
Sunday, July 26, 2015

This Week in Reading - July 26

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Only 2 books this week and one is for a blog tour that I signed up for a month or 2 ago so it doesn't count.

Pretending to Dance by Diane Chamberlain - Seriously how could I pass this up?  I've been wanting to try a book by Chamberlain for ages and this one was to much to resist.  (NetGalley)

A Gilded Grave by Shelley Freydont - Another author I've been wanting to try and I'm really looking forward to reading this mystery set in Newport in 1895!  (Blog Tour)


Reading: The Naked Eye by Iris and Roy Johansen and The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George

Listening: Nothing yet.  I'm thinking I'm going to start slow once school starts back and I start listening again.  Maybe a David Sedaris or something else on the humorous side.

Watching:  We're still watching Tiny House Hunters and I've started composing letters to the house hunters in my head while watching.  Most go like this:

Dear Tiny House Hunter,
You cannot have a king size bed, a bathtub, full sized appliances and lots of storage space in 200 square feet.  You do not want a tiny house, you want a TARDIS.

Other than that not a huge amount.  Emma and I have been watching The Bachelorette in all it's train-wreckness and then I've been watching Next Food Network Star.  I actually like most of the people participating this time (Food Network Star not Bachelorette) which is kind of nice.

Off the Blog:

This is actually Paul's last week of summer!  His school starts back next Monday.  The Tornado has an extra week but he starts back in 2 weeks.  It's hard to believe summer is already over.  I'm looking forward to being able to get more things done but I will miss this.  We/ve had a great time this summer.

We did a little swimming this week and went to the Space and Rocket Center twice.  I had the opportunity to be there when Bobby and Jamie Deen were there back in April filming their Food Network show Southern Fried Road Trip.  They were very nice and incredibly professional but mostly it was just fun to watch the behind the scenes shooting and even more fun to see the finished product when it aired on this past Monday.

Also, this week I got back into cooking a little and made these BBQ Chicken Burgers.  I love anything burger related and I'm also pretty fond of barbecue so the 2 together is hard to pass up.  The burgers were good but the sauce was a standout.  I always taste a little bit of the sauce before I put it on food and I could have literally eaten this one with a spoon.  I accidentally added an extra tablespoon of brown sugar but it really worked so I think I'd do that again.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Mini Reviews: London From My Windows and Mandy's Father
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Characters Who are Fellow Book Nerds
Wednesday: Storm Rising - Contemporary Romance Blog Tour Review
Thursday: TBD
Friday: Linkups with current book
Saturday: Something foodie.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Am glad you've had a nice summer and time with the family but can understand what you mean by saying you'll get more done without people around.

    I love the look of that Diane Chamberlain book. I've wanted to read her work for a while, but it's got a great cover as well!

    1. I'm definitely way more productive on my own but I will miss everyone! I'm really excited about the Diane Chamberlain book! And yeah that cover gorgoues!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's funny about House Hunters- how are those people thinking they're going to fit everything in there? And yes I think they're going to need more room in side. :)

    Haven't seen Southern Fried Road Trip but it sounds fun. And will definitely be trying that BBQ chicken recipe- I love barbecue sauce and from the ingredients, I'm sure I'll like it. :) Not mention the onion rings in that picture made mehungry.

    Hope you enjoy Paris Bookshop, it does sound good from what I've heard

    1. I love onion rings too! Definitely recommend the BBQ sauce and do look for the show. It's lots of fun!
      The tiny house stuff is definitely keeping me entertained. I could actually see having one of the bigger ones -like 600 square feet - as a vacation house if we had some property but never as a primary residence. Where would I put my books??

  4. I've requested the Diane Chamberlain book but haven't heard if I have it or not yet. While no answer there is hope! I did enjoy The Little Paris Bookshop though. Enjoy your reading.

    1. Fingers crossed both that you get it and that it's good! I'm excited to try it. I'm really looking forward to really getting into The Little Paris Bookshop. So far do good!

  5. That is a gorgeous cover on the Chamberlain book. Those tiny house people are so funny. I like the idea in concept (less to clean), but I also know I like my own space. In that little house, it would all have to be my 'own' space and then where would be husband be - in his own tiny house, I guess. LOL

    1. Yeah there's no way I could do a tiny house as a primary space. I like my stuff and my space too much. I think one of the bigger ones would work as a good weekend house though.

  6. The Little Paris Bookshop is lovely and I'm going to check out your Hitch-hikers review, I love that books!

    Heather | Random Redheaded Ramblings

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed The Paris Bookshop. I'm enjoying it but I'm not very far into it. I loved Hitchhiker's Guide and can't wait to read the rest in the series!

  7. I can get so much done on my own. But I would rather have hubs at home!

    1. My husband actually isn't the problem it's the little one! Actually I have a feeling my husband feels like he gets more done when I'm not around!

  8. I can't wait to read Pretending to Dance, but don't have it yet. I requested it after seeing that you have it. Now...fingers crossed.

    Enjoy your reading, listening, and life are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Fingers crossed that you get it soon! I'm really excited about this one and trying Chamberlain's books.

  9. I love Diane Chamberlain- can't wait to hear your thoughts. Have a good week!

    1. I'm really excited about that one. I've been wanting to try her books for ages!

  10. Pretending to Dance looks good. I haven't heard of the author but that doesn't mean much, I forget everyone's name. The Naked Eye is one I have heard of somewhere. I can't think of where i saw it. I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer. Happy reading!

    1. So far I'm enjoying The Naked Eye though it's seriously twisted. I hadn't heard of Diane Chamberlain until recently and then it was like everyone but me had been reading her for years. Weird how that works!

  11. I've also wanted to read Diane Chamberlain for a while. I've bought a couple of her books from the Kindle Daily Deals but haven't got round to them yet. Now, I'm tempted to break my NetGalley ban even further! I love the cover too. Enjoy! :)

    1. Oh those Daily Deals kill me! I had to institute a ban on those because it was getting crazy. Now to put a NetGalley ban in place! I will get caught up! I will!

  12. Haven't read any of Diane Chamberlain, but will look out for this one.

    1. I haven't either but several people I really trust have and love her. Can't wait!

  13. It's been years since I read a Diane Chamberlain book, but that one looks good.

    BBQ Chicken burgers sound delicious. Enjoy!

    Have a great week!

    1. They were so good! I'll definitely be making them again. I haven't read any Chamberlain but I'm really looking forward to this one!

  14. Yes, summer is winding down here, too. Three more weeks, and two of those I'll be off in Wyoming. There's something odd about how much life speeds up as you get older.

    1. The days are long and the years are short but nowadays the days don't seem particularly long!

  15. That burger looked pretty I liked your letter to the Tiny House cracks me up. I don't know why people think they can get a tiny house and still have everything. :) (Though I wouldn't mind a TARDIS. ;)

    Have a great day!
    Week in Review

    1. The tiny house peoe are nuts for the most part. They want a tiny house but not actually tiny space. It's very entertaining!

  16. I'm looking forward to the Diane Chamberlain book, but will be waiting until its release to buy my copy. She lives in my area and always has a book release event at my Indie bookstore on release day. I'm excited to hear what everyone thinks about this one.

    1. Oh that's awesome about the release day! If definitely be waiting for that too.

  17. Oh you got the new Diane Chamberlain! Looks so good can't wait to hear what you think. I have only read two from her but I really liked both. ANd I am so hooked on Foodnetwork Star this year. I agree I actually like the people a lot this year - Have a wonderful week!

    1. I'm really excited about the Diane Chamberlain. I always enjoy Food Network Star but this year is really good!

  18. Snort, I want a TARDIS too. You should send that letter to the show. :) I can't believe your kids are going back to school already, eeep. I hope it goes smoothly for them.

    I think I have a Chamberlain book in the TBR Pile of Doom. Her books do look good, enjoy!

    1. The tiny house people kill me! Every 5 th one or so you get someone who is complaining about not enough space to entertain. You're buying a house roughly the same size as my closest! What do you expect?!
      We get out pretty early and then have a lot of breaks but it still seems crazy early!
      Oh the pile of doom. Mind just whimpers now as I toss more and more books on it!

  19. Love this: "You do not want a tiny house, you want a TARDIS." Yes!

  20. Oh wow! That seems so early to be back to school. Man how the weeks flew by!

  21. You're the 2nd person within a couple days to mention David Sedaris. I read one of his books about 10 years ago and love it, but then I forgot all about him. So I'm thinking about reading a book of his soon too. Mmm I love all things burgers too. :D Have a great week.

  22. Thanks for reminding me about the new Diane Chamberlain, I love her writing. I hightailed it over to Netgalley to request it so fingers crossed. I love family time and obviously wouldn't miss it for the world but I get so much more done on my blog when the kids and granddaughter aren't here lol. Have a wonderful week :)

  23. Time goes by so fast! It is almost August.
    Have a great week!

  24. It looks like you've had a great week :D I can't believe the Summer's almost over too, the weather has turned pretty bad here in Yorkshire, UK. It's really nice that you managed to see some filming!
    Have a great week,
    Amy x

  25. I love your letter to the Tiny House couple. (And I want a TARDIS too. And maybe the 9th doctor. Or the 10th. No, not that way - I'm happily married. Just to travel with.)

    It's really hard to take in how fast the summer has flown. Only a week until Robin and I leave to visit my parents (and her vision therapist.) Then we head out to move her in before college starts. Yikes.

  26. I haven't watched the Tiny House series though I watch other home shows. I figured Tiny House would depress me since I know I have way too much stuff...haha. I love your letter, Katherine! Summer is going by so quickly. Hard to believe school is already starting for some kids. Since I don't have kids in school anymore I'm deciding summer isn't over until at least Labor Day. Enjoy your week!

  27. A Gilded Grave looks like it will be good!

    I haven't seen Tiny House Hunters yet--heck, I haven't watched House Hunters in awhile. I used to love that show. The international episodes were always fun because the Americans always wanted to try to cram big furniture into little spaces--much like your letter to Tiny House Hunter buyers. LOL

    I remember when school didn't start up again until September, the day after Labor Day. A friend of mine who is a teacher was complaining about having to start working in her classroom again this next week. She's enjoyed having some time off--and while she loves the students, she doesn't like the lack of supplies, including learning materials, they encounter each year.

    I hope you have a great week! Swimming lessons start back up for Mouse this week so it means very long days for the next four weeks.

  28. School already starting next week? Holy smacks! That's really early, compared to Texas schools.

  29. Haha Tiny House Hunter! Omg, school starts back for us on 8/25. Not long now! lol I guess I need to get school supplies soon. *groan* I hope you have a fantastic week!

  30. I am looking forward to seeing everyone's Top Ten Tuesday this week. Yeeeaaahhhh... the tiny house thing, I don't even think I could live in one by myself, I like to entertain too much. I think they would make great vacation cottages when you would be spending most of your time out of doors. My son keeps joking that he is going to build one in the backyard for me when he has a house, but I told him if he thinks I am going to daycare his children in it, he is crazy! Have a wonderful week. :)

  31. Small haul, woohoo! :)
    Those BBQ burgers look and sound amazing! Had my mouth watering that's for sure. Mmmmm....It's not even lunch time.
    Do you watch Orphan Black? I binged the first season and was instantly hooked. I feel like if you don't watch it already it would be a show you'd love.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  32. So happy I won your recent giveaway, thank you! And that Diane Chamberlain book looks AWESOME, I'm such a fan of hers. Going to see if it is still available and chance my luck with a request!

  33. Glad to here you've had a great summer! I would love a BBQ burger! It's been so hot that we've basically avoided grilling this year.

  34. I LOOOOVE the cover of Pretending to Dance! GORGEOUS. Also, the letters to the Tiny House Hunters people is fabulous. Seriously, WHY people!? And then they get all bent out of shape over like, paint color. There should be a drinking game or something ;) Hope you enjoy the books and have a fabulous week :)

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  35. LOL your letter to the Tiny House Hunters is priceless! And I think we could all use a TARDIS! I wish I had one that I could make big or small (small to leave in my pocket, but still have everything I could want inside, you know?)

    Your new books look great this week, Katherine! Enjoy those last days of summer vacation with the kids, and happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
