
Friday, April 3, 2015

Friday Linkups: A Fright to the Death

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Is there one book you will NEVER forget?

My Answer:
While there are lots of books that I'll never forget for various reasons the one that immediately comes to mind is The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom.  It's an incredibly powerful book that has really stuck with me.

This week's book is A Fright to the Death by Dawn Eastman.  I've been wanting to try this series for awhile so I was really excited to be part of the blog tour for the 3rd book in the series.

The Beginning:
I knew Mac scoffed at all things psychic, but why must he tempt the fates?
My Thoughts:
Mac scoffing at all things psychic kind of surprises me as from the blurb and what I know of the series there's a lot of psychic stuff going on.

The 56:
Vi sat up on her bed as I shivered and hopelessly examined my suitcase full of shorts and T-shirts.  I had packed for a Mexican vacation, not a blizzard in Michigan.

My Thoughts:
Given the beginning I'm thinking Mac really shouldn't have tempted the fates as a Mexican vacation sounds much better and way warmer than a Michigan blizzard!

So what do you think?  


  1. I featured this for my Teaser Tuesdays post! I'm having such a fun read and love the characters. So quirky and snarky. LOL
    My 56 is a fun one too -

  2. This looks good. I think I saw this one but passed it up because my calendar was full. I'll be eager to see what you think of it. I'm on the linky if you want to visit. Happy reading!

  3. I really want to start this series. It looks so good and I love the cover of this one.

  4. Great cover and excerpts! Thanks for sharing...and I'm eager to read your review. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. This book seems interesting, thanks for sharing.

  6. I read the second book and enjoyed it. A Mexican vacation wounds wonderful right now!

  7. Oh yes, I saw this featured over at Laura's blog this past Tuesday! It looks like a lighthearted read, I hope you are enjoying it! :)

  8. You definitely want warm clothes during a Midwestern winter! Check out my Friday 56!

  9. How horrible to end up with summer time clothes in a very cold climate. Happy reading and have a great weekend!

  10. Corrie Ten Boom. What a great name for an author?! I would think she would write comic books with a last name of Boom. :)

  11. I love the cover on this book, and the idea of ending up in a Michigan blizzard with clothes for Mexico is the stuff of nightmares!

  12. This one is new to me, it sounds interesting thought and I hope you're enjoying it.

  13. This looks like a fun read - I always like the mix of psychic stuff with a mystery!

  14. This book has me sold with the dogs on the cover. I also have a Pug and a Shih Tzu... lol
    Happy Easter weekend!

  15. Sounds like a fun read and now I want to start this book. The cover is cute. New Follower via email

  16. Is this the third book in the family fortune series? I have the first one marked. The balls of yarn and knitting needles caught my eye immediately. I wonder why ;0)?

  17. The Hiding Place sounds scary. Is it a WWII book?

    Thanks for sharing. I had two books and then thought of a third. Too difficult to choose.

    I hope you are having a nice weekend.

    Also...a review and giveaway of DON'T TRY TO FIND ME at this link.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  18. Great the cover too.

    I need to read a cozy mystery.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

  19. Is the dog the narrator? What is the relationship of the dog to the plot? Thanks for visiting my blog. You mentioned you thought you might enjoy The Martian because of your relationship to the space industry. I would say you would definitely find a lot to like in the book. Especially all the accurate science.

  20. I would pick a Mexican vacation over a blizzard any day!
