
Sunday, June 7, 2015

This Week in Reading: June 7

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

I'm doing pretty well staying off of NetGalley a bit more and only have 2 new books.  1 of those is actually one I requested a month or more ago!

Murder at Barclay Meadow by Wendy Sand Eckel - There's an old house, a woman trying to find her way and a murder.  I'm excited! (NetGalley)

Second Chance Summer by Jill Shalvis - I'm not even 100% sure what this is about but it's the new Jill Shalvis and it's the beginning of a new series.  (NetGalley)


Reading: Recipes for a Beautiful Life by Rebecca Barry and Tribute by Nora Roberts

Listening: Still nothing but I'm not really expecting to until school starts back

Watching:  I'm still watching and loving Murder She Wrote on Netflix and J and I are watching some movies we'd recorded.  We've got Annabel which I'm almost scared to watch and This is Where I Leave You which I've heard good things about.

Off the Blog:

The Tornado and I have been hiking non-stop.  I took him to a nature preserve near our house just as kind of an experiment Wednesday and we spent Thursday and Friday hiking different trails by his request.  The really great thing is that he seems to be blowing through energy because he's started sleeping much later!  

I'm kind of in a weird spot right now reading-wise.  It's not really a reading rut because I want to read and I'm actually enjoying what I'm reading it's just that I can't get settled on a book.  It kind of feels like the bookish equivalent of tossing and turning in bed when you're tired.  I've started and put down about 9 books so far.  I'm hoping I find something that sticks soon!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Haunted Plantations of the South Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases for the Rest of 2015
Wednesday: TBD
Thursday: TBD
Friday: Friday Linkups + Current Book
Saturday: Recipes for a Beautiful Life

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. The nice thing about Murder She Wrote and a lot of those shows is there are so many episodes :) I don't know what I'd do without netflix now...

    I have that problem with reading occasionally- not long ago I couldn't find anything I felt like reading. The right book finally came along, but yeah- it was kind of annoying. :)

    Have a super week.

    1. Between Netflix and Tivos I don't even remember how we used to watch TV!

  2. Hiking sounds like fun and I am glad you are staying off NetGalley. I actually stopped reading to look at Second Chance Summer. I have wanted to try Jill and the start of a new series appeals to me and it is about brothers! I am auto-approved but I am already booked for June and would feel bad accepting. GRR. Enjoy, if you love it I will probably end up buying it. Happy Hiking!

    1. I've been loving the hiking and it's actually using up his energy which is lovely! I'm hoping that Second Chance Summer is as good as Lucky Harbor.

  3. I hate it when I get that restless feel with books. Like you I am trying to stay off NetGalley mainly because I want to read my own books but every so often I get hooked. Hope the new Jill Shalvis series will be good.

    1. I'm hoping the restlessness passes soon. It tends to happen this time of year though.

  4. Oh I love Murder She Wrote! I remember watching it when it was first on and then intermittently years after but then a few years ago it was on one of our cable channels every day for over a year and I got to the point where I'd seen the same ones a few times. I had to laugh at the fashions - including home decor - but LOVED that some later-famous actors were in it.

    1. The home decor is so bad and I love when they talk about new technology like modems. I've been really surprised some of the huge names that have made appearances.

  5. Your doing great staying of netgalley. I am kinda failing a little on netgalley but it's so hard not to request books sometimes. It's your little on wants to get out and explore. It must be an adventure every day for him on each trail. I hate when you just can't settle on a book sometimes I just 're read a book I know I love them can get into a new book after that.

    Megan @

  6. I got Jill Shalvis' new book, too, and I'm really looking forward to a new series by her!
    I hope your 'tossing and turning' will stop, and that you'll be able to settle on a book you can just enjoy.
    Have a fantastic week ahead and happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  7. Sounds like your summer is starting off well with your kiddo. Hiking and using up energy - good job! Your reading mojo will come back. I think all of us go through times like that and I liked your analogy of tossing and turning in bed. You'll pick up a book before long and get pulled in and off you will go. Have a good week!

  8. I know what you mean by not being able to settle on a book. Sometimes I read mysteries non-stop, back to back, then I need a completely different genre.

    Gosh, I haven't seen Myrder She Write in ages! Good show.

  9. That book sounds really good! I will be hiking a lot next week with my daughter in CA! I can't wait. I know Net Galley is like a never ending battle. Have a great week.

  10. I haven't watched Murder She Wrote in ages - great show! And thank you for reminding me about This is Where I Leave You... Loved the book (probably the funniest thing I've read in years), but never managed to get to the movies. It's on my list now! Glad you and the Tornado are enjoying hiking, too.

  11. I like the look of Murder at Barclay Meadow. Hope you're back in a good reading groove again soon.

    My recap:

  12. I can't look at your netgalley books or I will want to go and grab that murder I am trying to stay away and already picked up one this week!

    I love Murder She Wrote and watch it all the's my favorite background noise. :)

    Week in Review

  13. I want to take my kids this summer on Nature Walks, I think it would be fun and a great chance to take pictures of them and tire them out :)

    Maybe a switch of genre is what you need or a day off from reading anything, sometimes that helps.

    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading oxox

  14. I wish I could stay of NetGalley it is just too tempting!!

    Have a great week!

    Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings

  15. I am truly hooked on Netflix, and that obsession was ratcheted up this week when I got a new device (a Blu-Ray with streaming capabilities); yesterday I finished watching the fifth and final season of Breaking Bad. I dreamed about it! LOL

    Now I can tackle other shows, too.

    I love the movie This Is Where I Leave You...have watched it three times already.


  16. Oh Katherine, I know how you feel about reading this week! I have gone through this, and am actually have a bit of a problem with it this week. I decided to add more cozies and lighter readings into my rotation to help out. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood for violence or realistic murder stories :) Doesn't that last sentence make me sound a bit strange?

    I am looking at your titles this week with interest: the Barclay Hall one, anything Jill Shalvis--haven't tried her, is she like Robyn Carr?, and Haunted Plantations of the South (we went to a "haunted" cemetery once in FL... was a graveyard exclusively for African-Americans from a very long time ago, and people thought they saw/heard unhappy spirits there). It was a sad experience for us; we even saw a couple of graves with old, cracked plastic dolls tied to children's markers. Anyway... on to happier topics... enjoy your week's reading and I look forward to your TTT!

  17. I can't remember the last time I logged into NetGalley. :) I haven't built up enough reputation there to get the books I want. And then when I do get them it is days before they are released! Grr.

    Have a good week.

    Terri M., the Director
    Second Run Reviews

  18. I got a copy of Second Chance Summer and am really looking forward to reading it! I have been in the mood for a good summer romance and I think this will fit that perfectly. I hope that you are able to settle on a book soon. Maybe try a reread of an old favorite? That always works for me! Have a great week!

  19. I'm in a weird reading place, too. You're right, it's not really a reading rut and not really a slump either. I just don't know what I want to read next (besides books that scheduled for book tours which have deadlines.) Maybe it's a case of having too many to choose from. I've started several different ones too and enjoyed liked them all but couldn't decide which to read through.

    I picked up the Jill Shalvis one, too. It looks great.

    Hope you have a great week!

  20. I think Tribute is my favorite Nora Roberts non-series book.

  21. Haven't heard of that book, but it's got a great cover! Hope you enjoy it!
    Check out my Sunday Post

  22. NetFlix is fantastic, if addictive. :D The hiking sounds wonderful and yay for more sleep. Sometimes I have trouble settling into a book and I bounce around. Good luck!

  23. I'm behind on reviews for Netgalley but I did grab Heather Grahams new one, The Silenced. I love her Krewe series and I couldn't resist. And I'm also addicted to Netflix. Watching it right now. LOL

    My Sunday Post -

  24. Yes - exactly! That's how I've been with reading too. Ah, how fun hiking is! Hope you enjoy your book, especiall the one by Jill Shalvis since you don't even know what it's about. ;)

  25. I loved reading how you and your son are hiking. I'm trying to start walking this summer and get into running.

  26. All that hiking, what fun!! Eek a new Jill Shalvis, how on earth did I miss that, love her writing! Hope the 'tossing and turning' settles and you lose yourself in a totally awesome book, maybe Shalvis will do the trick ;)

  27. After being really good and staying away from Netflix for a good couple months, I went crazy the other day. All because I wanted to look just one little book up . . . So, I'm back to swearing off Netflix for the time being.

    I hope you are able to settle into something reading wise soon. Have a great week, Katherine!

  28. Oh I've had that feeling before. Usually for me it's a seasonal thing. Hope you're able to settle on a book soon. And yay for the Shalvis one! I read it last week and had a great time with it :D
