure didn't disappoint.

    1. I think I discovered Quinn shortly before Colin's book came up. I had read them all but it was still fairly new to me.

  5. The Other Daughter is on my TBR - Cannot wait to get to it!! I also would not want to be stuck in the HGs - Yikes. Fun tag!

    1. I'd make it about 20 minutes in the HG! It wouldn't be pretty! I loved The Other Daughter! I hope you enjoy it as well.

  6. The Birds! Oh my.. that movie was the starting point of my phobia of birds. I get chills down my spine just thinking about it.
    I also agree with your answer to number 6. A dystopian world would be my worst nightmare as well.

    1. I have yet to see the full movie but I hope to soon. The book was terrifying! Like nightmare terrifying!

  7. Not read any of those books but I put some of them on my TBR list. :)

  8. Quinn and Agatha would keep me one more chaptering. I really want to read The Other Daughter by Lauren Willig

    1. I loved The Other Daughter and I really think you will too. Plus her wardrobe is to die for!

  9. What a great tag Katherine. I've only heard of a couple of those and had no idea Du Maurier wrote The Birds. Is it the book Hitchcock based the movie on?

    Creepy either way!

  10. Oh I would so dream myself into a Shalvis book too!

  11. I did not know The Birds was a book, and by Daphne du Maurier, no less! I loved Rebecca, and have it as an audiobook to re"read" at some point. The movie, The Birds, is fabulous: you should watch it. Thanks for doing the tag. I am going straight away to add your link. :)

  12. What a fun list, I might have to do this one next week, will it matter if I'm late to the party? Love Jill Shalvis, her Animal Magnetism series is a fave, hot heroes and cute animals ... what's not to dream about lol. I'm with you on The Hunger Games (although I do read a lot of Dystopian) and that the scariest monsters are definitely human. Great post!

  13. Yep, I'm all good with a couple of birds but a whole lot of them make me a bit skittish ever since I read this story and saw the movie. I love your description for #3!
