
Friday, May 29, 2015

Friday Linkups: Dead Room

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Can you read in a room with noise or do you have to have total quiet?

My Answer:
Thankfully I can read in a room with some noise or I'd never get any reading done!  I can generally read in a room where other people are watching TV or talking among themselves without too much trouble.   I actually have a hard time reading in total quiet so I use the classical for reading playlist off Amazon Music if I'm reading at night when everyone's asleep so I don't get distracted by every little sound.

A few days ago I was having kind of a crummy day.  Not like anything bad had happened but just a series of annoyances that left me cranky.  So I decided to take some time for a little library therapy and let myself wander the shelves and pick up books that caught my eye without worrying about my towering TBR or stacks of ARCs.  Dead Room by Heather Graham is one of those that I picked up.

The Beginning:
"The light was blinding.
For a moment it seemed as if nothing had existed before it, as if nothing could be greater than rising to meet it."

My Thoughts:
I'm guessing something bad has happened.

The 56:
""We are delight to see you, my dear.  If you'd refused to come, everyone would have understood," she said. There was real concern in her soft gray eyes, the kind that made Leslie feel the ache inside again, but she needed to get past all that."

My thoughts:
Things are still a little murky at this point.  There's an accident that may not have been one and stuff to dig up and lots of missing women.  So far I'm really enjoying this one!

So keep reading?


  1. I've never read anything by this author. I hope you like it and that it starts to clear up!

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).

  2. I've read a few books by this author and enjoyed them. I hope you like this one. This week I am spotlighting Prudence by Gail Carriger. Happy reading!

  3. I can read with the TV or music as well. My husband is one of those who has the TV on regardless of what he is doing. If he's home, it's on. Me, I have quiet almost all day when I'm here alone. I've adjusted. Love the fact that when you had a cranky day, you went to the library and wandered. I do that too. Or when I'm bored. Or just to get inspiration or when I need to get out of the house. Have a good weekend!

  4. I love browsing and finding a book to read just for the delight of it....thanks for sharing. I have never read this author, but I am intrigued by everything I see. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. I love this author and need to read more of her books! Sounds like a good one. :)

    Friday Memes

  6. The beginning does definitely sound not-good, I mean, light usually is a bad sign, no? Also gray eyes sounds amazing and I wonder who they belong to! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have  great weekend!
    My Friday Meme
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  7. If you're enjoying it, then definitely keep reading! The excerpts are certainly intriguing, and I think I have read something by this author before. :)

  8. I've read some Heather Graham and always found them exciting thrillers. Sounds like it's another good one.
    Here's My Post

  9. The Dead Room makes it sound like there may be more than one victim. Hope you enjoy!

  10. I like Heather Graham's books. :-)
    Happy weekend!

  11. I usually enjoy this author and this one sounds good.

  12. You are going to enjoy The Dead Room. I swear, Heather can't write a bad one!

    My 56 -

  13. There is nothing as therapeutic as listening to classical music while reading a very good story, wouldn't you agree? :) The Dead Room sounds thrilling too by the way, and I hope it will help rid that crummy slump Katherine. Wishing you a lovely weekend!

  14. Hi Katherine,

    The fact that I have to read in complete isolation and silence, perhaps explains why I read so little these days, now that hubbie doesn't work away like he used to!

    Your featured excerpts from 'The Dead Room', would definitely keep me reading on, although as this is book 4 in the 'Harrison Investigation' series, I am wondering if it works okay as a stand alone story?

    I read one Heather Graham book, albeit some time ago and it somehow left me feeling as though something was lacking, when I had finished - so much so that I can't even remember the name of the book!

    Perhaps it is worth giving her work a second chance at some point, so I'll bear this one in mind. Thanks for the feature :)


  15. I can read with noise, but it can depend on the book. Some books require more of my concentration, and if that's the case, I prefer silence or a low noise level. I think my biggest problem when it comes to reading are the interruptions. Ideally, I prefer to read with no background noise but natural sounds. But I've been known to block out completely tantrums occuring right in front of me if the book is that good. Okay, so that only happened once. But I still feel kind of bad about it.

  16. That book sounds interesting. I'm a bit late visiting everyone's posts from last week but I do hope you've enjoyed it.
