
Friday, May 1, 2015

Friday Linkups: Romancing Mister Bridgerton

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you belong to an online book club?

My Answer:
No.  I've tried one before but I just didn't have time for it so my participation was sadly lacking.  I like the idea though so maybe when the kids are older.

I have no time to reread books but I couldn't resist picking up this one.  I blame Quinn over at Quinn's Book Nook because her fabulous Historical Romance 101 feature has featured this book.  I loved this book when it came out but haven't read it much since then.
The Beginning:
"On the sixth day of April, in the year 1812 - precisely two days before her sixteenth birthday - Penelope Featherington fell in love"

My thoughts:
I'm glad this is a prologue and not the beginning of the book.  15 is a bit to young for a heroine!  The book actually takes place much later when Penelope is in her 20s.

The 56:
"If he'd said the same to her just two days earlier, she would have laughed at his joke and let him be the witty and charming one.  But she must have heard Lady Danbury's voice at the back of her head again, because she suddenly decided she didn't want to be the same old Penelope Featherington.
She decided to join the fun"

My thoughts:
I love this as we're starting to see Penelope put aside her fears and insecurities and start to come into her own.  After 3 books of seeing her on the sides of ballrooms and ridiculed by her awful mother it's nice to see her come into her own.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  And are you seized with the need to reread a book every once in awhile?


  1. I'm glad you're re-reading this! It's totally worth the time. I love to see Penelope grow and become more confident. And also, Lady Danbury!

  2. It is nice to see someone come out of their shell. :) I read one Bridgerton book but I don't remember which one. I hope you have fun re-reading it.

  3. It has been a long time since I read an historical novel, and this one sounds enticing. Thanks for sharing...and here's mine: “NEVER TELL A LIE”

  4. I think an online club would be difficult to participate in. I actually don't participate in an online book club, but I do look to see what they are reading.

    Happy Friday!!

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  5. Penelope sounds like a delightful character. I like the 56 because it tells me that she's about to change. Now I'm wondering how that will work out.
    My Friday post features MIDDLE-AGED CRAZY.

  6. I love the idea of a book club, but I'm afraid I'd be too busy to participate also. New follower!

    Shannon @ The Tale Temptress FF

  7. I have this one on my tbr pile! I really need to try and get to it soon.

  8. Definitely keep reading! I look forward to seeing your thoughts on it!

  9. Historical romances can be really fun and this one sounds pretty good. Happy reading!

  10. This sounds like a good one - love historical novels. Yes, I have reread books: The Ring Trilogy and Ken Follet's Pillars of the Earth and Eye of the Needle.

  11. This sounds like a really good read, I haven't read this author so I will put it on my list. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

  12. I haven't read that book but I have read The Shell Seekers more than once. Some books are worth a reread.
    I also would like to participate in an online bookclub but I fear I wouldn't be as active as I needed to be. Time is always the issue!

  13. I'm lucky to live some what close to a few other bloggers. So we started a book club. That being said, whenever we meet up it's more to chat about life and all the books rather than the one we read. Lol.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  14. I love that opening!
    Happy weekend!

  15. I love my book club!! If you can go to and there are so many mommy based groups there that you can join. Great post!

  16. I belong to a few online book groups, but my participation is very poor. Only one does group reads though.

    I would keep reading from the excerpts you shared of Julia Quinn's book.

  17. Oh I do like the sound of that beginning and 56. I hope you're enjoying it. Have a great week.
