
Friday, June 19, 2015

Friday Linkups: Whispers and Lies

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
How many posts do you publish per week?  How many of them are reviews?

My Answer:
Since around February of 2014 I've published 7 posts per week.  While it does change sometimes normally 4 of them (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday) are reviews.  Tuesday is Top Ten Tuesday, Friday is this group of memes, and Sunday is Sunday Post.

This week's book is Whispers and Lies from Joy Fielding, an author I read a couple of books from years and years ago and then kind of forgot about her.  Not too long ago Rita , another Blogger friend reviewed one of her books and got me thinking of Fielding again so when I was at the library a few days later I picked up one of her books.  I haven't gotten very far but so far I'm really enjoying it.  It's so fast paced and I can't wait to find out what happens next!

The Beginning:
"She said her name was Alison Simms.
 The name tumbled slowly, almost languorously, from her lips, the way honey slides from the blade of a knife."

My Thoughts:
I'm going to take a guess from the way that first sentence is written that her name is not in fact Alison Simms.

The 56:
It took half a second for the name to register on my brain.  "Erica Hollander is no longer my tenant," I said coolly, my eyes following several wayward trickles of water as they ran down my legs to the ivory carpet.  Anxiety simultaneously trickled through my insides."

My Thoughts:
So now in addition to Alison Simms who does not sound like she is actually Alison Simms we have Erica Hollander who also sounds like she's up to no good.  Or possibly she's buried under the floorboards?  I don't know but I want to find out!

So what do you think?  Would you keep reading?  Do you have any authors whose books you used to enjoy that you just quit reading for no real reason?


  1. Oh, I always have authors that I've read and then never gotten back to. I want to say that I've actually read Whispers and Lies. It sounds familiar. I do know that I've read a book or two by Joy Fielding. Like you, I got distracted by other books. That happens a lot. LOL

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets distracted by newer shinier books! I think this will be a fast read and so far I'm really enjoying it.

  2. Sounds interesting... Thank you.

    As to authors......... I jump around so much, in my reading, that it would be hard to say.


    1. I just randomly forget authors and series and than it's so exciting when I rediscover them!

  3. This does sound good. I've never read anything by the author. This week I am spotlighting First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones. It's been on TBR mountain for a while. Happy reading!

    1. The Darynda Jones book is on my TBR! It looks like such a fun read!

  4. Well now you have me wondering what these women are up too..LOL I post 6-7 times a week. Since I do mostly reviews and the occasional discussion piece I take Saturday off, unless I have an extra review or something else to post.

    1. It's definitely an interesting book! Secrets in top of secrets!

  5. I've never read this author, but it does sound intriguing.

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).

    1. Doesn't it! I'm excited to really get into this one.

  6. I haven't read one of her books in a long time either. This would be a good re-introduction:)

    My 56 -

  7. Maybe they're the same person! I really like it when the blogger guesses what's going to happen after the quotes.
    Hope you can stop by.

    1. Oh I like that theory! This is definitely is one you have to speculate on!

  8. This author is new to me, but Whispers and Lies sounds like a book I'd enjoy. I like the descriptive writing in the opening, and I'm curious about Alison Simms and her smooth voice.
    My Friday post features What I Remember Most.

    1. I definitely want to find out more about Allison. My guess is she is up to no good!

  9. Definitely keep reading, I look forward to seeing what you think about it.

  10. Seven posts are a lot. That is great!!

    I definitely have four unless I find something bookish and fun or have a giveaway or review.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  11. I often "forget" about authors and then when I read another book by them I am reminded how much I like their writing style. Glad you found your way back to Fielding.

  12. Not read that author, but it sounds interesting. :)

  13. I'm not familiar with this author but those snippets are evocative.

    I often start reading an author, get distracted and wander away, then re-discover them some years later. :D

  14. I'm just super envious of your posting powers. I wish I could at least review every book I read. But one, I'm lazy and two, there's a lot of times I really don't have anything to say about the book.
    My weekly posting has definitely gone downhill. I'm only posting 2-3 times a week. Which sucks. But I'm not going to force myself. Hopefully by the end of the summer I'll be back to get at least 4 posts a week up. And at least 2-3 of them being actual reviews. You probably did not care to know all that. Lol! :)
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  15. I'm curious what these two women have to do with the story.
    Happy weekend!

  16. Joy Fielding is one of those authors on my must read list. Whispers and Lies does sound good!
