
Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Corpse with the Sapphire Eyes - Review + Giveaway

The Corpse with the Sapphire Eyes (a Cait Morgan Mystery) by Cathy Ace

Rating: 3.5 Stars
Source: Blog Tour (For more info visit here)

Description:  It's Cait Morgan and Bud Anderson's wedding weekend and the Wales castle that seemed so romantic in October is quickly turning spooky in stormy December.  When a choir master takes a fatal fall and the storm causes a bridge to wash out Cait begins to worry that maybe the spooky Wales castle could be lethal.

Genre: Mystery

Why I Picked This Book: The setting is a castle in Wales!  There's no way I could pass that up!

My Impression:  This was an interesting mystery in a fantastic setting.  The castle was so richly drawn that it was almost a character and like Cait's sister I thought it sounded fantastic for exploring though I wanted to do the exploring myself and not wait for the children!  I loved the castle treasure plot tie in.  I love secret treasures and throw that in a castle and I'm happy girl.  I liked Cait and Bud and the inhabitants of the castle were interesting though not necessarily likable. This is the 5th book in the series but I had no problem following who was who and there was enough explanation to understand how Bud and Cait got together without weighing down the plot.

The pacing was a bit uneven at times and while there is a death that occurs early in the book it occurs off screen and doesn't really get talked too much about until a few chapters in.  The book also leans towards being heavy conversation heavy which contributes to the somewhat slower pace. Cait is a psychologist who focuses on the criminal mind and Bud is a police detective so the fact that they are investigating fits.

Overall, I found this an interesting mystery in a fantastic setting and I'm looking forward to getting to know Cait better.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Yes.  While this is isn't a series that is going to the top of my TBR I am looking forward to reading the first books in the series and seeing what comes next.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Yes, if you enjoy mysteries I think you would enjoy this - especially if you like cozies with a more mature main character.

Challenges Met?

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  1. I love the title and the premise for this book! Thanks for the opportunity!

    1. Apologies for the delay in replying - I have suffered some technical problems! I'm glad you like the premsie, Julie - I also hope you enjoy the book :-)

  2. I love it when the setting could considered a character all by itself. And a castle to boot! This does sound like something I might like. The characters professions caught my attention too. I want to know more about them.

    1. Hello Literary Feline - I'm so sorry I didn't reply...I couldn't!!!! I too enjoy books where the setting can be considered a character, and that's just what I've tried to do with this book. Hope you enjoy it :-)

  3. I've read The Corpse With The Platinum Hair and enjoyed it. Looking forward to reading
    the Corpse With The Sapphire Eyes.

    1. Thanks for stooping by, Patricia P. I'm sorry I've been so slow in replying - I had a few technical challenges! I'm so pleased you enjoyed THE CORPSE WITH THE PLATINUM HAIR and I really hope you enjoy this one :-)

  4. Nice review, I love cozy mysteries and castles! I will check this series out.

    1. Thanks Cindy - if you read it , I hope you enjoy it! My apologies - I couldn't work out how to reply...I think I've cracked it now :-)

  5. Mystery and castle....the perfect combo.

    1. I'm glad you like the sound of it Verna - I tried to make it fun ;-) Apologies for the delay in responding - I couldn't work out ow to use technology to my advantage!

  6. I enjoy this series and I need to catch up with it. I'm a little behind.

  7. I'd like to read a mystery set in a castle.

    1. And here's your ideal opportunity, Michelle! Hope you enjoy it if you read it...and sorry it took me so long to work out how to reply!
