
Sunday, June 14, 2015

This Week in Reading: June 14

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

London From My Windows by Mary Carter - A sketch artist with severe agoraphobia is left an inheritance by an aunt with the stipulation she lives in the aunt's West End flat for a year.  (NetGalley)

Killer Run by Lynn Cahoon - the 5th book in the Tourist Trap series.  I've really enjoyed the first 3 and have the 4th coming up in a couple of weeks (NetGalley)

Starting Over by Stacy Finz - This is the 4th (I think) in a contemporary romance series set in a little town in Northern California.  This features a Bed and Breakfast that I'm hoping/assuming is the one that was being restored in the 1st book which I loved. (NetGalley)

The Orchard at the Edge of Town by Shirlee McCoy - I can't resist books with orchards.  I have no idea but it's almost as big of a draw as an old ramshackle house.  (NetGalley)

No One Needs to Know by Kevin O'Brien - I've been wanting to try this author for awhile I'm so excited! (NetGalley)

How Do You Tuck in a Superhero?: And Other Delightful Mysteries of Raising Boys by Rachel Balducci - I love the title of this one and the author has 5 boys .  I'm hoping to pick up some sanity saving tips! (Paperbackswap)

I had done so well about avoiding NetGalley but than Kensington released next month's books and I couldn't resist a few of them!


Reading: Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie, Tribute by Nora Roberts, and The Gentle Art of Murder by Jeanne M. Dams

Listening: Nothing

Watching: Not much. J and I watched Major Crimes the other day even though I still haven't forgiven TNT for cancelling Perception.  I enjoyed it and am glad that it looks like they're laying an ongoing plot issue to rest.  It was getting a bit tired.  We've also started watching The Dead Files on Travel Channel which is interesting.

Off the Blog:

This week has been a big week for Emma.  She's currently at Bonnaroo with 6 of her closest friends and 79,000 other people.  She's supposed to be on her way home today at some point and I will be much relieved when she finally gets here!  Then she'll be heading down to college orientation with a friend and her future roommate.

The Tornado and I are still hiking up a storm and he's done some pretty difficult trails with no issue which has surprised me a bit.  We're able to go about 3 miles or so at this point without any issue which isn't bad for a 5 year old.  I finally remembered to bring bug spray which will hopefully keep us from being munched on by mosquitoes quite as much.

We have renters!  We've had an empty rental house since March and finally finally have renters!  They take possession this week AND have signed a 2 year lease!  We're very happy and very very relieved.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Book Scavenger - Middle Grade Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Summer TBR
Wednesday: Gentle Art of Murder - Mystery Review
Thursday: Nothing Like a Cowboy - Romance Review
Friday: Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday: No idea but probably something foodie

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I don't often share this but I have mild agoraphobia. I need to plan in advance to go anywhere and don't like to be away for long periods of time. I do better when we go on vacation but if we are close to home I get a little anxious to return. My point is that London from My Window has me curious. I am with you about Perception, we loved that show. I've been watching the Hobbit all weekend..An Unexpected Journey. Enjoy your week Katherine!

    1. Kim, see my comment below, please--thanks!

    2. Thank you! I am looking forward to London From My Windows. I hope you read this as well because I'd love to get your take on it. While I would in general prefer to stay home I have none of the anxiety that comes from actual agoraphobia. It'd be interesting to know how well the author deals with the issue.

  2. I haven't seen Major Crimes (here in Australia) for ages. Are they still making it? I'm not even sure how up to date we were when it was on. It took me a while to get used to Mary McDonnell - I wasn't sure if she'd had too much work done to her face or if she was always that expressionless (and I know that sounds b*tchy!) - but I started to really enjoy it.

    I like the sound of London from my Windows... not the sort of book I'd usually read but it sounds interesting.

    1. I think Mary McDonnell has definitely had some work done. It does take some getting used to. I like the way this season seems to be going and really last season was good too. Hope you're able to catch up on it!

  3. London From My Windows sounds good, I like that view out her window. :) And I've heard good things about Cahoon's books, I'm starting to recognize some of the authors as I read more cozys. Hope they're all great. I'm looking forward to your thoughts on Book Scavenger. I love the idea of the find and hide books.

    1. I'm looking forward to the Cahoon though I am a little concerned with how quickly she's putting out books. Sometimes an increase in quantity means a decided decrease in quality though I'm hoping that's not the case here.

  4. I noticed London from my Window on NetGalley today and now I read your brief summary I think it could be very promising.

    1. I'm looking forward to London From My Windows! I'm hoping it lived up to its potential.

  5. Yay for the renters, that's good news ! When I saw the cover of "London from my windows", my first thought was that her rent must be pretty expensive, lol ^^ The book with the bed and breakfast story has me interested, it looks like a nice cozy and I love small town settings - and bed and breakfasts ! Enjoy your books and have a great week ;)

    1. It's such a relief! Two mortgages really sucks! I can't resist a bed and breakfast either - especially not in a small town!

  6. I don't watch much TV so can't speak to TNT's cancelling policy but if Starz cancelled OUTLANDER I would be up in arms! LONDON FROM MY WINDOW looks really good.

    1. I wasn't quite as in love with Perception as you are with Outlander but it was one of my summer favorites. Oh well more time to catch up on other shows I want to watch - including Outlander!

  7. I like the look of London From My Window too, as well as the Kevin O'Brien book. I've been meaning to read some of his for a long time. Hope you have a good week!

    1. I've heard great things about Kevin O'Brien so I'm really looking forward to it!

  8. London from my window has me intrigued, will definitely have to have a look at it.

    Hope you have a great week!

    Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings

    1. I'm lucking forward to that one! Hopefully it will live up to it's potential.

  9. You got some good sounding books this week, Katherine. I really like the cover of London from my Windows and it sounds really interesting. I'm impressed by the Tornado--walking 3 miles is pretty awesome for a 5 year old.

    I hope you continue to enjoy your summer and have a great week.

    1. He's a pretty tough kid and I'm looking for any way to get rid of some energy! I'm looking forward to London From My Window if nothing else I love the cover!

  10. Nice books. I like the look and sound of London from My Windows. Happy reading and hiking!

    My Sunday recap:

  11. While I don't actually have agoraphobia, I do prefer staying home to traveling, and mostly stick to a five-mile radius from my home. I can relate to that illness, though, as some days, I will think of many excuses not to go anywhere! LOL But it is my preference, rather than fear, that dictates my behavior.

    London from my Windows looks good!

    I also love Major Crimes and haven't forgiven TNT for canceling Dallas...

    Enjoy your week! Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. I'm the same way about staying home. I definitely prefer to stay home but I don't have the anxiety associated with agoraphobia. I never watched Dallas but it looked fantastic!

  12. I will share something since Kimba did also... and it's not a secret around here: my youngest has panic disorder/agoraphobia, which she has worked on changing for years, and that is why it is such a big deal that she finished her college semester and has her first real job, 35 minutes from home. She just turned 25 and is our last at home. I am only "outing" this because perhaps it can help others to see there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    I too will look for London From My Window, plus Killer Run (I read the first Lynn Cahoon) and will check out your other titles that are new to me.

    Glad your daughter is having fun and doing well. Hope she gets a great roomie. And, wow, about all your hiking with the Tornado! I assume from his name he has lots of energy! My son loved to hike with us when we lived in Maine, and even as he is older he sometimes asks to hike somewhere, preferrably early in the hot days here, and my youngest surprises me by also tagging along. It's a great family experience, in my opinion. Is he old enough to use a cheap camera that he can take pics and keep them in a folder online? I forget his age but taking photos is a highlight of our walks.

    And oh, jealous me here, you grabbed the new Kevin O'Brien! I wasn't approved yet for my request from Netgalley. I have read all his books, which are thankfully all stand-alone. They are quite suspenseful and once in a while have flashes of violence, so see if it is your type of read. If so, you gained a new, clever author-- I just love his style.

    1. That is awesome about your daughter. What courage she has and perseverance. You must be incredibly proud of here. I like the idea of the camera. We've been doing scavenger hunts and a camera would be great. You're the reason I was interested in the O'Brien was because of your review of his last book awhile ago!

  13. Have a wonderful week, Rita!

    Terri M., the Director
    Second Run Reviews

  14. You have some great books and I hope you enjoy them all. Hiking sounds like fun. I would love to hike more but my family aren't interested. I should look for a local hiking club so I don't have to go alone. Have a great week!

    1. I love hiking and a hiking club sounds great. You might meet some fun people and discover some great trails that aren't commonly known!

  15. I plan to take the kids hiking this summer, I have never done it myself but I thought it would be a great way to get out of the house for a while and see nature. As long as wherever we go has adequate cell service so if we get lost my husband wont have to try out any of his survival skills he thinks he learned on the discovery channel.

    Kids not being close by is not a fun thing for moms. :)

    I hope you have a wonderful week, Katherine! Happy Reading!

    1. This is really the first time I've done any hiking by myself. It's been fun but I do check to make sure I have coverage and I always text my husband our route just in case.

  16. I haven't been watching much on TV lately myself. Which is actually a good thing.. I am finally caught up on most of the shows that I watch. Soon some summer shows will start and I'll have some shows. Plus now I can check out some shows from the library I never watched but have been wanting to check out.

    1. I haven't been watching much TV either which my TiVo can attest to! I've got some serious catching up I need to do on a few shows.

  17. You and The Tornado are doing great with the hiking, that's fantastic! I'm impressed at how much hiking you all do. I bet Emma's had a lot of fun but boy will she be tired. I miss Perception and Dallas too.:( I lost interest in Major Crimes several years ago, even before I gave up my cable.

    The London books sounds interesting, I'm curious to see what your thoughts are on it.

    YAY for renters! Stay cool and have a good week.

    1. I actually got my days mixed up and she will be home tomorrow not today but I have a feeling she will be dragging! It took me awhile to get into Major Crimes but the last season was pretty good.

  18. Boy, if you learn anything good about raising boys, be sure to share it with all of us!

  19. I love the Lynn Cahoon seies. I'm up to book #5 for a blog tour.

    I haven't forgiven TNT for canceling Dallas. I never really watched Major Crimes...I think I only watched an episode or two.

    Have a great week!

    1. I didn't love Major Crimes in the beginning but it's grown on me. I'm looking forward to the Cahoon! So far I've really enjoyed he series.

  20. Starting Over sounds cute. I will definitely look out for your review.
    Netgalley is a black hole.You can never stay away indefinitely.
    Hiking is awesome. That's great you guys can do that together. Gets you outside and exercise. Perfect. :)
    I'm sure Emma is home safe and sound now.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. She actually gets home tomorrow not today so I get an extra day of worry. Got my dates mixed up! I'm enjoying the exercise and him getting some energy out! I'm excited about Starting Over! You know I can't resist a small town!

  21. We're taking our first family camping trip this summer and I'm so looking forward to the hiking - though it will be mild hiking since we aren't as fit as Tornado! LOL I can do three miles of course, but that's impressive for his age, especially on hiking trails. I think he earns his name, huh ;) I'm sure Emma will make it home safe and sound - I dread when Franky is getting ready to start college and spread his wings like this. You must be proud of her though, despite the anxiety. Hopefully college is close to home?

    Have a great week and enjoy thoe trails! I need to figure out how to get the mosquitos to stop eating me too!

  22. Snap, I'm reading Murder on the Orient Express too! Well I was, I finished it over the weekend. Loved it! Your hiking trips sound like a lot of fun and your son is doing great. That's a long distance for little legs!

  23. Like many of the people who have commented, I am looking forward to London through the Window. Great news about your daughter & off to college as well as you getting renters!

  24. London From My Windows sounds like it would be really good!

    How did Emma like Bonnaroo? Did you have a good trip? I hope her college orientation goes well. Boy, does that bring back memories.

    I hope the renters are good ones!

    Have a great week, Katherine! My husband is at home with my daughter who has yet another fever. She's got cold symptoms too, so I know she's miserable. We had a rough night last night.

  25. I'm incredibly impressed that you're able to hike that far with a 5 year old... what a great thing for both of you! And I really need to read Murder on the Orient Express. Have enjoyed several Christie's, but not this one yet... and it's so famous, too. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  26. LOL I have that with Netgalley. I'm trying to resist but then they send out pretty invites and...what's a girl to do?!!
