
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Caught Read Handed - Blog Tour Review + Giveaway

Rating: 4 Stars
Source: Blog Tour

Description:  Happy to help her fellow bibliophiles, Sassy visits the local library with book donations for their annual fundraising sale.  Unfortunately, the welcoming readers' haven is in turmoil as an argument erupts between an ornery patron and new staff member, Tanya Lipscombe - also known as "Tanya Trouble." She may lack people skills, but everyone is shocked when she's later found murdered in her own hot tub.
The man last seen arguing with Tanya is soon arrested.  But Alan Mersky, a veteran with PTSD, happens to be the brother of Sassy's former boss - and he's no murderer.  Now it's up to Sassy and Bridgy to clear Alan's name and make sure the real killer gets booked.  (from Goodreads)

Genre: Mystery

Why I Picked This Book:  This is a series I've been wanting to try since the first book came out because of the bookish titles.  I was excited to get a chance to read this one.

My Impression: This book made me happy.  For starters there's Read 'Em and Eat, the bookstore cafe that Sassy and Bridgy own.  Can someone please make this place in real life?  It's fantastic.  All the tables are called by different authors and are covered in pictures, excerpts and other stuff like a scrapbook.  The menu items all have bookish names AND they host a number of themed book clubs.  There are also all kinds of bookish references scattered throughout the pages.  In my head I've already claimed the Agatha Christie table and joined the Potluck Bookclub.  A cutesy name sometimes means an immature MC but in this case I really liked Sassy.  She was smart,  nice and very nosy but her intentions were good so I was okay with that.  There were a couple of over the top characters but I loved Miguel and his dramatics and Aunt Ophelia was used just enough to an occasional irritant but not overpowering.

The mystery kept me reading and wondering.  There were so many possibilities for who had actually killed the unlikable Tanya that I couldn't wait to find out who had actually done it.  There is a bit of busybody in Sassy's investigation but she's not aggressive about it which is what always bugs me and she's really trying to help.  Also, a lot of the information comes to her by people telling her things not by her going out and looking for it.  I know a lot of people have some concerns with amateur detectives but this one really worked for me.

This is the 2nd in the series but it can be easily read as a stand alone.  At no point was my enjoyment diminished nor was I confused about any of the character relationships or plot points.  Plus, did I mention the bookstore cafe?  Oh and that the recipe at the end isn't for just scones but for Miss Marple Scones?    

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Absolutely!  I want to find the first one in this series and the next will be an auto-buy.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Definitely!  I thoroughly enjoyed this one.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Challenges Met?  Reading Road Trip (Florida)


  1. I've had my eye on this one too, for the same reasons- love the title and the cover art! Bookstore with cafe, plus the Ft. Myers setting appealed. I'll probably read this one first, and if I like it snag the first one- this one just looks good.

  2. LOL! I've been sorting books and prepping for our annual sale all week... this sounds just about perfect for me right now!! Must look for the first book in this series, too. We're in the Ft. Myers area during the winter.

  3. This would be a Fantastic book to win, I love your mysteries, thanks for the wonderful chance. Linda May

  4. Can not wait to read this!

  5. I have this book on my TBR list for it sounds like a wonderful mystery. Thank you for the giveaway.

  6. I am delighted to visit with I Wish I Lived in a Library because I wish I lived in one, too. As a child I lived two blocks from a library and that was almost as good, but they did lock up and night. *sigh*
    I am so happy you enjoyed Caught Read-Handed. You are so right about Sassy. She is big-hearted and her intentions are always good--even when she is getting into trouble.

  7. I like that this book made you happy. That's a strong endorsement. :-) I will have to give this series a try. It sounds like a lot of fun.

  8. I have the first one in this series on my TBR, but I added this one as well. It would be so fun to visit a small town like the one in this series. It sounds like a lot of fun. :)

  9. I have yet to read the first book in the series.

  10. I enjoyed the first one and I'm looking forward to this one - when I can squeeze it in!

  11. I've been eyeing this series. Both the cafe and Sassy sound delightful. Another book for my wish list!

  12. Yes to books that leave you happy. I love the setting and this sounds like a wonderful mystery :)
