
Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday Linkups: Eight Cousins

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Question:
Have you ever received a bound galley from a publisher for review?  What did you think about it?  Were you surprised at anything?

My Answer:
I've gotten a few bound galleys and it never gets old!  I love Netgalley and Edelweiss and get excited about all my ebooks but there is something so exciting about a book being mailed straight from the publisher or author to you.

This week's book is Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott.  When I was a kid I never really connected with Little Women.  I didn't like the whole plot issue with Jo, Laurie and Amy and I never truly connected with the characters.  I did really enjoy Jo's Boys but it was Eight Cousins that really grabbed me.  I had gotten a copy of that and a few other Alcotts as a gift and I read Eight Cousins until the binding gave out.  It's been probably close to 25 years since I've read it and I'm really excited to revisit it.  It's my Reading Assignment Challenge book for April.

The Beginning:
"Rose sat all alone in the big best parlor, with her little handkerchief laid ready to catch the first tear, for she was thinking of her troubles, and a shower was expected."

My thoughts:
She sounds a bit like she's relishing thinking about her troubles!

The 56: 
"I love dearly to go poking about in the warehouses with Uncle Mac; everything is so curious and new to me; and I'm specially interested in China because you've been there."

My thoughts:
Poking about the warehouses sounds like lots of fun!  There's no telling what treasures are there.

Have you read this one?  Would you keep reading?


  1. She sounds like me sometimes. I'm told I over think things. LOL
    I've received some bound galleys and get excited too!
    My 56 -

  2. Oh, yes, I have that one. And it was one of my favorite books as a girl. Have you read the sequel, Rose in Bloom? It's good too.

  3. Depending on what has happened, it would be wise for me to have a hanky handy. Sounds like she's been there before. You can find mine here...

  4. I've never even heard of this Alcott book. Where does it rank with LITTLE WOMEN? Friday Quotes

  5. Sounds like a nice read, I haven't read Alcott but I loved the movie Little Women and have always wanted to try her novels. :)

    Friday Memes

  6. The bound galleys are nice.

    Mine was very large and easy to read the big print. :)

    ENJOY your reading weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  7. I had forgotten what a drama queen Rose could be, she loves a romance or adventure and being petted. I wore out my copy and Rose in Bloom also.

    Here's my beginning.

  8. I haven't read this one but it does seem interesting just based off the quotes. Keep reading! And I look forward to seeing your thoughts about the book. :)

  9. I know I haven't read your selection...and don't even recall ever seeing it anywhere. Hope it's as enjoyable the second time around.

    My Friday post:

  10. I couldn't agree more, receiving books via snail mail is almost romantic ha ha!

    Sparrow's Friday Book Meme's

  11. I can't recall if I ever read Eight Cousins. I know I read Little Women, Little Men, and Jo's Boys when I was younger. I hope you enjoy your reread.
    Thanks for sharing!

  12. I really like Little Women, but never understood Amy and Laurie either. Hope you enjoy this read!

  13. I think I read all these books when I was little - just devoured them, but Little Women was my favorite.

  14. I love getting bound ARCs! It doesn't happen and it's wonderful when it does.

    I tried reading Little Women while I was growing up but never got into it. Perhaps I should try again.

    Happy reading!

  15. Sounds like a trip down memory lane. I adore Little Women :)

  16. I haven't read Eight Cousins - it sounds good! I enjoyed Little Women but never understood the Jo, Laurie and Amy thing either.

  17. I loved Little Women. I probably read the others and this one long, long ago.

  18. I read Little Women, but that is it. Might have to read this one!
    Happy weekend!

  19. I've read Little Women but never went further. I like the opening line, a bit dramatic, but still...catching a storm of tears is a nicely worded phrase. Enjoy the book.

  20. Sounds like fun, I hope you're enjoying it.
