
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Books on my Summer TBR

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic hosted by The Broke and the Bookish is the Top Ten Books on my Summer TBR.  The last few times I've done this topic I've had a plan but this is for summer so this time I'm just going with the ten books that jump into my head when I think about books I want to read!

1.  Treasure on Lilac Lane by Donna Alward (10/28/14) - I have read the 1st and 3rd in the series and am really looking forward to revisiting Jewell Cove.  Rick was in the 1st book quite a bit and I'm looking forward to his story.

2. The Red Book of Primrose House by Marty Wingate (11/4/14) 0 I read the 1st in the story and enjoyed it and I'm especially drawn to books involving gardens and gardening this time of year.

3.  Finding Hope by Stacy Finz (1/5/15) - And yet another series I'm behind in!  This is a contemporary romance set in Northern California.  I loved the first one and this has one of my favorite characters from that book.

4.   Toured to Death by Hy Conrad (1/27/15) - We're not doing much traveling this summer so I'm going to do some vicarious traveling through this cozy mystery.

5.  Dreaming Spies by Laurie R. King (2/17/15) - Yet another series I'm behind on.  I'm pretty sure I'm behind on every series I'm currently reading.  I love this twist on Sherlock Holmes and King always provides a good read.

6.  The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George (6/23/15) - Between the cover and the title how could I pass this one up?

7.  Stir by Jessica Fechtor (6/23/15) - This memoir involves healing and cooking which are 2 of my favorite things.

8.  That Chesapeake Summer by Mariah Stewart (6/23/15) - Yet another series I'm behind on!  While I always enjoy this series I absolutely loved the previous book so I'm hoping this one lives up to that.

9.  Second Chance Summer by Jill Shalvis (6/30/15) - I'm not behind on this series!  Granted it's the first one but still!  I always enjoy a Jill Shalvis book and this one sounds great.

10. London From My Windows by Mary Carter (7/28/15) - This is about Ava - a sketch artist with severe agoraphobia who inherits her aunt's estate including a flat in West End with the condition that she lives in it for a year.

What are you wanting to read this summer?


  1. You're doing a lot of catching up on series, that's good, I should do that too ! Enjoy your reads ;)

    1. I'm so behind on so many series it's impossible to believe I'll ever be caught up but I intend to try!

  2. I am with you on the London & Paris books! On my list this month is Secrets of the Lighthouse and The Dynamite Room.

    1. I loved Secrets of the Lighthouse! It felt like I was in Ireland!

  3. I've been thinking The Little Paris Bookshop sound really good. And I agree the cover is nice.

    1. I'm looking forward to that one. So far the reviews have been pretty positive as well which makes me extra excited!

  4. The Little Paris Bookshop is one I'm considering for Paris in July. It sounds very good!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you for visiting! I hope you find a few books that catch your eye!

  6. Second Chance Summer was good. Not quite up there with Lucky Harbor, in my opinion, but it is the first book, so maybe after a few more books I will have a better knowledge of the town. And I for sure need to read more of the Jewell Cove books!!!! So so so glad you introduced them to me.

    1. That's good about the new Shalvis. It'll be interesting to see how she develops this new setting. I'm so glad you liked Blackberry Hill!! It was one of my favorite reads.

  7. What a great list, Katherine. I was going through my Kindle for titles and ended up with mostly dark type mysteries. I'm not sure what I'm thinking . . . I would like to read Jill Shalvis' new book. I requested London From My Window after you mentioned it in a previous post and got it. It sounds like it will be interesting. The Little Paris Bookshop sounds like it could be quite charming. I hope we enjoy it!

    1. I'm hoping London From My Windows is as good as it looks! I love Jill Shalvis and can't wait to read the Paris bookshop book! So many good reads out there!!

  8. I really want to read The Little Paris Bookshop! It looks like such a fantastic idea! Great choices and I hope you enjoy reading them!
    My TTT

    1. Thanks! I can't wait to get some of those read!

  9. Romance always takes even more of a priority in the summer. I pretty much need romance in 90% of what I read. But the summer must include cute romances. I don't want anything really heavy weighing my feels down when the weather is so lovely. Lol.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I'm definitely a romance reader during summer and if there's a little suspense than that's even better!

  10. This is the second list I've seen The Little Paris Bookshop on, I hadn't heard of it before today. I need to investigate! :) Great list!

    1. Thanks! It looks like a good read. I definitely can't wait to read it!

  11. I'm quite interested in Little Paris Bookshop, too. Hope that one comes my way this summer.

    1. I'm so excited about this one! Definitely sounds like a great way to travel to Paris by book.

  12. And here's London From My Windows again. I'm really interested in that one. All these look like they would be fun and may I say that I am so 'happy' that I'm not the only one behind on series. LOL LOL

    1. This one looks really looks good. I'm curious to see how the author handles agoraphobia.

  13. I am interested in all of your books, yay, and writing down the titles to keep track of them. London From My Windows might turn out to be one of the top sleepers of the year, the way the title is popping up and folks are intrigued by it :)

    I miss gardening but my yard turns to sandy dirt with dried weeds in the summer and we rent here, so hubby is not going to pay to put in a lawn-- besides the water-shamers might find out (with the enormous drought state-wide, people are posting water shaming online with addresses and photos!). I digress...all your books look really good, so thanks as always for sharing these new-to-me titles.

  14. Little Paris Bookshop looks so cute! I've been thinking of reading that one too. Here's my TTT; I'd love for you to stop by.

  15. I think Second Chance Summer by Jill Shalvis would be a perfect summer read. And of course The Little Paris Bookshop, I can't resist that title either.

  16. I don't have any plans to travel this summer either, so traveling through literature is essential. Hope you get to all your reads!

  17. I'm so behind on the Laurie King series too! I think knowing there's yet another book in the series helps to inspire me to play catch-up!

  18. THE LITTLE PARIS BOOKSHOP and STIR both look really good. I hadn't heard of LONDON FROM MY WINDOW, but it definitely sounds intriguing. I just added it to my GR TBR list.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT yesterday :)

  19. Oh Katherine the Little Paris Book Shop just screams read me...and you know there is probably a coffee and pastry shop near by!!

  20. The Little Paris Bookshop does look very charming!! And if you ever need to feel better about series and being behind, I'm glad to help you out. ;) Enjoy!! I love the idea of summertime reading.

  21. You've got a couple of actual summer reads which my list was seriously lacking. You're right, the cover of The Little Paris Bookshop is so inviting. I hope you get to all of these!
