
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Authors I'd Like to Meet

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is Top Ten Authors I'd Love to Meet.  I had a hard time with this topic as I'm not crazy about the idea of meeting people no matter how much I love their books.  I'd have no idea of what to say!

1.  Agatha Christie - This would probably be awkward for both of us (and would require time travel) because from all reports she never knew what to say to fans but I would love to meet her and maybe get some insight into how some of her twistiest books came to be.

2.  Dorothy L. Sayers - I haven't read as much of Sayers' books as I have of Christie's but I feel like I got to know her a bit in The Golden Age of Murder and she came off as so much fun.  She was smart, sarcastic and adventurous with just enough issues to give her an edge.

3.  Jenny Lawson - Really I just want to go shopping with her to some random antique or junk store.  There's no telling what she'd fin and her observations are always hilarious.

4.  Barbara Michaels - Because this woman knows everything - vintage clothing, Egyptology, roses, history, and all kinds of other things.  I'd just love to listen to her talk!

5.  Jill Shalvis - Because her books are such entertaining she seems like she'd be lots of fun to grab coffee with.

6.  Daphne du Maurier - I have some questions I want answered about Rebecca!

7.  Lisa Kleypas - There are a few characters I want updates on.  Especially Sebastian and Evie and most of the couples in the Friday Harbor series.

8.  Mindy Kaling - I love her book and she just seems like so much fun.

9.  J. Maarten Troost - I love his travel stories and always find him entertaining.

10. Ernestine Gilbreth Carey - I want the real scoop on what it was like growing up in the Cheaper by the Dozen family and I always liked her.

Who would like to meet?


  1. I'd like to meet a few of them, too... especially Agatha Christie and Daphne DuMairier. I have no idea what I'd say either though ;-)

    1. I have some questions for du Maurier but I have no ideas about what I'd say to Christie.

  2. You have some good authors on your list. And I think that most feel a little awkward meeting an author. I know I have. Felt like I kind of stammered. They are usually so very nice and welcoming though. Well, you're buying one of their books in most cases. LOL

    Agatha Christie is a good choice for me and Daphne Du Maurier and, of course, Barbara Michaels.

    1. I think I'd be okay in a book buying situation but a full conversation or one on one would be awkward.

  3. Oh, good list! I took it literally and only listed authors still living, but you have great choices-- Daphne Du Maurier and Agatha Christie, yes! I am enjoying going through everyone's TTT today and seeing their reasoning for why they would want to meet their chosen authors. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Not familiar with these authors but I hope you meet them one day. :)
    Top Ten Tuesday

  5. I would love to meet Jenny Lawson. Sometimes I think our brains work similarly, at least from what I've read by her. Agatha Christie would make for an interesting lunch date, I think. :-)

    Great list, Katherine. I think my answers would be rather unoriginal. J.K. Rowling. Michael Connelly. Elizabeth Haynes. Linda Fairstein. Sue Grafton. J.A. Jance. Ilona Andrews (does this count as two since it's a husband/wife team?), and P.J. Tracy (also two people).

    1. Writing teams definitely count! JA Jance is a great choice. I have loved all of her books that I've read.

  6. I would be so nervous to actually just sit down to tea with authors, but I would like to go to a talk by them. I would love to meet Jill Shalvis, too. And Lisa Kleypas! I would totally love to meet her. Daphne Du Maurier, too! Lots of questions about Rebecca.

    1. So many questions about Rebecca! I want to know more about some of Shalvis and Kleypas's characters!

  7. Haha! Don't worry, I'm the most socially awkward person. I've been really lucky to meet a lot of authors over the last few years. And I'm totally excited to meet them, but I stand up there well they're signing my book(s) and kind of stare at my nails. What am I supposed to say? It's be great when I've meet an author who is super chatty and talks to all their fans as they stand beside them. Rainbow Rowell has been the best for that. Jenny Han was pretty cool too.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Super chatty authors would definitely be the best! It'd alleviate the need for random small talk. I've Rowell is awesome!

  8. I don't think I have read any on your list :( I must fix this.

    Megan @

    1. That's happened to me some today! So many authors I need to check out!

  9. Mindy Kaling seems like a really fun person to be around, witting and fun. I'd love to meet her too!

    1. I loved her book and in all her interviews she just comes off as so real.

  10. Yes! You're the first Jenny Lawson I've come across (besides me). I would love to randomly run into her. Mindy Kaling is another great choice. I almost put Agatha Christie, but I already had two deceased on my list, so I didn't.

    1. I would love to go shopping with Lawson! I'd really just want to hear her observations on random stuff!

  11. I have read all but three and I would add Gladys Mitchell. Dell Shannon, Manning Coles and a few others I can't think of at the moment.

    1. I definitely need to read Gladys Mitchell! I somehow missed her but am really looking forward to discovering her for myself.

  12. Oh heck, yeah - du Maurier has some questions to answer!

  13. Excellent list especially Agatha Christie.

  14. Du Maurier and Agatha Christie for sure, along with PD James, Emily Bronte, Colleen McCullough, Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou, Emily Dickinson, Willa Cather, Sarah Orne Jewett. I could probably add ten more!

    1. Such great choices! I'd love to talk to Emily Bronte or really any of them!

  15. Agatha Christie is one of my favorite authors. She would have been an interesting person to meet in real life.

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

    1. Oh I think so! Aside from her books she had such an interesting life with her travels.

  16. What a fabulous many great female authors!

    1. Oh thank you! I actually didn't realize they were all females until you pointed it out!

  17. Jill was at a book con I went to a few years ago. She gets super nervous/shy in person which surprised me since she's so lively and funny.

    1. Oh that's funny! I never thought that she'd get nervous or shy. I guess authors have their own nerves!

  18. I bet Agatha would have been a fascinating person to meet!

    1. Oh definitely! Can you imagine the stories she could tell!

  19. So many fantastic authors here! I would love to meet du Maurier. :)

    Check out my TTT.

    1. There are so many questions I have for du Maurier!

  20. I didn't do this top 10 because I think I did one very similar recently. But Mindy Kaling is someone I would love to meet and hang out with I think! Great list!

    1. Thanks! I almost didn't do this one because I really don't have a huge desire to meet authors. Mindy Kaling does seem so fun though!

  21. Ooh, wonderful list! Sayers and Christie were on my list, as you know, but I'd enjoy meeting Kleypas (she's another of my favorite historical romance writers) and du Maurier as well.

    1. Kleypas has written some of my characters and I'd love to get a little insight into them.

  22. That is an eclectic list, and I love that you need time travel for some of them. I'm having fun reading people's lists.
