
Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday Linkups: The Naked Eye

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you collect things that are book related?  Like bookmarks, nameplates, 1st editions

My Answer:
Other than books themselves I really don't.  It's not that I don't want to own more bookish stuff it's just that it doesn't seem to happen.  I plan on turning one of the bedrooms in my house into a reading room and then the collection of all things bookish will be ON!

This week's book is The Naked Eye by Iris Johansen and Roy Johansen.  I've been wanting to read a book by Iris Johansen for awhile so when a chance to participate in a book tour for her newest release I couldn't pass it up and I'm really glad I didn't!  The review for this one will be up Monday but I've really enjoyed it so far and can't wait to see how it wraps up!

The Beginning:
She was floating, floating in a pool of blood.
No, now it had become a river of blood.

My Thoughts;
Well that's upbeat!  No seriously that's quite a beginning.  Given the change from pool to river I'm guessing this is a dream.  If not the "she" in question is in serious trouble.

The 56:
Never mind the plastic tub and jugs of hydrochloric acid that were waiting in the cellar for her, Colby thought.

My Thoughts:
Well Colby sounds like bunches of fun.  I think upon meeting someone for the first time your first question should be - do you have a basement?  followed quickly by - "is it filled with jugs of hydrocholoric acid" because if the answer is yes you should avoid them.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  Should you avoid people with jugs of hydrocholoric acid stashed in their cellar?


  1. I haven't read anything by Johansen either--the covers of her books always look so compelling. I have to give her books a try. Is Roy her husband or son?

    My Friday post:

    1. I think Roy is her son. This was my first book by them but I'd definitely like to read more - particularly her suspense titles.

  2. I have been reading Iris Johansen since she was writing Silhouette romances. I like her thrillers too. This week I am spotlighting Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Mary Wingate - a cozy mystery. Happy reading!

    1. I love Wingate's books. This was my first Johansen though of course I've heard of her!

  3. Wow. This book sounds melodramatic as it starts off so, um, bloody. But it also sounds like it might be humorous. Is it?

    My Friday Quotes

  4. I collect Harry Potter memorabilia. Of course. And I also have a lot of bookmarks and swag. I don't buy bookmarks, but I seem to acquire them at a rapid pace. Lol. I have some other things. But I'm really into the Pop Figures now. I NEED them all! :)
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. My bookmark collection is growing but like you they're just appearing. I'd love to collect Agatha Christie stuff!

  5. That is some opener for The Naked Eye. Really grabs your attention. Yes, I would keep reading if I were in the mood for that type genre. I’m not always in the mood for it but it is a book I would read. As for your collection of bookish things, I keep bookmarks from the library, They always have creative and colorful bookmarks they give out at the checkout desk. Sometimes I write on the back of the bookmark to note particular good passages.

    1. Oh those sound fun! I haven't really made an effort to collect bookmarks or other stuff but I'd really like too. This was a good book without to much gore which is nice.

  6. I haven't read this author but always wanted too and this sounds really good! :)

    Friday Memes

    1. This was my first book by her but I really liked it!

  7. Wow, that's definitely an interesting beginning.

  8. This one sounds so probably can't stop turning those pages! Enjoy....and I do have a small collection of bookmarks received from authors....but I am trying to minimize my collections these days...LOL.

    Here's mine: “AT RISK”

    1. I definitely couldn't! I've stayed awake really late a few times thanks to this one!

  9. Oh boy. I haven't read her for ages when she just wrote romances.

    1. This was the first book by her that I've read. I really liked it!

  10. This sounds intense! I've never read this author, but with this I might just have to start!

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings) and The Harry Potter Tag.

    1. This was my first book by her but I really enjoyed it. I'll definitely be looking for more!

  11. The start scared me off, I do not do well with blood. Enjoy! Happy Friday!
    Here is my Friday 56:

    1. There actually isn't too much just blood. There's a few scenes that are pretty bloody but not too many.

  12. I'm on that same tour and am reading the two previous books in the series before this one. I've finished #1 and am working on #2 right now. I was not sure I liked Kendra in the first one, but she is growing on me. I suspect I will be a fan of hers by the time I get to this book soon.

    And, I have a book room. When we built this house, we decided we'd each have an office. Mine is one of the bedrooms and I have all my books here, my reading chair corner, my desk, etc. It's an office/library that I love. You'll get yours one day and you'll love it!

    1. I don't think I'd want to be friends with Kendra anytime soon but I did find her interesting.
      I'm very excited about my reading room. It definitely makes the whole empty nest thing easier!

  13. All that blood in the opening turns me off! And yet ... there's a morbid fascination too. I'd keep reading to see what's going on, but if it kept being bloody, I'd have to quit.

    Thank you for commenting on my blog post today.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG

    1. It sounds bloodier than the book actually is but it's definitely an intense read!

  14. Hi Katherine,

    This is a new to me author and yes! ... Sorry, but I had to cheat and take a look at the synopsis, as I was so intrigued by your excerpts.

    Blood and acid .. I really want to add ths one to my reading list, however I see that it is the third part of a series, so I am wondering if this is a series which needs to be read in chronological order, or if the books work as stand alone stories? Perhaps I should hedge my bets and go back to the beginning of the series, just to be on the safe side!

    I love collecting beautiful notebooks, to keep by my side for jotting things down when I am reading. I would love to collect bookmarks, however even I know when enough is enough and when adding to my humongous shelves of unread books and cupboards full of craft work paraphernalia, is only going to make things worse :)

    Nice post, enjoy your weekend :)


    1. I love beautiful notebooks! I always like to look at them in the store but never buy them for some reason.
      This was the first book I've read and I had no problem with it but if you have time I'd probably go back to the beginning. Apparently Kendra is a little harder to like in the first one though.

  15. I'm seeing a lot of creepy books today. I love it. Mines a fluffy read though. Girl Who Reads

    1. I love a good fluffy read especially this time of year!

  16. I've read so many of her books. I keep a list so I don't grab one I already have when I'm in the book store! I don't have this one!

    Here's my 56 -

    1. I've had authors were I've had to do that with. Such fun! I really liked this book. This was the first by her but it definitely won't be my last!

  17. LOL on your basement questions. I live in a part of the country where basements are common so I'll jump straight to the jugs question. :D

    I haven't read Johansen in several years but I'm tempt4ed by this one. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far.

  18. Whoa! My kind of book, fo shizzle dizzle. ;-)
    Happy weekend!

  19. LOL, I haven't tried this author, but have been in a bit of a thriller mood of late..I say go for it!

  20. Johanson sounds compelling but maybe a bit creepy for me! Not sure I could pull off asking someone if they keep hydrochloric acid in their basement - but now I'll be wondering whenever I go somewhere with a basement! ;-)

    I collect books; that takes up a lot of space. I'm not sure I collect dragons, exactly, but I have several, including a stuffed one my daughter received in the hospital (she didn't take to him) and a cookie jar. And my little bookwyrm shelf-sitter, of course. There are a few others scattered around. I'm thinking of adding some more, but only ones I really love.

  21. It is nice to have a room ONLY for books. Best of luck collecting when you get your room.

    I usually don't collect bookish things.

    Hope you are having a good weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  22. I like the idea of a bookroom. :-) I haven't read anything by either Iris Johansen or Roy Johansen. I am glad to hear you enjoyed their book!

  23. Sounds a tad scary! I don't like crime or horror because I'm a scardey cat lol. It sounds like it's going to be a scary book. I hope you enjoy it anyway :)
    Have a great week,
    Amy x
