
Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Other Daughter - Review

The Other Duaghter by Lauren Willig
Rating: 4.5 Stars
Source: NetGalley

Description:  Raised in a poor yet genteel household, Rachel Woodley is working in France as a governess when she receives news that her mother has died, suddenly.  Grief-stricken, she returns to the small town in England where she was raised to clear out the cottage...and finds a cutting from a London society magazine, with a photograph of her supposedly deceased father dated all of three months before.  He's an earl, respected and influential and he is standing with another daughter - his legitimate daughter.  Which makes Rachel...not legitimate.  Everything she thought she knew about herself and her past - even her very name is a lie. (From GoodReads)

Genre:  Fiction

Why I Picked This Book:This is an author I've been wanting to read for awhile and the blurb really caught my attention.

My Impression:  I really loved this one.  From pretty much the beginning I was pulled into the story and I wanted to get to know the characters better and find out what really happened.  Rachel is an incredibly likable character.  She's smart, independent, with a spine of steel and a good sense of humor.  She's someone I would love to have as a friend.  While some of her actions throughout the novel are a bit questionable it's easy to understand why she's acting the way she is.  Her world has been devastated and then turned on it's end and she is struggling to figure out exactly what she wants, she's acting on impulse and at times she's lashing out but she does so in such a way that I really sympathized with her.
The setting is drawn enough that you get a sense of London in the 1920s but not so heavy handed as to become monotonous.  I really would have loved a look at Rachel's wardrobe.  It sounds gorgeous!  I loved Simon and never knew what to expect from him.  From the beginning it's obvious that there's more to him than he lets on and I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure it out.  I was very satisfied with the ending though I did feel like one part wrapped up a little too fast.  The characters aren't perfect but they're easy to related to and multi-faceted.
Overall, this was a fantastic read in a gorgeous setting with an interesting mystery.  I hated to put it down and was always excited to get back to the story.  I'm definitely looking forward to reading more by this author.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Absolutely!  I just wish I could read more about Rachel.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Definitely!  So far this is one of my favorite books of the year.

Challenges Met? Alphabet Soup (O)


  1. Great review! This is definitely a book that I would love to read! Okay now I need to get through my ARC pile fast:) Thank you for sharing this.

  2. I've read several books by Lauren Willig, but I all of them are in her Pink Carnation series. I think the last book in that series was just published. And I have noticed that she seems to be branching out into standalones and books set in other historical times. Glad to hear this one was good. The cover is lovely and I'm thinking I would like this book.

  3. I've read some of Lauren Willig's Pink Carnation series and I've enjoyed them. I haven't read any of her other books, though. So glad you enjoyed this one.

  4. Okay that is really good to hear. I got one of her other series books for review recently but she's a new to me author and I wasn't sure. Will have to move that up the list :D

  5. This is an author I have been wanting to read too. Your description has me completely sold, can't wait to get my hands on this one. Love the plot.

  6. I've read one of her books and liked it. Definitely adding this title to my wish list. Loved your review!

  7. I love the sound of this and it's gotten several good reviews. I'll add it to my library list.

  8. Rachel sounds like a character I'd like too. This sounds like a wonderful book!

  9. I bought this one recently because I saw so many great reviews for it. Your review just cements the impression its one not to be missed.

  10. The 20's is such a cool time period. Agreed, I wish I had that kind of wardrobe too.
    I like myself a good historical fiction. I feel like I've been missing them this past year. So since this is one of your favourite books of the year, than I better add it to the TBR. Maybe my library will actually get it in.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  11. I love the sound of this book. Rachel sounds like the kind of character I would like as a friend too. I will definitely be adding this to my wish list.

  12. Ive never even heard of this author but that cover, that blurb and that setting are so my kind of read. I like that Rachel is smart and strong and that there is an interesting mystery too. Want, want, want!
