
Sunday, July 19, 2015

This Week in Reading - July 19th

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Operation Slow Down Book Acquisition had another hard week but I'm getting back on track! I have no pending book requests, my paperbackswap account is on vacation mode, and I'm only expecting a couple of blog tour books.

Keeper's Reach by Carla Neggers -This is an author I can't resist and I'm looking forward to trying one that's a little more suspense than just a straight up romance. (NetGalley)

Starlight on Willow Lake by Susan Wiggs - Susan Wiggs makes me happy.  I keep hoping there will be another book in the Apple Orchard series but this will keep me entertained until then. (NetGalley)

Let Me Tell You by Shirley Jackson - I'm so excited about this one!  This is a new collection of Jackson's work edited by her children.   (NetGalley)

The Year Without a Purchase: One Family's Quest to Stop Shopping and Start Connecting by Scott Dannemiller - Now that we'll have two in college I'm fascinated with the idea of trying to save money.  Plus I'm in a phase where I feel like I'm buying stuff all the time.  This is a little more religious than I usually prefer but the concepts are intriguing. (NetGalley)

Baker's Blue by Judith Ryan Hendricks - I got this one for an upcoming Blog Tour and I'm really exciting.  I love a good foodie book and from the few pages I've read I love the feel of this one!


Reading:  The Other Daughter by Lauren Willing and finishing up Black Rose by Nora Roberts

Listening: Still nothing but I've been haunting my library's digital site to pick out what I want to listen to next!

Watching: Tiny House Hunters is still entertaining me.  J and I watched one the other day where the couple wanted a hallway and weren't willing to give up their king sized bed.  What they really wanted was a TARDIS - small footprint but bigger on the inside.  I've also got a couple of Island Hunters because I want to know how one shops for an island.  If you can't tell I'm in an HGTV phase!

Off the Blog:

I've been feeling like I'm on the verge of coming down with something all week.  Nothing really wrong but a scratchy throat and a headache I can't quite get rid of.  The Tornado has been really whiny this week so I'm wondering if maybe he feels the same way and we've both picked up some bug our systems are fighting off.  Neither of us are sick very often and I must say I'm not loving this!

I'm trying to get ready for the coming school year.  The Tornado will be starting kindergarten though he'll be staying in private school which has a much shorter day.  It also doesn't require to many supplies so I don't have to join the school supply hunt madness.  Paul will starting his senior year but only has to go half days.  So really all we have to do is get Emma's stuff together and then to her dorm room.  It's hard to believe we are less than a month away from that!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Killing Secrets - Mystery Blog Tour Review + Giveaway
Tuesday: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Review
Wednesday: The Art of Sinning - Historical Romance Review
Thursday: TBD
Friday: Linkups with Excerpts from Current Book
Saturday: Something foodie

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I can't believe school supplies are out already. That always irritates me LOL. Haven't seen Island Hunters but sounds fun. Used to like to watch the House Hunters international (not sure what it was called) where they would be looking for places in the Caribbean or wherever.

    Looking forward to Hitchhiker's Guide!

    1. We actually start school on the 4th so as scary as it is it's not to premature! I'm just recording Island Hunters but I'm really hoping to watch it soon. I really enjoyed Hitchhiker's Guide! Hope you read it soon!

  2. I hope you don't get sick... hang in there! I like your concerted effort not to acquire new books. I've been doing something similar.

    I've never read any Shirley Jackson but read a book called Shirley last year which was a mix of fact and fiction and way better than I expected it to be.

    1. I've really enjoyed the Shirley Jackson that I've read and really am looking forward to reading more! I'm definitely going to be hitting the vitamin C or whatever else I need to do. Getting sick is not an option!

  3. I am with you on Susan Wiggs, her books make me happy too and especially her Apple Orchard series. Enjoy your reading for the coming week.

    1. Thanks! Susan Wiggs is definitely an author I look forward too. Is love to read more about the famy at the orchard so I'm hoping The Beekeeper's Ball isn't the last one.

  4. I hope you don't get sick. Perhaps it is pollen. Feel better!

    1. Pollen is definitely a possibility. My allergies definitely drive me crazy.

  5. We've watched a bit those tiny house shows. They are kind of fascinating for me. I think my husband is way too tall and big to live in one of those - well, me too, but he has the tall thing going. I have noticed that a several we've seen are in the Austin area. Somehow, I'm not surprised. Austin is a really eclectic town - usually on the cutting edge of whatever is trendy. Take care of yourself. Hate it when I feel like I'm on the verge of getting something. Sometimes I wish I'd just go ahead and either get sick or get over the niggling almost symptoms. LOL

    1. Oh I know. I might be able to make a tiny house work for me but there's no way my husband could! I'm the same way about sickness though I tend to change my mind when I actually really sick!

  6. Fingers crossed you don't get sick. Never seen Tiny House Hunters on the tv here in Scotland but it sounds great, will need to track it down!

    Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings

    1. I'm definitely trying to avoid getting sick. I can't stand it! I love Tiny House though I don't really know why. Zero desire to live in one but it's so fun to see inside them!

  7. I just told my daughter we need to start getting her supplies because I WILL NOT go the first day of school. That is a nightmare :)

    I love those home type shows. I use to watch While You Were Out! It was my favorite and always wanted someone to do that to me when I went away :) lol

    My son got a big of a cold this week, a awful croup like cough and it just sort of appeared. Summer colds are the worst.

    Good Luck with the slowing down of book getting, I have tried and failed so many times lol.

    Have a great week Katherine! Feel better <3 ox

    1. I go through phases on the HGTV shows but I love them! They're such fun!
      We are coming up on school starting fast so I need to get on the shopping even though it's thankfully not too much. I'm always so much happier the few times i manage to get my act together and do my shopping ahead of time!

  8. Several bloggers have been talking about their kids getting ready to go back to school. It's only July! That's too soon. But my school is open year round so I don't get that back to school madness.

    Have you read the previous books in the Neggers series? If not, you might be confused. Maybe read some reviews of the earlier books.

    I hope you and the Tornado aren't getting sick, fingers crossed!

    1. We actually go back the 4th but we get out early and get some breaks in between so it all works out!
      I was afraid of that with Keeper's Reach since I had that problem with another series of hers. I have the first book and one right before this so I'm hoping it works out.

  9. I enjoy Susan Wiggs....and must try Carla Neggers. I keep seeing her books many interesting authors to try. Shirley Jackson is another one.

    Enjoy your week....and thanks for visiting my blog.

  10. Why are shows on tiny houses so fascinating? I love them too. The other day, I even found myself watching a show on sheds!

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one! I'd totally watch a show on sheds. It sounds interesting!

  11. Love your mood-books this week! To me anyway, it seemed you were in the mood for these types of reads. I want to read more Carla Neggers. I used to read some of her romantic suspenses years ago. Reminds me of Mariah Stewart, when I read her Rom. Suspense stories.

    Also, Susan Wiggs is a nice relaxing choice. The Baker's Blues, nice one! I'm scribbling down every single title you have this week-- I feel in sync with you at the moment, lol.

    Good luck with back to school shopping and prepping. When I had three young kids in school with their lists of needs, and this was public school mind you, the cost was crazy, and that didn't include clothes. My granddaughter's (public) school gives out a list of things that seem like they are hoping some parents will pick up the slack for kids whose parents don't send in supplies. I feel badly for those who are in need, but my son-in-law is currently the parent at home and only my daughter works, so she can't send in things like (I'm paraphrasing here, but it's similar to this) 6 glue sticks, 3 packs of markers, 3 boxes of tissues, a package of computer paper etc etc. for 3 kids. Then the teacher puts all the supplies in a common pool-- it isn't reserved for the child who sent it in.

    Good luck with the slowing down on getting books. I was stressed when I started doing that, but then it turned out to be okay, as I always have more than enough to choose from :)

    1. I'm definitely doing some mood reading! I'm drawn to nice and light with a bit of edge right now. I read about 20 pages of Baker's Blue and really loved it! Hope you find some you enjoy. I love Mariah Stewart's romantic suspense! Her contemp is good but I don't feel like it's as good.
      Oh I'm not looking forward to the big supply lists! I don't miss having to track down random and oddly specific things for 3 kids! And yeah the cost was just shocking.
      You inspired me to slow down. I'm definitely feeling like I'm drowning in books. I'm hoping this week will be slower!

  12. I haven't ever seen tiny houses, sounds like an interesting show. Maybe Netfix has it. Great selection of books, you always give me ideas. Whoa, your baby will be in kindergarten...times flies!

    1. I love the tiny house shows! I don't know why but they fascinate me. Im trying not to panic with all the milestones we are coming up on. Half tears half pride!

  13. The shopping and preparation involved for that first year of college is just mind-boggling. Glad the rest of them won't be quite as difficult. Sure hope you don't get sick!

    1. Oh I know! I thought it would be easier since we'd already sent one off but different school = different issues. I may be ready to curl up and sleep through the month when we get to September!

  14. Oh no! I hope you don't get sick! Take some vitamin C and take a break! And Shirley Jackson's stories are SO good! I really need to check that out on Netgalley! I really loved House Hunters too until I found out it was all rigged, which was really disappointing and I haven't watched it since. :( Oh well! I hope you have a great week!

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

    1. The House Hunters thing was definitely disappointing. This is probably rigged to but I enjoy getting to look inside the tiny houses so it makes it ok. I'm so looking forward to the Shirley Jackson book! I love her stories so I'm really intrigued by this one.

  15. I used to love Carla Neggers and Susan Wiggs books, but it's been a long time since I've read them.

    Hope you have a great week and feel better!

    1. I'm fairly new to both so I have SO many books to catch up on. One day!

  16. Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate. Don't remind me of back-to-school! I'm not ready to be off vacation. A parent's dream is a teacher's nightmare. LMAO! I hope you feel better!

    1. Oh I can imagine! When my older kids were a in school I used to sub so I got a little bit of a peek. If I was a teacher I'd want to run screaming as soon as I saw a Back to School sign!

  17. Oh I hope you don't get sick!! I just saw all the school supplies out in Target!! My little one is only in preschool so we don't need much but it was quite overwhelming to just look at!

  18. Keeper's Reach sounds good, hope you enjoy it and the rest of your books. Have a great week!

  19. Hi Katherine,
    Sounds like your weeks been a but stressful :( I'm never sick much either but when it rains it pours, you know? Sounds like you do. I hope it goes away quickly for you both :)
    I've been thinking of reading the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy so it'll be good to read your review :D
    Have a great week,
    Amy x

  20. This is the second new book by Carla I've come across today. I'm being remiss with some of my favorite authors:)

    Here's my Sunday Post -

  21. You know, I kind of miss shopping for school supplies...

    It does sound to me like you and the Tornado have a little bug. I hope you both feel better soon.

    I see you've got Starlight on Willow Lake too! And I just bought the first book in Neggers's Sharpe & Donovan series, because I want to try it. I'm looking forward to your Hitchhiker's Guide and Art of Sinning reviews. The latter is sitting on my nightstand waiting for me to finish my current book.

    Have a wonderful week, feel better, and happy reading!

  22. How exciting to have a child going off to college! I cannot wait for that. I am currently living with 4 demon spawn and today they are on my last nerve. I hope you and the little guy are feeling better soon. I gotta go check out your review for Good and Cheap, that sounds like a book I need.

  23. Your last post made me go to Netgalley and request a couple of books. You're so bad for me. I hope you aren't getting sick. Both my husband and I were sick going into our vacation and it kind of put a damper on things at first. We still went and had a good time.

    I hope you have a great week!

  24. I'm laughing but only because I do the exact same thing! I collected all the books by this one author then read one and discovered I hated them. Whoops! We go back on the 4th believe it or not! So shopping must be done though I'm not looking forward to it. At least it's only for 1 kid this time around.

  25. Hope your not coming down with something and it goes away. Not heard of any of the authors so I had to go check out some of their books..hope you enjoy your new reads. :)

  26. Oh nooo, I know how it feels to be coming down with something for a long time! Sometimes you just want it over and done with. Hope you enjoy your books!

  27. Kick up the oranges and lemons and keep your fingers crossed! Have a great reading week!

  28. I hope you start feeling better and whatever it is passes! I'm a public school teacher and this year we worked really hard to par down our supply list, but this was also the first year the grade levels got to actually make the supply lists, so our students will actually be bringing the supplies we need them to have to use throughout the year. I agree - it can be a total madhouse getting ready for the school year!

  29. Oh no I hope you guys feel better soon.
    My baby started kindergarten this year and the long days do take their toll on the little ones. Hope he settles in ok once he starts. Have a great week.

  30. School supplies!?!?! NOOOOO. Say it isn't so! It scares me, my oldest is 4, and I cannot even THINK about school. How does it go so fast?

    I hope you all are feeling better soon, and that whatever it is just goes away! No one wants to be sick in the summer :( Anyway, hope you enjoy your books, and have a fabulous week!

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  31. I have both Neggers and Wiggins on my NG shelf too. I've yet to read from either of them, so hopefully this is the start to another author love affair.
    That sucks about not feeling well. It's been a week now since you posted this so hopefully you didn't pick up anything. Either of you.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life
