
Friday, July 24, 2015

Friday Linkups: Sanctuary Island

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you use bookmarks?  If so, do you match them to the book you're reading or use random scraps of paper?

My Answer:
Yes for the first question and a little of both for the second!  I normally have a couple of print books going and so I have several bookmarks that are always in rotation.  I use a bookmark that Emma made me when she was in Kindergarten (she'll be heading off to college in a couple of weeks) as my primary bookmark and it's currently in an Agatha Christie mystery.  After that in priority is a set of magnetic bookmarks with owls on them that my husband got me awhile ago.  I've been known to grab receipts, index cards, reminder cards or random other scraps if needed though!

This week's book is Sanctuary Island by Lily Everett which is one I picked up at random at the library.  This one grabbed my attention because the cover was pretty and I thought I remembered some positive reviews about this author.  The blurb caught my attention so I thought I'd give it a try.  I'm not very far in but so far I'm enjoying it.

The Beginning:
If one more thing messed with Ella Preston's schedule she was going to scream

My Thoughts:
Oh I so identify with this beginning.  I can't even begin to count the number of times I've felt this way!

The 56:
This is ridiculous, she thought despairingly.  Why is this happening now, of all times?

My Thoughts:
I have a feeling things aren't quite as extreme as Ella's making them out to be but I'm not here yet so I could be wrong.

What do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. I always use bookmarks, but not usually ones from my collection. I have these Amazon bookmarks that I got years ago when I used to order books in print - long before e-books. Anyway, each box contained at least one bookmark or several. I tossed them in a drawer and have been gradually using them. They will last me forever, I suspect. My collection bookmarks are more eclectic. When I left the library, both the book groups that I moderated gave me little gifts (which was so sweet). Many of them were bookmarks. And I've picked up others through the years if they are unusual. Bookmarks and Christmas tree decorations are my souvenirs when we travel.

  2. Hi!
    Sounds interesting. Have a great day!

  3. Yes, I use bookmarks. If I plan ahead they are real bookmarks, if I just grab a book, it could be anything handy. I love the cover of the book, horses and water. I hope you are enjoying it, Katherine.
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  4. I really love that beginning and agree completely. I dug deep on my TBR mountain to find Thornyhold by Mary Stewart for this week's book. Happy reading!

  5. Great beginning...and title. Hope you continue to enjoy the read.

  6. I do use bookmarks. Sometimes it's just a scarp of paper, whatever is close by:)
    It sounds like her life is upside down. LOL

    Here's my 56 -

  7. The lovely cover captured my attention too. It reminded me of a trip to Cumberland Island, Georgia, and its wild horses. I'll definitely read this one.
    My Friday post features The Collected Stories of Eudora Welty.

  8. I also hate when things mess with my schedule...unless they are fun things! LOL


  9. Yes, I always use a bookmark. It's usually a strip cut from an old greetings card and doesn't match the book that I'm reading particularly, but it does have to look nice - not just any old scrap of paper like my other half uses! I'm very influenced by book covers - if I don't like them I don't read the book.

  10. I like the beginning and the 56, they make me think that the character is going through a stressful time. I hope you enjoy the book.

  11. Hi - You never know -- the protagonist may be a drama queen and stressing when things aren't all that bad. :) I think I'd keep reading based on the opener if nothing else than to find out what's stressing her.
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straighforward Fiction Book Reviews

  12. Hi - You never know -- the protagonist may be a drama queen and stressing when things aren't all that bad. :) I think I'd keep reading based on the opener if nothing else than to find out what's stressing her.
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straighforward Fiction Book Reviews

  13. I am kind of a grab what is handy bookmark The book your reading sounds interesting, so I will be interested in what you think of it. :)


  14. Hi Katherine,

    I always use a marker if I am reading a print book, I hate it when people turn down the page corners, or bend back the spine. Long before magnetic bookmarks were on the shelves here in the UK, I discovered them on a holiday trip to Florida, when Cypress Gardens still existed! My first set, which I still have, had images of butterflies on them, although you can buy them just about everywhere now!

    I can so relate to both of your chosen excerpts this week, although it is a little worrying that I can associate so easily with a fictional character! I have to plan a trip or event to the nth degree and if anything throws me out of routine or schedule, I generally lose it big time!

    If you are enjoying this book, which is the first in the series, I wonder if you are going to be reading the following three episodes in the 'Sanctuary Island' series? The suite of cover art when viewed together is indeed very alluring :)

    The storyline is a little too romantic for my liking, although there is always a time and place for a good tear jerker romantic saga.

    Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend :)


  15. Oh, I can definitely relate to that beginning. LOL

    I use bookmarks, when I remember. :D I collected them for many years and I do try to match the bookmark to the book but I'm just as likely to grab the nearest piece of paper. :D

  16. I like that beginning -- yeah, I can relate too.

    My kids get a photo bookmark of themselves with spring pictures, which is totally cool. I have several now. My daughter and I shared a package of magnetic owl bookmarks that we found at Target. I wonder if we have the same ones? :-)

  17. I guess I never really thought about my bookmarks before. People tend to give them to me as gifts so I pretty much use whichever one I grab first out of the box.
    That opening sounds like my schedule recently. Happy Friday!

  18. I think we can all relate to the book's beginning as well as the 56. And it doesn't hurt to go somewhere secluded and have a scream or two by the way. I may have experience. Hope you enjoy!

  19. I love your quotes! They're very amusing! I love the book beginning, I can totally relate to that one :P
    Have a great week,
    Amy x

  20. I tend to grab what ever is handy and my son is all about origami and made me a bookmark that slides onto the corner of the page it's super cute.

    My OCD doesn't have time for messed up schedules ;)

  21. I am of the opinion tat screaming is a very good stress reliever ;)

  22. I'm not OCD about my bookmarks. I have soooo many that I just grab one when I need it. But also can be found to use whatever if need be.
    I also like the cover. Super cute and summery.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  23. Can't help but wonder what happened. Love that cover too!
    Happy weekend!

  24. It's funny, I used to use bookmarks all the time, I had two (one from my favorite bookstore and another I just had as a kid), but I don't really use them anymore- not sure why! Of course I'm reading more on my e- reader now, so when I have a physical book I guess I just forget... I still kinda miss those bookmarks though! :)

  25. I have quite a few bookmarks, some I use more regularly than others because they are favorites--or rather, I used to when I read print books more regularly. More often than bookmarks though, I have a tendency to grab receipts or a ticket stub or some other random scrap of paper and use it instead.
