
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Fellow Book Nerds

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is Top Ten Fellow Book Nerds.  Is there anything more fun than reading books with fellow book nerds in them?  Here are a few of my favorites!

1. Karen Holloway from Houses of Stone by Barbara Michaels - Karen is obsessed with books both for professional reasons and just because she loves books.  At one point she starts talking about how her family complained that she had books everywhere and it was hard not to relate!

2.  Dana Steele from Key of Knowledge by Nora Roberts - Dana is a librarian who loves books of all kinds.  She has an ex-boyfriend whose an author and what she does with his books is pretty funny.

3.  Aurora Teagarden from the Aurora Teagarden mysteries by Charlaine Harris - My relationship with Harris has not been all sunshine and rainbows but the Aurora Teagarden books are a series I really enjoyed - probably because they're basically traditional mysteries.  Plus there are 2 Hallmark movies based on this series that I have recorded and can't wait to watch!

4.  Emily from The Book Scavenger by Jennifer Chambliss Bertman - Books are Emily's one constant in life as her family moves constantly and not only does she love books for the stories she contains but she actually plays a game called Book Scavenger in which participants find and hide books.

5.  Tricia Miles from The Booktown Mystery series by Lorna Barrett - Tricia owns a bookstore that specializes in mysteries AND has a grey cat named Miss Marple.

6.  Maggie Dupres from The Moment of Everything by Shelly King - For starters I love that cover!  Plus I like that you can tell that the cat is up to something because in the book the cat is kind of evil.  I really enjoyed Maggie's character in this one.  In response to extreme stress her response is to take up residence in a used bookstore and just read everything she can get her hands on.

7.  Jill Gardner from Tourist Trap Mystery series by Lynn Cahoon - Not only does Jill own a bookstore but she spends a lot of time actually reading books which I love!

8.  Phoebe O'Dunn from That Night on Thistle Lane by Carla Neggers - Phoebe is a librarian and has a pretty serious book collection.  Plus she finds a hidden room filled with clothes in the attic of the library so how could I pass that up?

9.  Aubrey Wellington from Once in a Lifetime by Jill Shalvis - Aubrey is another bookstore owner but she's not someone you would look at and automatically think bookish which I kind of liked. Plus I loved how much a source of comfort just being in the same room as books were to her.

10. Brooklyn Wainwright from the Bibliophile Mysteries series by Kate Carlisle - To be honest I can't remember Brooklyn ever actually reading in any of the books I've read but that's mostly because she's generally trying to catch a murderer, getting framed for a murder, or trying to protect herself or a loved one from a murderer.  But she is a book restorer and her talk about the books she works with makes my mouth water.

Who is your favorite bookish character?


  1. I just posted on this on Elizabeth's blog as well and I thought Andrea from The Devil Wears Prada -in the beginning of the book. Have a great week:)

  2. I need to read The Book Scavenger. And Jill Gardner from Tourist Trap- I've seen good reviews of those, so maybe I'll try that cozy series when I finish the one I'm on. Happy Tuesday!

  3. Such lovely book nerds here. I need to reread Houses Of Stone. It's been way too long. And Dana from the Key trilogy. Aurora and Tricia and Brooklyn. Have read at least one book in all those series. I like Annie Darling from Carolyn Hart's mystery series and Mia has a bookstore in Nora Roberts' Three Sister's Trilogy.

  4. Aubrey was on my list, too! I love how much comfort books give to her too! She's one of my favorite Shalvis heroines for sure.

    I really need to check out the movies of the Aurora Teagarden mysteries. I read quite a few of those books and enjoyed them a lot.

  5. When sitting down last week to compile me list, I drew a blank. I think I had three or four names on it when all was said and done. I decided to skip the post and enjoy everyone else's lists instead. I love your list, Katherine! You have quite a few I know by name, but none I have actually read (books, I mean. I've read books by a few of the authors you mention before).

  6. Well as no surprise I've not read any of your picks. :P But I agree, I love reading about a fellow bookworm. Hermione is the first that comes to mind. She's not all though. Had a quick think and there's definitely a bunch of my favourite books that have MC's or characters that love to read. As they should. :)
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  7. Wow. Your list is very different than other lists I have seen. Good job! I really like the cover for THE MOMENT FOR EVERYTHING. Guess I'd better keep my eye out for it. Please check out my list:

    Check out my list:

  8. I love books where the protagonist is into books or even blogging. Awesome picks I've read a few and just added some to my wishlist.

  9. Such a fun topic and I love how many books you've found that fit the bill! Karen from Houses of Stone sounds like me and I am all too familiar with such complaints! Re Key of Knowledge - I'm dying to know what she did!

  10. Oh, you have a lot of books I haven't read that sound really interesting, Katherine! I especially love the cover of The Moment of Everything!

  11. All this talk of bookworms makes me want to pick up all these books I haven't read and perhaps open my own bookstore, haha.

  12. I've read a few of Barbara Michaels books and I always have a lot of fun with them. I've not read Houses of Stone yet, but I'm moving it up to the top of my list of her books that I need to read. (And Karen does sound totally relatable.)

    My TTT

  13. I have not read any of those books you listed but several went on my wishlist. :)

  14. You did great! You came up with ten that I have not even heard of! Good job.

  15. Oh my goodness, I have some homework to do reading synopses on Goodreads. I have not heard of any of these books. I love reading books where the MC has a mutual love of books. The most bookish character who comes to mind for me would be Meggie from the Inkheart trilogy. :)

  16. *headdesk repeatedly* I KNEW I was forgetting somebody - and it was Emily from Book Scavenger. Argh! I loved that little book, how could I forget her?! I should also have remembered Jill from the Tourist Trap mysteries. As for the others, you've given me several to check out, particularly the Barbara Michaels and Carla Neggers books. Plus I keep meaning to read Kate Carlisle and Lorna Barrett; I just haven't gotten around to them yet.

  17. I haven't read any of these, but I love a bookish character so I feel like I should add at least a few to my TBR list.

  18. These are all new books to me! Sounds like some really good choices!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I haven't read any on your list. I need to get on it! Thanks for pointing these out.

  21. Oo I didn't realize there were movies off the Aurura books! I loved those :)

  22. Oh yes, definitely Emily! I haven't read most of the others but I added a couple to my wish list.

  23. That cover of The Moment of Everything is great!
