
Friday, July 3, 2015

Friday Linkups: Caught Read Handed

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Question:
Do you lend your books out to friends and family?

My Answer:
I know it's awful but not really.  If it's a book I've finished and I think someone will like it I'll give them my copy if it's not something I want to keep but I don't like lending books I know I'll want back.  I do lend my husband or my kids books sometimes but that probably doesn't count as I live with them :)

This week's book is Caught Read Handed by and is a book for a blog tour that's coming up next weel.  I love cozy mysteries and I especially love those that have a bookish connection so I've been looking forward to this one.  I'm only about 60 pages in but right now I'm loving all the book references.  Plus, I would love Read 'Em and Eat to open up here!

The Beginning:
Bridgy Mayfield's aunt Ophelia tapped her extra-long, shocking pink fingernails impatiently on the countertop beside the cash register.

My Thoughts:
Ophelia sounds like a force to be reckoned with.  Between the impatience and the nails I have a feeling they probably want to get her out of the store as quickly as possible.

The 56:
I had to lay down some sort of rules so she wouldn't be confident that she could talk me into any crazy thing she wanted to do, which of course she could.

My Thoughts:
The speaker sounds like she's dealing with some strong personalities! She sounds a bit resigned though good-humoredly so.  I'm about 10 pages past this point and the mystery is just starting to get ramped up.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. I like the sound of the mystery....and, like you, I don't like lending my books, either. I used to do that...and didn't get them back. So...unless it's a book I don't care

    Here's mine: “IT’S YOU”

  2. I loved the first book and this one looks just as good. I can't wait to read it.

  3. Like you, I only lend out books that I don't care about getting back.

    The book sounds like it has some interesting characters, lots of quirks and personality. Enjoy!

  4. I am only willing to lend out my books if I don't really care if I get them back, and then I usually only loan out to family.

  5. It is difficult to lend them out, but I do too. :)

    ENJOY your weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  6. I don't like to lend either. :) I got to check this book out, sounds great and I love cozies!

    Friday Memes

  7. You sold me. But as one who doesn't line to read a series our of order, I added the first one to my TBR.

  8. Mystery and books, what an awesome combination. Happy Friday!

    My Friday 56:

  9. Hard question. I do lend out my books to very few people. My co-worker is like the only one. Because I can see her and I know where she works and lives. Lol. She's good. It always comes back right away. I do clean out my shelves quite often. So when I do that I let my blogger friends that I meet up with every month claim their stack on whatever they want. Anything they don't I try to sell at a used book store and if not it gets donated.
    Really I'm to anxious to lend out my books. They are all my precious.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  10. Both snippets left me curious for more.
    As for lending my prized possessions... I hate it.
    Happy weekend!

  11. Bookish cozies are my favorite. I need to add this series to my wish list!! Yeah, I'm not big on lending books out. I let my mom borrow from me (she's a cozy fan too), but that's about it.

  12. I lend with rules but break the rules and the person is banned for awhile. My Blogger Hop

    Bunnita @ Worth Reading It?

  13. Yes, I only lend, give away, donate or swap books I don't want to keep and then I assume I will not get them back. I have another set of books that are very special to me that I don't give out.

  14. This sounds like my favorite kind of cozy. Thanks for sharing it and for visiting my blog.

  15. I don't often lend books out either--I do like to give away books I don't plan to read again though. Well, that's what I want to like to do. I have a tendency to hold onto books until I'm in a giving away mood. Moments like that do come, but probably not as often as they should.

    Caught Read-Handed sounds like a fun read. I love the title. :-)
