
Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday Linkups - Frenchman's Creek

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Why would you stop reading a book?  Too long, wrong genre, bad language, not what you expected, or something totally different?

My Answer:
None and all of the above.  While there aren't many books I've DNF'd lately when I do it's usually because of a build up of little irritants.  I'll be reading along getting more and more irritated and than something will happen and I'll think "Nope.  That's one too many." and that's the end of the book.  There have been a few where I've gotten to page 50 and thought "I do not care about these people, I do not care what's going to happen and really I have very little idea of what HAS happened." and that's the end of that book.

This week's book is actually my Reading Assignment book for May and one I'm very much looking forward to.  My first introduction to Daphne du Maurier was in the form of Rebecca and was probably when I was 11 or so when my Grandmother suggested it one summer when I was staying with her and looking for something to read.  While I read it and enjoyed it and went onto read it multiple times I never really read anything else by du Maurier until I discovered her novella The Birds not too long ago.  Since then I've been determined to read more of du Maurier's work and Frenchman's Creek is my first attempt.

The Beginning:
"When the East wind blows up Helford River the shining waves become troubled and disturbed and the little waves beat angrily upon the sandy shores."

My thoughts:
Not much indication about what's going to happen but it definitely sounds like the narrator is familiar with the moods of the river.

The 56:
"You are puzzled, aren't you," he said, laughing down at her, "because you expected to find me drunk here on the floor, surrounded by blood and knives and bottles and shrieking women."

My thoughts:
I've only read a couple of pages so I really have no idea what's going on here but she seems to have a really awful impression of him and he seems to be amused by it. I'm definitely intrigued!

So keep reading?  And what makes you decide not to finish a book?


  1. I haven't read this Du Maurier book but I did finish Jamacia Inn this year. I like her writing style & have more of her books on my list.

    Yeah, if I find a few irritants in s book I am done. There are too many books I want to read to struggle through one. I abandoned A Casual Vacancy because I didn't like any of the characters. You have love at least one of them!

  2. My mystery group read Rebecca last fall and we also were free to read other books by Du Maurier or short stories. It was interesting how many of her short stories reminded those who read them of TV shows like Alfred Hitchcock Presents or the Twilight Zone. We talked about how she wrote all kinds of things, but I think we learned that she loved her mysteries and was annoyed when she was dismissed as a 'romance' writer. An interesting woman.

  3. I completely agree with your BBH answer. If I've already read a significant portion of the book and still feel nothing, I'm done.
    New bloglovin' follower :)

    Joana @ The Boundless Book List

  4. I really enjoyed Rebecca and have had this one on my list for a while... look forward to hearing more about it!

  5. I've never read du Maurier, not even Rebecca. I agree, the opener sounds like someone familiar with the river, attuned to it's patterns. The next scene has me curious as to what's going on, but he does sound like he has a good sense of humor.

    As for DNFing, like you, it's the build-up of little irritants which is happening with the book I'm reading now, or it might be a story plot theme that I refuse to read, or I just don't give a damn about any of the characters.

  6. I DNF quite a bit. Well more so than a lot of people I know. I'm just not going to waste my time on something I don't like.Whether it's boring, the characters, etc... If I just don't care and am forcing myself to keep going than it makes no sense to keep reading. There is a bazillion books on my TBR calling my name, so why give time to something that I don't care about when I could find my next favourite read?
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  7. It has been many years since I read Frenchman's Creek....a couple of years ago, I bought a two of DuMaurier's books that I read in high school, Rebecca and Jamaica Inn. Haven't reread them yet...but I hope to do so.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog. Enjoy!

    1. I meant "I bought two of DuMaurier's books"....LOL

  8. I used to tell people that REBECCA was my favorite book then I reread it and wasn't as impressed as the first time around. I'll be curious to see what you think of this, a less famous, book by her.

  9. I don't know exactly what that 56 means, but I'm now dying to know what he is talking about. I've never read Rebecca, but I've heard wonderful things about it. Happy reading!

  10. I have never read any of DuMaurier's books but now my to read shelf grows heavier and heavier:) Have a great weekend!

  11. Very alluring 56! I still need to read Rebecca, but now want to check this one out too!
    Happy weekend!

  12. I totally dislike when I am lost. I try, but if I have no idea what is going on, why continue.

    I love Daphne Du Maurier. I haven't read this book, though.


    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer


  13. Oh to those books that we find no connection to. I can’t help but hold great contempt for them, clearly they have stolen time I don’t have much of! I’m interested in knowing why her impression of this man is so negative too. Have a lovely weekend!

  14. Great answer for the book blogger hop question. I feel the same way, and I give about 50 pages as well before I throw in the towel.

    Exciting 56!

    My BBH answer & Friday 56:
    Brooke Blogs

  15. I'm intrigued by that 56 as well. I hope you're enjoying it.
    Happy weekend!

  16. I totally agree with you on realizing I don't care about the characters. That's the number one killer for me. New follower! :-)

    Shannon @ The Tale Temptress' FF

  17. I remember reading Frenchman's Creek in late high school or early college and loving it - I wonder why I never re-read it? Probably because I didn't own a copy.

  18. I mostly DNF a book when I'm bored. I know when I put off reading a book that it's one I need to put away as otherwise it just puts me into a reading slump. Sometimes I say I'll try it again later but in reality I never do.

    I plan on reading Rebecca at some stage this year. Frenchmans Creek looks interesting too.

  19. For me it happens if I cannot slip into the story and like you it is usually because things kick me characters, writing, things that piss me off..etc.

  20. I DNF books when I"m not enjoying them, period. I'm not in school, I don't have assigned reading and even though I get complimentary review copies, I don't get paid to read them. Life to to short to spend it reading books I don't like, even if "everyone" else does.

  21. It's usually a lack of interest in the characters and what is and will happen to them that causes me to give up on a book. But now that you mention it, sometimes those irritants do build up for me too . . .
