
Sunday, July 5, 2015

This Week in Reading - July 5

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Good Mourning by Elizabeth Meyer - Socialite turned funeral home employee talks about all the madness she sees in funerals.  I'm thinking it will be fascinating, heartbreaking, and hilarious (NetGalley)

Threads of Evidence by Lea Waite - I loved the first one in this series and can't wait to see what happens with Angie and the Mainely Needlepointers.  Plus this one involves a crumbling Victorian mansion.  I LOVE crumbling Victorian mansions. (NetGalley)

Candy Corn Murder by Leslie Meier - I've been wanting to read this series for awhile and when I got an email with an invite to this title I thought why not.  I have no willpower and this one looked pretty good.  (NetGalley)

The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen - The premise of this one sounds intriguing, I've been wanting to try this author, and I can love all things peach during the summer.  It jumped into my library bag before I could stop it! (Library)


Reading: Batter of Life and Death by Ellie Alexander and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Caroll

Listening: We returned the Yo Gabba Gabba CD to the library so I'm getting a break from Don't Bite Your Friend.  We're now just back to regular old radio!

Watching:  I just started watching White Collar on Netflix and am enjoying it though I'm still in the first season. Not a huge amount of TV right now though J and I are watching the 2nd series of True Detective and wow are those people messed up!

Off the Blog:

Not much has been happening here lately.  The weather turned bad on us so it's been too cold and rainy to swim.  The Tornado and I have spent some days playing Super Mario and Lego Batman on the WiiU.  We're really bad at both but he's enjoying it so who cares!  I'm fighting a serious case of the lazies.  Maybe because of all the rain?

Emma has her move in date for her dorm next month and Paul got his senior pictures taken.  I'm still a little stunned we're at this point.  Eleanor came by for a little while on the 4th and J's brother and sister-in-law were here also.  So it was fun despite the gray and dreary weather.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Summer Book TAG
Tuesday: Top Ten Hyped Books I've Never Read
Wednesday: Caught Read Handed - Cozy Mystery Blog Tour Review
Thursday: Batter of Life and Death - Cozy Mystery Blog Tour Review
Friday: Linkups featuring my current book
Saturday: Good and Cheap - Cookbook Review

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I watched White Collar and liked that it didn't hang around past its use-by date. I think those behind the show would have struggled to keep the storyline going after this latest season. There's only so many times someone can catch bad guys and then almost get released, but then not....

    It looks like you got a few interesting new reads last week, so keen to hear more about them when you've had a chance to get through them!

    1. I'm only in the first season but so far I'm really enjoying it. It's a good show! I'm looking forward to reading these. I'm hoping they all live up to my expectations!

  2. playing video games with your son... Can't think of anything better then that! :) Glad you get to have fun with him :) I used to play Super Mario all night :) Emma must be so excited :)

    1. I'm so so so bad at Super Mario but so is he so it's okay. We are having so much fun though!

  3. Candy Corn Murder- that sounds fun. We play quite a bit of Sports Resort for the WiiU- we fly the plane all over that island and all the mini- games are fun. Plus I just want to go there. :)

    I'll watch for your review of Caught Read Handed, as I'm thinking of picking that one up. I see there's a first book, but I might just start with that one- if it's good. I like the premise.

    Happy 4th, have a super week!

    1. I don't think you'd have any problem jumping in with Caught Read Handed. I'm really enjoying it! I'll have to look for Sporys Resort. That sounds fun!

  4. Good mourning sounds interesting and something that could be funny as well as informative. Emma

    1. I'm really looking forward to Good Mourning! It sounds weird and interesting!

  5. I am not sure about Good Mourning! Sounds intriguing though. I have had Peach Keepers on my TBR shelf for such a long time which is so bad! I should just read what I have and stop looking for more!

    1. I have so many books that I really want to read but have been sitting on my shelf for years! Ine day right?

  6. I used to watch White Collar when it was on TV here, and really enjoyed it.

    Happy reading!

    1. I'm really enjoying White Collar. I just started in with the 2nd season.

  7. Love Super Mario, remember playing it to death on my Gameboy and Super NES years and years ago!

    Have a great week!

    Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings

    1. I'm making up for a lack of childhood Super Mario now. It's so much fun!

  8. Oh my! Good Mourning, indeed! What a fascinating premise!

    Here's my Sunday Post! Stop by and throw your name in the hat to win a finished hardback of Eight Hundred Grapes and a coffee mug!

    1. Isn't it! I'm so looking forward to actually reading it. Eight Hundred Grapes looks like a great read. It's high up on my TBR

  9. I enjoyed The Peach Keeper....and now I must check out White Collar. Having finished several lengthy shows on Netflix, I am scouting around for new ones. At the moment, I am watching a show I followed on TV, Private Practice.

    Enjoy your week...and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I'm liking White Collar. It's interesting crime and good characters with just a touch of humor.

  10. I've been wanting to try Sarah Addison Allen too. I like a little bit of magical realism in my life.
    I'll be looking forward to your review of Good Mourning.
    I love the Lego games. They're the most fun. Harry Potter, of course, being my favourite. :)
    Hope the weather picks up. We're finally over 30 with humidity today. Although I hate it being humid, at least it actually is summer when it's here.

    1. I'm looking forward to reading Allen. I've heard good things about her books though I'm a little concerned that while I like a little magic in theory I might not like it in practice. The Harry Potter game is one I really want. I'm planning on getting it as soon as I finish Batman.

  11. I've had my eye on the Meier series for sometime but haven't picked it up yet. It looks pretty cute, but I just started the Hannnah Swensen mystery series so I'll see ho that goes before I start another one.

    I adore the Lego games, I haven't played the newest ones though.

    1. I've read one of the Hannah Swenson books but I really liked it and have been wanting to read more. I have high hopes for the Meier series. It looks fun!

  12. I now want to read Threads of Evidence after both you and Lark recommended this title.

    I did read the first three or four Leslie Meier books. It's a long-running series based on holiday times, so that makes it a fun read. She works for LL Bean, a place I used to love shopping in or wandering in-- great quality clothes there-- so that's a plus too. However if I read too many holiday-themed books in a row I'd burn out. Maybe I'll try to remember where I left off and pick it up again for a once in a while treat.

    1. I think you'd like Threads of Evidence. It's definitely a cozy but it's got more of an edge than some of the others. I'm with you on burnout with themed books. I read a bunch of Christmas-y romances last year and I had to take a serious break!

  13. I ran and requested Good Mourning, on Netgalley, and came back. Lol. I loved the HBO series Six Feet Under and there was a reality show about a family who ran a funeral home a few years back that I loved, so this book sounds like something I will enjoy. I will be visting your last week's TTT after I am done commenting here. Yo Gabba Gabba rules! It came out after my son was too old for it, but I got to watch it for a bit when I babysat my youngest nephew. Do your older children read for enjoyment during the summer? I have been trying to get my son to read during the summer, but since he has been in college I don't think he has read anything that wasn't a class requirement. Have a fab week. :)

    1. Yo Gabba Gabba is strangely hypnotic. I find myself staring at it by myself. Two of the 4 read for pleasure and it's so fun to talk books with them!

  14. LOL that's awesome yall are having fun with it even though you aren't that great. That'd totally be me ;) Hope the weather starts behaving for yall. It's been back and forth here. Either way too hot or downpours.

    1. I'm so bad at it. I've played some with my husband and I feel bad for him because I am zero help! I think - I hope - that the weather is straightened out. I want to go swimming!

  15. Nice haul! I also love Super Mario & all Wii U games! :) And I'm also currently reading Lewis Caroll, loving revisiting the weird and wonderful world of Wonderland!

    Thanks for visiting & enjoy all your new books :)

    1. It is definitely weird and wonderful! I do wish I had read Alice as a kid. I think I would've gotten even more out of it.

  16. Yes, that is a big milestone. Grow kids, tell me what that is like...
    Great haul! Good Morning and Through the Looking Glass sound really good. Have a great week!

    1. Grown kids are an interesting challenge. The balancing act between letting then make their own mistakes and protecting them gets so much harder. I'm really excited about Good Mourning. It definitely looks unique!

  17. Candy Corn Murder sounds like a fun title for the a book. I hope it's a good one! Instead of cold, we actually have really warm weather. I'll try to send some your way, it can definitely cool down a bit here in my opinion. I hope you have a great week!

    1. It's warming up a little so I much appreciate the sending! I do not like a grey and gloomy summer!

  18. You have just reminded me that I need to get Threads of Evidence as I have read the first one and it was decent. Right now I am watching Zoo the TV show based on James Patterson's book..only had one episode on so far but it's okay.

    1. I'm curious about The Zoo. I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on the next one.

  19. I have heard this season of True Detective is a little crazy. I still need to watch season 1 but I have been meaning to get to it!! Have a great week!

    1. The seasons aren't actually connected other than they're both police investigations with heavy doses of corruption and seriously messed up people. It's an interesting premise.

  20. We're watching a couple of new shows on the syfy channel that seem pretty good so far. Sorry you've had cool and rainy weather. Too bad when you have the Tornado wanting to swim. I think I have the first book in the Mainely Needlepointers series. I'll have to push it higher on my list. Have a good week, Katherine.

    1. It's getting a little warmer finally. I was missing outside stuff! I really like the Mainely Needlepoint series. Hope you enjoy it too!

  21. I got the invite for Candy Corn Murder also and like you I had no willpower. :D I'm about to start A Batter of Life and Death. *waves* Hi twin! :D The Good Mourning book looks interesting; a former co-worker grew up in a funeral home and she had such stories to tell.

    Have a great week and I hope the weather improves!

    1. Hey twin! I'm enjoying it so far. Look forward to your review! I had an aunt who worked at a cemetery and she definitely had some hair raisers! I think weddings and funerals bring out the worst in people.

  22. It looks like you had a successful week! :D I haven't read any of the new books you got, but I hope you really enjoy all of them!!

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

    1. It was a pretty good week though I'm not sure about productive. Right now I feel mostly like I'm just treading water!

  23. I used to love watching White Collar. It's a good show.

    I got Candy Corn too. This is a series that I read the first several and loved. I've been wanting to get back to reading this.

    Have a great week!

    1. I'm really enjoying White Collar. I just started season 2 and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes. I haven't read any of the Meier series but it looks really fun!

  24. Good Mourning does look like a lot of fun - enjoy!

    1. I'm really looking forward to Good Mourning! It definitely looks unique.

  25. Hi Katherine,
    Everyone needs a lazy week every now and then, I hope you enjoyed it :D Sometimes just chilling out with he family and playing games can be a lot of fun! Thank you for visiting my blog :D I hope the weather picks up for you!
    Have a great week,
    Amy x

    1. The weather does seem to be getting better and I'm hoping it stays that way!

  26. Congrats on your older children's rites of passages of senior pics to moving into the dorm. Wowza!

    1. It's impossible to believe we are already at this stage. They still seem like children!

  27. I haven't heard of any of your new books, Katherine, but they definitely look good! Especially Good Mourning sounds like it's different in a good way.
    Have a fantastic week and happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. I'm very intrigued by Good Mourning. I'm hoping it lives up to my expectations!

  28. Oooh, that Good Mourning sounds like it will be very interesting, plus, great title!
    Check out my STS

  29. You mean you don't like listening to Yo Gabba Gabba all day ;)

    Your off the blog days sound a lot like mine did last week! We played Wii too, Super Mario Galaxy, Lego Batman and Lego Star Wars. My little man is still doesn't quite understand how to work the controls so it's more that I played and he watched!

    Hopefully the sun will show up more this week. Hope you have a great one!

    1. Yo Gabba Gabba is weirdly hypnotic though no not my first choice :)
      We got Super Mario Galaxy too and that one looks fun. Mine can play but he's awful. The somewhat embarrassing thing is that I'm not any better!

  30. Yay Threads of Evidence! I'm looking forward to reading it. I'm glad you got a break from the heat, but sorry you've been rained in, as it were. And I'm having a similar problem facing up to the maturing of my own daughter - she'll be 21 next month. How is that even possible?

  31. Sarah Addison Allen is an author I've been wanting to try as well. I'll look forward to reading your thoughts on her book! I hope your weather turns more summer like again! We've had comfortable temperatures so far this week and I'm hoping it'll last awhile.

  32. I suck at these new fangled video games. Which is so sad because I rocked Asteroids in my day. lol But when I play Diablo III with the kids we have fun and they don't make fun of me (too much) when I screw up. Having fun together is what counts. :)

    I'm doing a happy dance that NCIS is now available on Netflix. I've been waiting *forever* for that show! I think I'll add the two you mentioned to my list so I can check them out.

  33. Ooo, The Peach Keeper is wonderful. I hope you enjoy it! Good Mourning caught my eye -- I'm sure funeral home employees have a lot of interesting stories to tell.

  34. It is amazing how quickly they grow. It seems like just yesterday I was taking my first to school. Now I have an adult, a college junior (she's half done already!) and a sixth grader!
