
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday - Most Anticipated New Releases for the Rest of 2015

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is Top Ten Most Anticipated New Releases for the Rest of 2015.  It turns out I'm terrible at this topic.  Apparently I live in my own little bubble and really have no idea what's coming out when.

1. Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson - (September) - I loved her first book and I love her blog.  I can't wait for this book to come out in September!

2.  Winter by Marissa Meyer - (November) - So technically I haven't started this series but I've really been wanting to and when this one comes out in November it will remove my last excuse to stall on reading the series.

3.  The Art of Sinning by Sabrina Jeffries - (July) - I love everything by Sabrina Jeffries that I've ever read so I'm excited about this new series.

4.  The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Dinner Time by Ree Drummond - (October) I cannot resist her cookbooks.  I don't even use them that much (though her mashed potatoes border on life changing) but so far anytime she has one out I buy it!

5.  Only a Kiss by Mary Balogh - (September) I"m so behind on Balogh's books but yet I can't help being excited about this one.

6.  Long Upon the Land by Margaret Maron - (August) This used to be one of favorite series and then for whatever reason I stopped reading it.  I'm looking forward to getting caught back up.

7.  The Forgotten by Heather Graham (July) - I love everything Heather Graham

8.  Let Me Tell You: New Stories, Essays, and Other Writings by Shirley Jackson - (August) - This is a new anthology of Jackson's stories edited by her children.

9.  Kitchens of the Great Midwest: A Novel by J. Ryan Stradal - (July) - This one has been catching my eye lately and I'm definitely looking forward to reading it.

10. The Man Who Fell From the Sky by Margaret Coel - (September) - This is another series that I used to love but for some reason haven't picked any up in awhile.  This involves a man searching for Butch Cassidy's treasure so it seems like a good to pick up!

What new releases are you looking forward to getting your hands on?


  1. Kitchens of the Great Midwest keeps catching my eye, too. Looks like a good one!

    1. Doesn't it look great! I'm hoping the book lives up to the potential!

  2. Ah lovely. More books to put on my list. So, another Ree Drummond book. I love it and like you, I don't really cook very much from her books. The recipes are no doubt divine, but so many calories. Have you made her chocolate sheet cake? Oh. My. Goodness. It's to die for (probably really if you eat it much).

    Looking forward to the Margaret Maron book and I used to read Margaret Coel's books too. Why did I stop? Oh, I also bought the first of one of Heather Graham's series - maybe the Krew Hunters or whatever. I decided I'd try her books since you love them so much. :-)

    1. Well now I'll have to try her chocolate sheet cake! Sounds delicious! There's so many authors that I love that for some reason don't get read. Too many new and shiny books I guess! I hope you like Heather Graham. There's some flaws but she sets a good scene.

  3. Winter will be on everyone's TTT today. For good reason though. I'm looking forward to doing a full re-read before its release. Probably via audio. I hear the narrator is pretty good.
    I love that raccoon. It made me LOL!
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. The raccoon is awesome! She has the weirdest collection of taxidermied animals that's freakishly awesome. I'm excited about Winter and the rest of the Lunar Chronicles.

  4. We share Winter, but I'm also really looking forward to Furiously Happy!

    Check out my TTT and my Top Ten Favorite Characters Tag.

    1. I loved Lawson's first book and am really looking forward to this one! I'm hoping Winter lived up to my expectations.

  5. I keep forgetting about Jenny Lawson's new book! That's one I want to get in audio format when it comes out. I'm looking forward to reading The Forgotten too. :-) Great list, Katherine.

    1. Oh that would be awesome on audio!! I'm looking forward to reading more Heather Graham. So far I've enjoyed every book.

  6. Seriously, seriously Winter! I cannot wait to get my hands on that one. I've never read a Mary Balogh book, but I should totally fix that soon. Where do you recommend I start?

    1. I love Balogh but she's character heavy so be ready! I loved the Slightly series and First Comes Marriage was really good. I didn't like the 2nd but after that they get good again.

  7. A lot of these ones I haven't heard of I will have to check them out. I have never really got into Marissa Meyers books, sadly.

    Megan @

    1. I'm glad to hear something other than just raves so that I don't feel crazy if I don't love them as well!

  8. Furiously Happy looks like a riot- I'll have to look into that. I like the humorous blogs that tackle serious issues. There are so many fabulous sounding books coming out the rest of the year, it's almost overwhelming. That's a good problem to have though I guess! :)

    1. It's definitely overwhelming. I'm with you on the humorous blogs that tackle serious issues and I think the Bloggess is one of the best!

  9. I hope you end up enjoying the Lunar Chronicles, they are so much fun!

  10. I'm not really sure when books are going to be released either. I'm not familiar with any of the books on your list. They sound good.

    1. Thanks! I definitely live in my own bubble when it comes to release dates!

  11. All new to me but making a note of this list. Thanks.

  12. Yay for Jeffries! I'm excited about that one too :D

    1. I'm hoping I enjoy this new series as much as I did The Duke's Men!

  13. The cover of Furiously Happy is brilliant! I am going to go check it out on Goodreads. I was wondering, do you buy a lot of physical cookbooks, or get most of them as ebooks? I hope you are having a wonderful week. :D

    1. I don't like cookbooks in ebook form so I always buy them in print book though I have started getting them through the library to cut down on all the ones I was buying!

  14. Yay for Jenny Lawson! I love that you included a cookbook on your list, I didn't even think about cookbooks. Great idea. I'm with you on Winter - I've only read Cinder and now I feel like I should just wait on the other two until the final installment comes out. :)

    1. I love Jenny Lawson! I'm so excited for this one. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has been stalling on the lunar chronicles until the last one was out!

  15. I'd completely missed that Jenny Lawson has a new book coming out - can't wait!

  16. I'm 2 books behind on the Maron series but I'm catching up via the library, such a good series. The Graham series I read as I'm able. You have a nice mix of books. :)

  17. That cover for Furiously Happy is just priceless.
    I'm the same with the Cinder series. I want to read and I'm excited about Winter coming out too.
    Lots of your books are by authors or series you love so you can't really go wrong with any of these.
    I'm waiting for Switch by Ingrid Law. It's the final book in this trilogy that has taken forever to come out.

  18. I'm SO ready for Winter (the book, never the season!)! I'm also excited about Kim Harrison's The Drafter and I'm sure there's more that I'm just forgetting... I'm in book overload right now, I need to read like a mad woman if I'm ever going to catch up!
