
Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday Linkups: Murder on the Orient Express

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you read more on a rainy day or a gorgeous sunny day so you can be outside?

My Answer:
With a small child I don't do as much day reading as I'd like but I'd have to say rainy day.  Being in the South most of our gorgeous days are accompanied by high heat, insane humidity and mosquitoes.  Plus I'm normally working on my garden or other outside project.  I love curling up in a comfy chair by a window on a rainy day and reading!

This is one of my favorite Agathas and is also one of her best known.  When I started rereading the Poirots this was one I was most excited to revisit.  It's so detailed and multi-layered that I pick up something new each time I read it.

Book Beginning: 
"It was five o'clock on a winter's morning in Syria.  Alongside the platform at Aleppo stood the train grandly designated in railway guides as the Taurus Express."

My Thoughts:
This is fairly typical of an Agatha beginning.  It's more about setting the scene than yanking you into the story.  I've read this book before so I know I'll enjoy it but I do love how she paints the picture of the important looking train sitting ready to go on a cold grey morning.

The 56: 
"Exactly, M. Poirot.  That blow was almost certainly struck with the left hand."
"So that our murderer is left handed? No, it is more difficult than that is it not?"

My thoughts:
I love watching them try to figure out what happened.  There's so many clues and theories that it's such a fun mystery!

So have you read this one?  What do you think?  And if you haven't, would you keep reading?


  1. I haven't read this one but I'm sure I watched the tv adaptation years ago, though I don't remember whodunnit thankfully! I am reading no.3 Poirot Investigates at the moment. I am looking forward to getting to this one too one day, and also no4. Roger Ackroyd. I hope you enjoy this one.

    1. I can't wait to see what you think of Roger Ackroyd! This is a good one too. Hope you enjoy it!

  2. Oh, yes. I've read this one more than once. Love it. I remember the first time I read it and just sat there thinking, "Wow. She really got me this time." LOL

    Have you seen any of the movie adaptations? I still love the one with Albert Finney playing Poirot and so many wonderful Hollywood stars. The latest one with David Suchet was odd. I was excited about it because I love Suchet as Poirot, but it somehow had Poirot very, very religious. I don't ever remember that in the books.

    1. I agree with you. The Albert Finney movie is wonderful, and still my favorite adaptation. The biggest issue I had with the Suchet version was how angry he was at the end, that was definitely not in the book.

    2. Somehow I don't remember the Suchet version of this though I love the Finney version. From the sounds of it it's definitely okay to give the Suchet a version a miss.

  3. I haven't read this one but I have read of it. I think I may have even seen a tv adaption somewhere along the line but I can't remember it too well.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. This is one of my favorite Agatha's! This is usually one of the first ones I recommend.

  4. Agatha Christie is always a good choice. I love getting lost in the stories she created.

    My Friday post:

  5. I love all of the Poirot films although I have never read one of the books... I should really get on that, shouldn't I? I love reading in the sun but also love reading with the sound of the rain in the background! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great weekend!
    My Friday Post 
    Juli @ Universe in Words

    1. Oh you must read Poirot! This would be a great one to start with.

  6. I recently read and reviewed my first Poirot, Affair at Styles, and loved it. But I saw this one as a movie when I was very young, and it still captivates me to this day. I love how she sets a scene, also. Here's my post.

    1. She's a master at scene setting and plots and just about everything! You must read this one! The movie is great but there is so much detail in the book!

  7. This is the only Christie book I've read besides And Then There Were None. So long ago but I remember I liked it--thanks.

    1. This is one of her best especially of the Poirots. Really Miss Marple is my favorite.

  8. A classic! Although I haven't read this book, I've seen the movie on TV. I'm sure the book is full of rich detail that the movie misses.
    My Friday post features THE SNOW CHILD.

    1. There's definitely so many little layers and details in the book. It's one of my favorites.

  9. Love this book. I'm not normally a huge Poirot fan, he's a little too pompous for me, but I love the moral ambiguity in this one. There are a few books were Poirot's sense of justice, doesn't squarely match up with a legal sense of justice, and that is the one thing that keeps me from completely disliking him as a character.

    1. I have a fondness for Poirot and his quirks but he is definitely not my favorite detective. I like his since of mercy and at times his sense of vengeance.

  10. I would! And I, too, love beginnings that set the scene....and watching detectives solve a mystery is the best part. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. I love that picture she paints. This is one of my favorites.

  11. I love Murder on the Orient Express! That one had me so baffled throughout and the ending! Ah!
    I agree with the above commenters.... I didn't much care for David Suchet's version though I normally love all of his versions. I haven't heard of the other film version so I'll be sure to look into it. :)

    1. I somehow haven't seen the Suchet version though from the sounds of it I'm not missing much! The ending is just amazing but I love all the details in the book.

  12. I read it some time ago and have forgotten the details. It should be on my Reread List!

    1. This is one of my favorites to rereads! I hope you're able to get it soon.

  13. I have read this book and I loved it. Murder on the Orient Express is one of my favorite Agatha Christie novels.

    1. Oh mine too! This and Death on the Nile are probably my favorite Poirots.

  14. I've been hoping to read some Christie for a while and haven't gotten around to it yet. This one makes me want to read even more!

    Here are my Friday memes. Have a good weekend!

    1. I hope you do soon. Her short story collections are a great way to get a taste if you don't want to commit to a whole book.

  15. I'd keep reading. I don't mind having the scene set first; sometimes that's what pulls me in.

    1. I don't either as long as the story starts progressing. I always trust Christie though!

  16. I don't think I ever read this one. I did see the movie though :)

    1. I love the movie with Finney but the book is so fantastic!

  17. I read this one many years ago, when I was living in Prague and thirsty for books to read in English. I think I read it twice. Anything Agatha is fine by me, but this one is especially good!

    1. I can imagine! This is one of my favorite Christies so it's not a bad one to have to read a couple time!

  18. I love reading outside but the bugs are a bit annoying. Great answers.

  19. All this Agatha Christie talk really makes me want to read the first one I have just so I can see if I would like it. :)

    1. You must! Some of hers can be a little dry but I love her!

  20. I've never read any of Agatha Christie's books yet I love watching the adaptations on TV... yet more books I really should find time for.

    1. I know what you mean! That pile of books just grows and grows!

  21. I love books you can reread and enjoy for different reasons each time. Happy weekend.

    1. This is one of my favorite rereads! There's so many details to catch.

  22. I love this one. The only reason I don't reread it as often as some of the others is because it is so distinctive, I've never forgotten the ending. With some of the other Poirots and Miss Marples, I'm a little fuzzy about whoddunit which adds to the pleasure of rereading. But I still reach for this one, especially in audio!

    1. I know what you mean. There's some of hers that I only have the vaguest memory of. I'd live to back and read this one and a few of the others for the first time.

  23. You can never go wrong with Christie!

  24. Yay for Monsieur Poirot! This is one of my fave Christies!

  25. I read this one years ago, what a fantastic book! Classic Christie!
    Happy weekend!

  26. I read everyday so I guess the weather won't matter. Your book looks interesting BTW :)


  27. I think I would like warm, muggy days right about now. :)

    Rainy days do make me want to curl up and read. Sunny days make me want to clean. LOL!!

    I hope you are having a good weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  28. Day time reading is pretty out the window for me too. My husband did let me finish the book I was reading this weekend though--sometimes he is nice that way. :-)
