
Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday Linkups: Hyperbole and a Half

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Does the title of the book make or break your decision to read it?

My Answer:
I wouldn't say in makes or breaks my decision to read it but it definitely impacts it.  Generally it's the title I see at the bookstore, or the library and that definitely impacts my decision about whether or not I'll pick it up to even read the blurb.  I have come across a handful of titles - especially in romance - that were so bad I was too embarrassed to buy them!

Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh has been on my TBR since someone forwarded me a link to her blog years ago and I read her post on the Christmas story and laughed until I cried.  For some reason I never ended up picking it up until I saw it in the library last weekend.  Since I desperately needed a book to read (heavy, heavy sarcasm).  I haven't actually started reading this but have mostly been opening it and random pages but I fully intend to sit down with this one tonight.

The Beginning: 
"When I was ten years old, I wrote a letter to my future self and buried it in my backyard.  Seventeen years later, I remember that I was supposed to remember to dig it up two years ago."

My thoughts:
There's more text than I was expecting but that's not necessarily a bad thing.  I'm guessing the letter is going to be interesting to say the least!

Page 56 (well 55 because page 56 is just a drawing at her staring longingly at cake)
"My need for sugar would become so massive that it would collapse in upon itself and create a vacuum into which even more sugar would be drawn until all the world had been stripped of sweetness."

My thoughts:
This actually reminds me of Emma when she was little.  The child had a massive sweet tooth.  We once caught her adding sugar to a bowl of frosted flakes because they were sour.  We also caught her eating sugar on several occasions.

So what do you think?  Have you read this one?  Would you keep reading?


  1. Looks like a fun read...enjoy!

    My Friday Post:

  2. I've read one or two of her blog posts. The forgotten buried letter sounds like something would do. :D I hope you enjoy once you sit and start reading it. :)

    1. So far it's been pretty funny. I've only seen a few of her posts as well but I've enjoyed what I've read!

  3. Sounds like it could be fun, but being the cover judge that i am I am not feeling the cover..I never cared for those weird sketchy strange That and I don't read non-fiction much..but I hope you like it when you get to reading it. :)

    Friday Memes

    1. Her signature is that weird scetchy drawing. It works for her but I can see it not being for everyone!

  4. It does sound interesting but not sure I will seek it out anytime soon lol

    1. It's a fun read but probably not for everyone!

  5. I love that description of the need for sugar...LOL. I am now curious about this book. Enjoy!

    Here's mine: “THE IDEA OF LOVE”

  6. This sounds like a fun story. I'm definitely curious about the contents of that letter!
    My Friday post features SOMETHING ABOUT MAUDY.

    1. The contents of the letter were pretty funny. This is a fun book - very different but interesting.

  7. Oh yes, those romantic book titles are a bit overkill at times; not to mention, the book covers! Ha ha! Still and all, book titles don’t affect my decision, book covers do though!

    The introduction to Hyperbole and a Half is most intriguing! It sounds like it’s full of adventure and mayhem! Is it a children’s book?

    I am SO thankful I don’t have a sweet tooth, I would be in a huge predicament if I did. I would more than likely, add sugar to my frosted flakes too ha ha!

    Wishing you a lovely weekend Katherine :)

    1. Oh I envy your lack of sweet tooth! I think if be much happier without one. This is actually very much for adults but there's lots of stories about her childhood.

  8. I love Hyperbole and a Half! Thanks for sharing! :)

    Check out my 56 (with Book Beginnings).

    1. Oh thank you! I really need to follow her more. I always enjoy what I read from her.

  9. Romance titles can be a bit embarrassing at times. :)

    Titles are important, but the cover counts a lot for me too.

    THANKS for coming by my blog earlier, Katherine.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. There are so many bad romance titles with all the rakes and rogues! I'm probably more cover than title too but the blurb generally makes my decision

  10. I too have wanted to read this book and forgot about it until now. I guess I should have remembered that I was supposed to remember to read it. Ha!

    1. LOL! I was glad it jumped out at me from the library or I would still be forgetting to remember!

  11. Sounds interesting but not something I plan to add to my TBR mountain. I don't pay too much attention to the title or cover. It is the author or the blurb that grabs me. Happy reading!

    1. I'm pribably the same way though a good title will make me consider anew to me author.

  12. I'm interested and will check out the library to see if they have it:) That way I'm sure to read it instead of letting it languish on my kindle. LOL

    My 56 -

    1. This is graphic heavy so would probably be a better print book. I know what you mean about languishing on your Kindle! I don't even know half of what's on mine!

  13. I can relate to the beginning... I sometimes remember stuff way after the fact too.
    Happy weekend!

    1. LOL. I'm terrie about forgetting to remember too!

  14. I tend to judge on book covers rather than the titles. But now I'm sure the titles will be jumping out at me. (after having read everyone's answers)

    1. I'm more covers when I can see them but so often I'm just scrolling down a list or looking at spines in the library. A good title will make me look at the cover, a good cover will make me read the blurb and a good blurb will add it to my TBR!

  15. It's true. I definitely judge a book by its cover and title. Especially when I know nothing about the book. First impressions mean a lot.
    I LOVE this book! It's a super fast read. It's hilarious but also serious at points. I think you'll really enjoy it.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Oh I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it! I'm really looking forward to reading it!

  16. There's a book of Hyperbole and Half! I've obviousy not been paying attention!

    1. Yes! It's actually been out for awhile but I'm just now getting to it now!

  17. Sounds like an interesting read Katherine. I hope you're enjoying it.
