
Sunday, July 12, 2015

This Week in Reading - 7/12

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

So things went horribly wrong on the whole Operation Slow Down Book Acquiring.  There were just too many books I couldn't pass up!

Evergreen Springs by RaeAnne Thayne - I loved the first book in the Haven Point series and am about halfway done with the 2nd book which I'm also enjoying.  I've just met Devin and can't wait to see her in her own book! (NetGalley)

A Knights Bridge Christmas by Carla Neggars - There's something about this series that I never can resist.  Plus this one features a librarian!  (NetGalley)

Brooklyn Secrets by Triss Stein - I read the previous book in this series last year and enjoyed it.  I love the combination of history and mystery.  (NetGalley)

The Hidden by Heather Graham - Graham is my Kryponite plus this one involves a 100 + year old murder, plus a modern day murder and a museum/bed and breakfast.  (NetGalley)

Killing Secrets by Dianne Emley - This is a little bit more of a thriller and is for an upcoming blog tour.  I'm intrigued!  (Publisher)

Mrs. Roosevelt's Confidante by Susan Elia Macneal - Did you see the cover?  How can I resist that?  Especially when there's a 1940s setting and espionage!  (NetGalley)

Come Hell or Highball by Maia Chance - Prohibition setting and a murder!  I'm definitely in love with the 1920s setting and really looking forward to this one!  (Publisher)


Reading: Redemption Bay by RaeAnn Thayne and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.  After I finish Redemption Bay I'm planning on starting The Silenced by Heather Graham

Listening:  Still nothing but I'm starting to pick what audio I'm going to download as soon as school starts back.

Watching:  Tiny House Hunters on HGTV.  I have zero interest in living in a tiny house but it's definitely interesting seeing inside them!  I'm still watching and enjoying White Collar on Netflix.  I just finished Season 2.

Off the Blog:

Emma's been house sitting so I've been getting a little taste of what it's like to live with a bunch of boys on my own.  It's a little terrifying!  

We will be taking a break from swimming this week and hanging out at home more.  We've only got about a month left of summer so I think we're going to do some projects and some low key stuff.  I want to try to get some more reading done and I actually picked up a chapter style book to try to read to the Tornado.  We've been reading longer nonfiction books at bedtime but this is the first fiction book.  The story involves superheroes and great amounts of silliness so I think it will appeal to him.  

My garden is doing pretty well.  It looks like I might have a ton of yellow squash that's about ready as well as a lot of tomatoes and a few cucumbers.  I had a bacon tomato sandwich the other day for lunch and it was heavenly!  It also looks like I might have buckets of butternut squash at some point.  I'm the only one who likes butternut squash here but I love it so I'm hoping it freezes well!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Quirky Essays for Quirky People - Humor Book Review + Fantastic Giveaway!
Tuesday: Top Ten Last Books I've Acquired 
Wednesday: Redemption Bay - Contemporary Romance Review
Thursday: The Silenced - Paranormal Romantic Suspense Review
Friday: Linkups featuring current book
Saturday: Good and Cheap - Cookbook Review

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Those MacNeal covers are all striking- and this one in particular! They always catch my eye when I see them in the bookstore. And yes to the 40's setting- I like that timeframe too. Haven't seen Tiny House Hunters, but that sounds fun. :)

    Love bacon tomato sandwiches- makes me hungry just thinking about it! Happy reading, and have a great week.

    1. Tiny Houses is fascinating. Zero desire to live in one but I love seeing how the space is used. Those covers slay me! I can't resist them.

  2. A lot of new books there of interest so I'm keen to see what they're like.

    And don't go reminding me you have one month of summer left cos it's winter here in Australia and it means we only have a month of that left and then it will get hot (too hot!!!) again! Argh!

    1. I'm really excited about this one. If it makes you feel better we have several months of heat left but only a month until kids go back to school!

  3. Lol Operation Slow Down... exactly what I need :) I liked House Hunters a lot but I've never watched Tiny :) yup can't go wrong with bacon and tomato sandwich! Butternut squash! Love it! Yes, it does freezes well. Cube it and freeze it and then you can make it in many different ways like roasted, soup, mashed... Yum :)

    1. Awesome! I'm glad to know it freezes well. I love it roasted and to be able to pull a few cubes out sounds perfect. Tiny Houses are so fun! I wouldn't want to live in one but I love seeing how they use space. Operation Slowdown took a serious hit this week but I'm hoping to get back on track.

  4. It is so hard to turn the other way when so many books have been published that tempt. Enjoy them and why not!

    1. I just couldn't resist these! Too many great ones out this week!

  5. That is a beautiful MacNeal cover. I know we shouldn't judge a book by its cover but now I must read it haha Have a great week!

    1. Oh I can't resist the Macneal cover. I judge books by their covers all the time. Sometimes it gets me into trouble though!

  6. I'm starting to think Operation Slow Down Book Acquiring should be renamed Mission Impossible! It is SO hard!

    Butternut squash, mmhhh! Love them.

    1. Seriously! I was doing good but this week killed me! I'm so excited about the butternut squash! Love it!

  7. Looks like you got some good books. And I love those Maggie Hope books. That ones especially is on my list. We've watched a few episodes of the tiny house show too. Several seem to be set in Austin, which doesn't surprise me. Austin is nothing if not eclectic and on the front end of interesting trends. It's a little appealing to think of less to clean, but honestly, I can't imagine living with my 6'4" husband in one of them. LOL

    1. Oh I know! My husband is 6'2" and he wouldn't fit into half of them - especially those with the little lofts. I'm excited about these books but then I probably always am!

  8. The Mrs Roosevelt's Confidante cover is wonderful.

  9. I've acquired quite a few ARCs from different sources over the last couple of weeks. I need to stop and get back to reading my #ShelfLove books. Have a great week!

    Terri M., the Director
    Second Run Reviews

    1. I know! I'm starting to feel like I'm drowning in books sometimes. Not that that's a bad way to go!

  10. Mrs. Roosevelt's COnfidant looks interesting, and that cover - awesome - it reminds me of Mr. Churchill's Secretary, which is apt as they are, I just realized part of a series I need to put on my TBR.

    1. The cover of Mr. Churchill's Secretary is what put this series on the radar for me. I'm hoping they read ok as a stand alone.

  11. Oh my goodness, I swear you just keep contributing to my TBR pile every time I stop by and see what you picked Great haul and enjoy!

    Week in Review

    1. Heehee! So glad I can be a bad influence! You've gotten me plenty!

  12. What a week! I look forward to your cookbook review and the others too. Swimming sounds divine, it soooo hot here!
    Our garden is shot. We had tons of yellow squash and the beans did well but this heat has destroyed everything else.

    1. We've probably got a few more weeks but then the heat will zap y garden too. I'm hoping to get lots of tomatoes first! I'm hoping to get the cookbook review up. This heat is killing my desire to cook.

  13. I have yet to read RaeAnne Thayne, but have one of her books on my soon I will venture there. Mrs. Roosevelt's Confidante does look so tempting. Enjoy!


    1. I love RaeAnn Thayne! I just finished my 2nd book of hers and loved it! I'm looking forward to Mrs. Roosevelt's Confidante! Love the cover and the time period.

  14. I'm excited for the new Maggie Hope novel. I love that series! I also enjoy RaeAnn Thayne's novels and am thinking about requesting her new one for review. Glad you like it!

    It is hard to not add books to the pile. I am so behind on my review books but I keep seeing more that I want!

    1. I haven't read the Maggie Hope books yet but I'm really looking forward to it. I'm loving RaeAnn Thayne! I just finished my 2nd book by her and loved it.

  15. By the way, I have tagged you in a Reader's Habit post at my place. Feel free to play along if you'd like.

    1. Oh yay! I'm catching up slowly but can't wait to get to it!

  16. "things went horribly wrong on the whole Operation Slow Down Book Acquiring" LOL! The story of my life - or at least my week! I requested and got Evergreen Springs, Mrs. Roosevelt's Confidante, and The Hidden also (along with a few others, some of them unsolicited.)

    I envy you your garden! Fresh veggies - yum! We have a yard but it's the septic drainfield, so no vegetable gardening. Not to mention I have a black thumb; I'm really good at killing plants, not so good at keeping them alive. Sigh.

    Have a wonderful week, my friend!

    1. That's too bad about no garden but hopefully you have a decent farmers market. All the stuff without the work! I'm so excited about these books. I keep discovering new must have authors which is terrible for my TBR!

    2. There is a local farmer's market which I've been meaning to get to - it's only open for a few hours very early Saturday morning. I've heard it's pretty good for a small market. And I know what you mean about finding new authors to follow!

  17. Hard to believe you've only got a month of summer vacation left... seems like things just got started around here. School has only been out for 2 1/2 weeks! Laughing at all the books you got this week, but they are just all so darn tempting! :)

    1. We get out in May and then go back in August but have a few long breaks with all that. It's funny hearing everyone's different school schedules. Oh Netgalley definitely killed me this week! I could not resist any of them!

  18. Whoa, you had fun at NetGalley! Thanks to your evilness, I now have The Hidden. You'll do better this week at not acquiring books, right? :D We can but try.

    I'm glad your garden is doing well, eating fresh veggies is a treat.

    Have a good week and happy reading!

    1. I'm glad I can be a bad influence! NetGalkey had my number this week! It killed me! I've already picked up a couple of books this week but I'm hoping that will be it so it will at least be less!
      I'm enjoying having fresh veggies - especially the tomatoes!

  19. Lots of great books, I always say I'll stay away from NetGalley and requesting anymore, I never manage!

    Have a great week!

    Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings

    1. I do the same thing. Or I'll say that I'm not going to get any books but then something comes up that I just can't pass up!

  20. Mrs. Roosevelt's Confidante looks like something my sister would love. I wonder if she saw it on Netgalley? I will have to give her a call later. Some of my son's favorite early chapter books for bedtime were the Pure Dead Magic books by Gliori. You will have to preview them for age appropriate scariness though. My son thought the dragon with diarrhea was hilarious. Have a fab week. :)

    1. I think my son would laugh his head off about the dragon with diarrhea! What is it with boys and poop jokes? I'll have to look for that series - especially if this chapter book goes well.

  21. lol giggling over your lack of book restraint ... I have no will power. Is butternut squash the same as butternut pumpkin? If so it makes yummy pumpkin soup and that freezes really well. I've got my first couple of roma tomatoes on the vine if the icy wind that's howling here, doesn't destroy them ... bring on Spring for us!! Have a great week and enjoy your new reads :)

    1. I have no willpower. Periodically I think I do but what it really is is there was nothing I wanted. I'll get everything read eventually right? I'm guessing butternut squash is the same thing as butternut pumpkin as it's growing habits are definitely more pumpkin than summer squash. The soup sounds yummy!

  22. Oh...there's just something about tomato sandwiches in the summertime - especially from tomatoes that are grown from your garden...delish!!! I also love butternut squash!!! Have you heard of My Father's Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett? It's one of my favorite chapter books and I've gotten it for all my nephews - they love it. It's actually part of a trilogy - might be a good book to read to your little guy! It's not a long book, but the story is great - very imaginative and engaging.

    1. Adding it to the list! I hadn't heard of ot but it sounds interesting and I definitely need chapter book recs! He's going to be a reader if it kills me! I think the primary reason I grow tomatoes is for the sandwiches! Seriously there is nothing better!

  23. Yea, Netgalley be the devil. LOL! I got one of Neggars books off there last Christmas but didn't get around to it. But now I'm wanting this one too. And Evergreen Springs because of that cover. I hate winter but in a book it's so magical. Haha!
    Your garden sounds lovely. I especially love to put tomatoes on everything. Actually I've recently developed a love for avocado. So I've throwing that on everything too.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I've never been a big avocado fan but I had a sandwich recently that had this amazing garlic avocado spread. It's making me reconsider avocados. I so love tomatoes - actual vine ripened tomatoes and not those sad things I've seen at the grocery store. It's my favorite part of summer. Netgalley was evil this past week! So not cool. Don't they know I'm trying to cut back??

  24. That's super cool how you made a sandwich with your own homegrown tomatoes.

    1. I've gotten really crafty and made my own bread for the sandwiches which made me feel pretty awesome. A tomato when it's still warm from the sun is just amazing!

  25. Oh that's awesome on the garden. Mine has been struggling this year with either too much rain or crazy heat. I have an eggplant growing for the first time though and am so excited about him. lol

  26. Sometimes the book temptation gets the better of us . . . I can relate all too well. :-) (And did you have to mention a new Graham book?!)

    We took a brief break from swimming too, mostly because we were out of town, but it'll be nice not having to rush from work to daycare to swim lesson every day this coming week. Plus, the rain and thunderstorms we're getting this weekend are supposed to last into next week. Good timing really. :-)
