
Friday, August 7, 2015

Friday Linkups: A Gilded Grave

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you ever do a review post based on a holiday?  For example, review Christmas themed books in December?

My Answer:
I did a few last year though mostly with Christmas books.  I think I reviewed 1 or 2 Halloween mysteries but went overboard with Christmas romances.  I'm going to try to mix it up a bit more this year to not burn out quite so much.

I'd been wanting to read Shelley Freydont's Celebration Bay series for awhile so when a chance to read the first book in this new series set in Gilded Age Newport I couldn't pass it up.  I'm not very far in but so far so good.  Plus, I love the cover!

The Beginning:
Deanna Randolph eased away from the hairbrush that was scraping her scalp.

My Thoughts;
I can almost see Deanna squirming away from whoever is brushing her hair.  I've never been fond of people brushing my hair - it always hurts!

The 56:
Mama thought it would be ghoulish to organize badminton and luncheon on the lawn in view of the ... tragedy.

My thoughts:
Depending on what the tragedy is I'm kind of with Mama here.  Having a badminton game right next to a murder scene does seem a bit wrong!

So keep reading?  What's your favorite time period to read?


  1. I don't think I have a favorite time period. For me, as long as the plot sounds good. I want to read more Julia Quinn. I loved her Smythe-Smith series. I'd like to read the Bridgerton's one too. You turned me onto this author.

  2. I don't theme read, but I enjoy seeing Christmas covers on books.

    I love your book beginnings.

    ENJOY your Friday and your weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  3. This sounds good. I enjoy historical mysteries but don't really have just one favorite time period. My 56 this week comes from No Mercy by Lori Armstrong - a gritty mystery set in South Dakota. Happy reading!

  4. I want to know who was scraping Deanna's head with a hairbrush if not herself. I'd read on.

    My Friday Quotes

  5. This sounds great and the cover is amazing!
    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings):

  6. This is a series I've been meaning to start. Hope you enjoy the book!

  7. I can't even imagine being in the mood for badminton after a murder. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  8. I have this on my TBR sheld and hope to get to it this summer, soon! I like the setting.

  9. This one definitely seems interesting. I hope you enjoy your current read. :D

  10. I love the cover of A Gilded Grave. Even the title sounds intriguing.
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straighforward Fiction Book Reviews

  11. I love the cover of A Gilded Grave. Even the title sounds intriguing.
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straighforward Fiction Book Reviews

  12. I feel like it's impossible not to try and review some holiday themed books around whatever holiday. That being said I usually will do more of a holiday themed post. Like for Valentine's it was my top book boyfriends, or romances, etc... The end of the year always brings favourite lists.
    I already have a bunch of Christmas romances pilling up. So I better review all those this winter. Lol

  13. Oh this sounds like something I would really like, going to look it up. :)

  14. A Gilded Grave sounds like it could be good. I hope you continue to enjoy it! My theme reading tends to gravitate around Christmas too. It's a fairly new thing for me as I used to not read holiday themed books--at least around the holidays.

  15. I think I agree with Mama too, it wouldn't look good to laugh and be merry when someone is investigating a murder or the like. I do like the cover very much as well. Happy reading!

  16. I am going to be doing a themed month of October for Halloween on my Children's book blog this year, but I have nothing planned for the main blog. I was pestered by some of my blogging buddies to read a Christmas book last year, so I bought a 99 cent book about a witch at Christmas, but I never read it . Maybe I will read it this year if I can remember the title to find it in my Kindle library. :)

  17. Beautiful cover.
    The beginning gave me a, Mommy Dearest, moment... lol
    Happy weekend!

  18. Hmm, I'm curious about the...tragedy.

    I'm planning on reading some Christmas stories for Kimba's holiday read-a-thon but most of the time I don't pay attention to the holidays or seasons when choosing books.

  19. This was a good book for a first in a series. Shelley Freydont also writes the Celebration Bay cozy mystery series. I don't review by seasons unless I happen to be reading a seasonal book at that time.

  20. I don't really focus on themes until November. Then I'm looking for Thanksgiving and Christmas novels (in addition to what's already on my pile) up until the end of December. This sounds like an interesting ready and i really love the cover. Hugs...Ro

  21. I do review books based on holidays, sometimes at the time of the holiday, sometimes not. A good Halloween horror at Christmastime wakes people up. LOL
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  22. Hi Katherine,

    I don't really focus on themed reading periods, if I like the sound of a story, I'll read it whenever it gets to the top of my reading pile.

    Similarly, I don't have any preferred time periods or genres of reading - although I don't read science fiction at all!

    I really can't make up my mind whether I would enjoy 'A Gilded Grave' or not, although I too like the atmospheric and alluring cover art.

    If the tragedy took place on the lawn, I can understand Mama not wanting to organise lunch and games there - however if it took place a little way away, I can't see the problem.

    I used to quite enjoy having my hair brushed, although if someone was scraping my scalp with the brush, I may not be quite so keen! Hairdressers have a tendency to be very heavy handed.

    Thanks for sharing and enjoy the rest of the book :)


  23. I like the title and cover so that alone draws me in. Happy Weekend!
