
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Death in a Dacron Sail - Review

Death in a Dacron Sail by N.A. Granger

Rating: 4 Stars
Source: Provided by Author

Description:  When a child's finger is found in a lobster trap police consultant Rhe Brewster is plunged into an investigation involving missing children alongside her brother-in-law Police Chief Sam Brewster.  Rhe digs into the past, tries to dodge the hospital administrator and attempts to deal with her stumbling marriage.

Genre: Mystery

Why I Picked This Book: I do love a Maine setting and a good mystery!

My Impression:
Pros:  I read a lot of books that are set in small towns and very frequently those small towns could be anywhere.  There's the adorable boutiques and amazing cafes and while I enjoy them it is starting to feel a bit generic.  That wasn't the case with Pequoud.  This really feels like a town centered around fishing and it isn't always pretty.  The crimes themselves were horrific but were handled in such a way that it didn't give me nightmares.  There was just the right amount of detachment for me to violate my no children in mysteries rule.  Rhe's involvement in the investigation makes sense.  Not only is she a consultant but she is also the sister-in-law of the Police Chief and an ER Nurse which gives her access to the Medical Examiner and medical knowledge.  While I did guess a couple of the twists the full reveal was a surprise.  At no point did the book drag and it definitely kept me turning pages!

Cons:   I wanted the motivations behind the crimes to be explained a little bit more.  I know the hows and the whos but I'd like to know more about the whys.

Overall: While this could technically be called a cozy there's not much cozy about this read!  The crime was gritty, the mystery was compelling, the characters were likable and Rhe seriously needs a hug.  I look forward to seeing what happens next for her.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Absolutely!  I'm looking forward to reading her first book - Death in a Red Canvas Chair - and reading the next in the series..

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Definitely!  If you enjoy mysteries this is definitely one to try.

Challenges Met?


  1. I think most books I read could be set anywhere just about, and so I love it when a book has such a strong sense of place like the way you describe this one. This sounds like a good one!

    (You definitely won't like the book I'm reviewing tomorrow, Katherine. It involves a child. I almost put it down at one point, but I was so invested in the story I had to read on to make sure the little girl would be safe in the end. Yeah, so I just spoiled the book for you. LOL)

    1. Those are the kinds of spoilers I like! I've been known to flip to the back of the book to make sure a dog survives much less a child!

  2. Thank you, Katherine, for taking the time to review my book. I'm glad you liked it, plus you gave me room for improvement, which is always a good thing. You do so much for us indie authors - you deserve a jeweled tiara!

    1. It was such a fun read though you owe me a few hours of sleep! I had to find out what happened!

  3. Have put this on my list of must read

  4. I'm intrigued by this one...will put it on my wish list.

  5. Great review! Sharing... :)

  6. Well Katherine you have me one clicking, with this gritty little murder mystery.

    1. well bummer, it isn't available as an e-book. Boo.

    2. The first book--Death in a Red Canvas Chair--is available as an ebook so I just bought it. Maybe the next will come out in digital form, too.

    3. It is available in ebook but for some reason it's listed seperately. I'm really looking forward to reading the first in the series.

  7. This sounds good, Katherine. I like a Maine setting, too. I'm going to see if I can find the first book in the series.

    1. I really enjoyed this one! I hope you like the first in the series.

  8. I haven't heard of this series, but it sounds good - both the Maine setting and the overall realism-without-graphic-violence aspect. Plus I really appreciate it when the MC's involvement makes sense and isn't just her thinking she can do the police's job better than they can (even if she can.)

    1. I like when there's a logical reason as well and it definitely works here. She does a good balance of grit without being too violent. I really enjoyed this one!

  9. Great review and the book sounds fascinating. Being a big fan of 'Moby Dick' a town called Pequod would always make me curious. Thanks for the recommendation

  10. Great review and the book sounds fascinating. Being a big fan of 'Moby Dick' a town called Pequod would always make me curious. Thanks for the recommendation
