
Friday, May 15, 2015

Friday Linkups: Henrietta Who?

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:

If you see a book you like but see it is 400 or 500+ pages, will you still read it?

My Answer:

In theory, no.  Length has never been a deciding factor on whether I'll read a book or not.  However, since things have gotten a little out control over here in my TBR fort and I'm pretty sure NetGalley is trying to kill me I have noticed that I tend to avoid super long books. At least until I get things in better shape around here!

This week's book in Henrietta Who? by Catherine Aird.  Despite my love all things classic British mystery related Aird is a new author to me.  I only discovered her a few years ago and since then I've only read one of her books.  The good thing about this is there's now a good sized list of books for me to discover and if they're all as good as A Most Contagious Game and Henrietta Who? has been so far I'm in for a treat!

The Beginning:
"Harry Ford was a postman.  He was a postman of a vintage that is fast disappearing - that is to say he still did his delivery round on a bicycle."

My Thoughts:
I'm pretty sure this type of postman has completely disappeared by now.  This isn't the most compelling beginning but in another couple of paragraphs Harry is going to make quite a discovery!

The 56:
"He nodded. "Knowing you mother I should say a good reason," He hesitated. "She'd got all this worked out, hadn't she?"
"It rather looks like it.  I...I don't know what to think.""

My Thoughts:
I'm just a few pages away from this one so I have a pretty good idea what's going on.  If I was Henrietta I wouldn't know what to think either!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. Katherine, I'm in the same predicament as you with the Netgalley books, I've joined the Clean Sweep ARC Challenge, a bit late to the party as it's only a month long, but you should join :)

    My Book Blogger Hops

  2. The Clean Sweep ARC challenge and the NetGalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge are both good for whittling down the ARC pile and the latter is all year.

    I've heard of this author but not read her yet. You are almost as bad as NetGalley for my TBR pile. :D

  3. I'm am not bothered by long books, but I know that many are. For me, if I don't like it, I'm not going to continue it anyway. And if I do, well, the story goes on and on. As to your teaser - I've not ever read Catherine Aird. May need to check her out. And, no, I don't have that kind of postman (or would it be post-person) anymore. :-)

  4. I freaked out after accumulating quite a few NetGalley books in my first week...then I whittled them down. I don't want that to happen again! LOL I was afraid they wouldn't send any more if I didn't get those percentages right...which I was unaware of in the beginning.

    So I would probably not choose a long review book....other books, though, I wouldn't mind a long one if I love the author.

    I am also a fan of British authors and mysteries, so I will be checking this one out.

    Here's mine: “THE LIAR”

  5. I get so many cool book recommendations from you..I am just getting into British mysteries as I love watching them on TV so why not read So every time you mention one I write it down for future use. :)

    Friday Memes

  6. I recently purchased a used copy of The Religious Body for my overflowing piles/shelves. I'm eager to start reading this new-to-me author.

    My Friday post:

  7. I've heard of this author but have never read any of her books. This sounds like a good one.
    My Friday post features DANCING AT THE RASCAL FAIR.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This seems like an interesting book, I just haven't heard of it until now. Thanks for sharing. :)

  10. I avoid long books too simply because I don't have the time, but if it is something in a genre I know I will like, I may read it.

    ENJOY your reading weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  11. I love discovering new authors. It's like a new world being opened up for you. Hope you enjoy and have a lovely weekend!

  12. Haven't read any of this author's books, I thought s-l-o-w in response to the sections you posted, but British mysteries tend to start out that way. You just have to let them evolve at their own pace.

  13. I've not heard of this author before. The title caught my attention right away and I like the old fashioned look, like a classic, of the the cover. Reads like it's strongly written too.
    My 56 -

  14. I usually avoid long books too. This book sounds good. Since I've been listening to the Agatha Raisin series, I've become interested in British mysteries.

  15. The super long ones are hard when you're on a review schedule. It's a rare one I take on these days too.

  16. I love long books, but admit I tend to go for the ones under 400 more often than not. I actually never pay attention to page length when I'm requesting a NetGalley book though. It's only the big paper books that give me pause.

  17. I used to adore big books, the longer the better. But like you these days, with my TBR as long as it is, I tend to avoid the huge ones. Game of Thrones is a classic example, I want to start it BUT....

  18. When I was a college student and broke, I use to pick books to buy with the highest page I am reading one now with 880 pages

  19. Sounds like a book with lovely writing. Happy weekend!

  20. Glad to see you're enjoying Aird! I don't think her more recent books are as consistently good as the earlier ones, but I still devour everything I can lay my hands on!

  21. The length of the book doesn't really matter, as long as the book is interesting enough :)

