
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

All I Want - Review

All I Want (An Animal Magnetism Novel) by Jill Shalvis

Rating: 4 Stars
Source: NetGalley
Description:  Pilot for hire Zoe Stone is happy to call Sunshine, Idaho, her home base.  But her quiet life is thrown for a loop when her brother's friend Parker comes to stay with her for a week.  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife special agent is a handsome flirt with a gift for getting under her skin.  And the situation only escalates when Parker hires her to fly him around the area while he collects evidence on a suspected smuggler.
Now she has to live and work with the guy.  But when they're in the air, she sees another side of him.  He's driven, focused, and sharp.  And while he enjoys giving her commentary on her blind dates, she quickly realizes with a shock that it's Parker who gets her engines going. (from Goodreads)

Genre: Romance/Contemporary

Why I Picked This Book: I can never pass up a Jill Shalvis book and I loved Zoe in the previous book in this series and couldn't wait to see her in her own story.

My Impression: Oh how I love a Jill Shalvis book!  The characters are fantastic, the chemistry is insane, and there's humor that keeps it light even though there are some pretty serious topics addressed.  This one didn't disappoint and there's kittens!  And Oreo!  I've always loved Bernese Mountain dogs because they're so pretty but Oreo is just awesome.  There was so much I loved about the book.  Obviously the kittens and Oreo but Parker and Zoe just in general.  I loved how he fixed things in the middle of the night and then pretended he didn't.  I loved his interactions with his sister and I loved Zoe's dealings with her sister.  It took me a little while to love them as a couple though I pretty much immediately loved them as individuals.  They bicker a lot which works for them but took me personally a little bit to get used to.
During the last half the book heated up to blazing and it seemed like every page was a spicy scene and that got a little too much for me so I ended up flipping a bit.  I would've loved to see them work together a little more because they made such a great team.  The ending more than made up for any flaws and now I seriously want a kitten!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Of course!  I want Kel's book soon!

Would I Recommend this Book?: Yes, though I think it'd be better to start with the previous book - Still the One which is about Zoe's younger sister Darcy.


  1. That's a great recommendation ! It sounds like a beach book, one to relax and enjoy. I should give my police procedurals a break!

    1. I probably like her Lucky Harbor series better but this was really enjoyable!

  2. I just finished this the other day. I really quite liked it, and it also made me want a kitten. And I'm not even a cat person. Also, my dog Ginger would kill me if I brought a cat home.

    I thought the suspense, criminal aspect didn't quite live up to the potential, but I really liked this one. And i want Kel's book now too. I still have read Wyatt's book. Have you read that one and did you like it?

    1. Definitely on the crime. I thought there would be more to it.
      I loved the bits with Oreo with the kittens.

  3. I haven't read this author, but I've been meaning to! Great review!

  4. Joy over at Joyous Reading just reviewed this book and loved it as well. Even if she wanted to, I'm not sure that Jill Shalvis is even capable for writing a bad book. (lol) Loved your review and this is one I plan to grab. Hugs...Ro

    1. Jill Shalvis is definitely one of my favorites. I like her Lucky Harbor series better but this one is pretty good and there are kittens!

  5. yup everyone has read her but me, and I own so many of her books oops. Sounds really good, as someone who adore romance I need to read

    1. Read her!! Especially the Lucky Harbor series. You won't regret it.

  6. Still haven't read this author, but will remember your advice and start with the previous title :)

  7. I loved her Lucky Harbor series and the start of her Kincaid series, but I've not read this one yet and I really need to because it looks amazing.

    Simply Angela

  8. Okay, I just may try this series out b/c of you. I don't particularly like the covers. I like how the characters look like to be left to my personal imagination. But fun pets and chemistry. I'll add the first to my TBR.

  9. I've been meaning to read a Jill Shalvis novel for some time now. I even have a few in my bookcase. One of these days...

  10. I really need to try one of her books. I do believe I have # 1 in this series. Your review made me smile..I love when a book/author gives me all the feels.

  11. I read the first couple of books in this series and enjoyed it. I need to get back to it.

  12. LOL I loved the heat. So glad you enjoyed this one even if that got a little too much for ya. She really is impossible to resist.

  13. I have this one to read soon, I totally love JS books to and especially this Animal Magnetism series. Bit scared about possibility of wanting a kitten though after I've read it! Yeah, I can be a flipper too!!

  14. I got denied for this. :(
    I'm thinking I might just pre-order it.

  15. I hear nothing but praise from everyone about Jill Shalvis. I think the characters sounds fab and this one sounds STEAMY!

  16. I've been meaning to check out Jill Shalvis for some time! I just can't figure out which one to start with haha. Glad this one was enjoyable! It sounds like a cute read. Lovely review, Katherine!

  17. I like the sound of this story, as a small-town contemporary and animal lover, both. I am weary of stories putting a sensual scene in every chapter. Let's find out more about the people's personalities, rather than their bedroom technique.

  18. Oreo was the name of my boarder collie/Samoyed mix. She was black/white/black. So a total oreo. Lol.
    I still need to read one of her books. I've had one sitting for review off of NG for months now. You're really making me want to read it sooner rather then later. Hopefully I can before the year is up.
