
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Mysteries I Can't Believe I Haven't Read

Today's Top Ten Tuesday Topic from The Broke and the Bookish is Top Ten Books I Can't Believe I Haven't Read from X genre.  I've been a mystery reader my whole life so I'm going with the mysteries I somehow missed.

1.  Whose Body? by Dorothy Sayers - While I did read Gaudy Night so long ago that I definitely need to reread it I never read any more of Sayers work.  This is my Reading Assignment Challenge book for this month and I'm really excited to get to know one of the other British mystery masters better.

2. The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett - When you think about vintage mystery The Maltese Falcon is the biggie.  There's movies, there's countless references and re-tellings.  While I've read a book that involved the manuscript of the book I've never actually read the book!

3.  In the Woods by Tana French - French is an author that's come to my attention within the last few months and I was shocked that I've never rad any of her books.  She's Irish on top of that and my reflex when I see the word Irish is to buy so I'm not sure how I missed this one.

4.  The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins - I've seen this on countless best mystery ever lists but have never read it.

5.  A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle - I read The Hound of the Baskervilles in 8th Grade I think.  Given that was 20 years ago it may be time for a reread!  I've loved both the Elementary and Sherlock shows and ever since I found out that all the episodes of Sherlock were based on actual Doyle stories I've been really excited about reading these.

6. The Surgeon by Tess Gerritsen - this is the first of the Rizzoli and Isles series.  I really enjoyed the first few seasons of this show (until it got more angst-y and character development-y.  I like my murder shows character development free) and Gerritsen is an author that's been around for ages but I'm not sure I've ever read any books by her.

7.  The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie (Flavia de Luce #1) by Alan Bradley - Despite the fact that I love the covers of this series I've never picked any up.  I think the fact that it was a teenage detective made me think that it was too YA but I've read enough great things about this series that I've changed my mind.

8.  Still Life by Louise Penny - This is the first in the Chief Inspector Armand Gamache series set in Quebec.  It's a police procedural series that I only discovered months ago.  The whole series looks right up my alley so I'm not quite sure how I missed it but I'm really excited to start reading it!

9.  Aunt Dimity's Death by Nancy Atherton - Atherton is an author that's been writing cozies since before there were cozies.  I've always overlooked them and never picked one up but I read a review of one of the newer ones recently and it sounds intriguing.  Aunt Dimity's Death is the first.

10. The Silent Sister by Diane Chamberlain - Like Tana French and Louise Penny, Chamberlain is an author I have no idea how I've gone so long without even hearing of her!  The Silent Sister was what brought her books onto my radar but she has so many and they all sound great!

Have you read any of these?  What books can you not believe you haven't read?


  1. You have some great ones on your list. I liked the Women in White a lot but have you read Wilkie Collins' other book The Moonstone? It's considered the first detective novel (I think) and it is really good!

    1. I'm embarrassed to say I haven't read any Wilkie Collins! I hope to fix that soon!

  2. Ditto on Lois' comment on the The Moonstone - I read it when I was a teen and loved it. But Woman in White, The Maltese Falcon, A study in Scarlet.... heck, all these books are great. Tess Gerritson is writer's side my hero.

    1. Somehow I completely missed Wilkie Collins until recently. I'm looking forward to reading both Woman in White and Moonstone. Now I'm really excited about Gerritson!

  3. Ah, what a lovely list! I have not read many of the mystery classics either. And that is what my Top Ten is about today. However, I have read several of the books you listed. First of all, STILL LIFE and Louise Penny. Get thee to a library or bookstore or whatnot and read that series. Truly. I also have enjoyed the Aunt Dimity books. Love Tana French's books and I'll be interested in hearing what you think about IN THE WOODS if you decide to pick that one up. THE SURGEON is really good. Just know that the TV Rizzoli and Isles are a bit different from the book ones. Love them both, by the way. I'm not a big Flavia fan, but there are members of my mystery book group who love her to death. You should try the series. OK, is that all? Oh, THE SILENT SISTER is on my list as well. I read one other book by Chamberlain, but it wasn't a mystery. I liked it, but can't think of the name right now. Enjoyed your list!!

    1. I will be getting Still Life soon! Her books look so much like something I'd enjoy I have no idea why she's just now getting on my radar. I do know Chamberlain has some more fiction type but I think I'll stick to mysteries. I'm glad to know you don't care for Flavia. I always like getting some balance to those adored series.

  4. I just read Kay's list and need to save yours, too. I loved The Woman in White, but think The Moonstone was even better. Really enjoyed In the Woods on audio and have Whose Body? on my kindle. Also want to read 6,7,8, and 10 on your list.

    1. I have Whose Body? On my Kindle as well and am really looking forward to reading it this month. Though actually I'm hoping to read all these soon!

  5. I almost covered mysteries for my TTT, but I decided to opt for a genre I don't read a ton of instead. I haven't read any of these either, but The Maltese Falcon is really one I should add to my list soon.

    Thanks for visiting The Book Connection.

    1. The Maltese Falcon is one I think I've read I've heard it referenced so many times! I'm looking forward to getting some of these read.

  6. Fun list! You know I'll push Flavia every day, but the Maltese Falcon is a fantastic book too!

    1. I've resisted Flavia for a long time but I think I'm sold on trying her now!

  7. Fun list! You know I'll push Flavia every day, but the Maltese Falcon is a fantastic book too!

  8. Oh man my list would be SO long. I've not tried any of these. Hopefully they'll get a read sooner rather than later :D

    1. So much reading to do! You are definitely not helping my TBR!

  9. Such a great list of mystery books. I think I'm going to have to add a few of these to my TBR list.

    1. Thanks! Mysteries are really my favorite genre!

  10. I've read two of these books - The Surgeon and Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, and I love them both.

    The Surgeon is the first of the Risoli and Isles, but I think it focuses more on another character, but Risoli is in it. I can't remember. It's been a long time since I've read it. But I loved it. My favorite Gerritson is actually Harvest. I highly recommend that one!

    Sweetness does have a little girl (I think she is 11 or 12) as the detective-like character, but it really doesn't feel YA to me. Flavia is really such an interesting person, plus the setting is amazing. If you listen to audiobooks, I also recommend listening to them. The narrator is fabulous.

    1. The more reviews I've read about Flavia the less it seems YA so I figured it was time to get past my hang up there. I'm really looking forward to Gerritson's book and will definitely be on the lookout for Harvest!

  11. Not a big mystery reader, but I LOVE Dorothy Sayers.

    1. Somehow I have missed out on Sayers but I'm really looking forward to catching up!

  12. Diane Chamberlain is my favorite author so I hope you get to The Silent Sister soon! I read Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie but really want to finish this series. I read In the Woods and Tana's writing is beautiful and lyrical but the plot fell short for me in the end. I do want to read The Secret Place though and will give another of her books a try. I loved the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes short stories and A Study in Scarlet is on my Classics Club list to read.

    1. Oh yay! Glad to hear you love Diane Chamberlain and Alan Bradley. I'm looking forward to Into the Woods but I'll keep it in mind that the plot might be not quite complete. I much prefer to go into a book with realistic expectations!

  13. I love the Lord Peter mysteries, so yes, you need to read more of them! Just remember that Peter grows and develops over the course of the series; he comes across as much more frivolous in the early books (though much of that is a persona.) I also love the Aunt Dimity books, and the early ones are the best. And I've read all the Sherlock Holmes books.

    I haven't read any of the others. Louise Penny is near the top of my list of mystery authors I want to try. On the other hand, I actually started The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie and didn't finish it. For some reason, the young narrator just didn't do it for me. It's not that I don't like YA (and the book didn't read like YA anyway), it was that I found her personality irritating. But I should give it another try.

    Great list, Katherine!

    1. You're the main reason Sayers has been on my mind so much lately! I'm really looking forward to getting to know Peter Whimsey better. I'm a little nervous about Flavia but I figure they're not very long so worth a shot!

  14. This is a lovely list and there's quite a few here I'd love to try too, including The Woman in White and The Sweetness... both of which I now have and hope to try this year. I haven't read any Dorothy Sayers yet, should I try her? I am just getting going with Agatha Christie this year, and really enjoying them. I like Diane Chamberlain but I haven't read this one yet.

    1. I remember really enjoying Gaudy Night but that sums up about all I remember about it! I think Sayers is a little dryer than Christie if I remember correctly but we will see. Try Patricia Wentworth if you're enjoying Agatha! I love her detective Maud Silver.

  15. I don't really read mysteries, so I can't jive with most of your list. I recognize a few authors that my mom really likes (ie, Tess Gerritsen) --- I might suggest a few of these others to her as well :)

    1. I hope I can pass on a few new ones to her! Mysteries aren't for everyone but it's probably my favorite genre.

  16. Tana French, Alan Bradley and Louise Penny are among my favourite authors! I've not heard of Diane Chamberlain - I'll have to check into her books.

    1. Oh I'm glad to hear you love French Bradley and Penny. I have no idea how I've read mysteries for so long and am just now hearing about them!

  17. Awesome list and I love Tess Gerritsen, the books are so much better and more focused on the cases.

    1. You've kind of put Gerritsen in my head. I'd heard of her but hadn't been super interested until your reviews!

  18. Great list, Katherine! I have read Whose Body? I have heard Gaudy Nights is her best, but I haven't read that one yet. I've also read The Maltese Falcon (which I liked), In the Woods (loved!), and The Women in White (loved this one too).

    I have only read one Doyle book (the one you've read actually), but I do want to read more about Sherlock Holmes at some point. I read a Tess Gerritsen book years ago and have never read anything else by her. I haven't yet read any of Bradley's books, although I hear his Flavia de Luce books are good. I definitely want to read Still Life at some point. I loved the one Louise Penny book I read.

    1. I remember practically nothing about Gaudy Night other than that I enjoyed it. I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed Louise Penny! I'm really looking forward to trying her!

  19. Now that I've watched(and am obsessed) with Sherlock, it's made me really curious to check out the original works. I bet their great and funny. Yea?
    I also have been really interested to check out the Flavia de Luce series. Sounds really quirky.
    Hope you can get to these sometime soonish.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I'm definitely curious about the show compared to the story. I think it'd be really fun to read the story and then watch the episode of Sherlock.

  20. I need to try reading more mysteries! Definitely check out more Sherlock Holmes - they're wonderful!! I'm trying to read more Agatha Christie (:
    Great list!

    1. Read more Christie! I'd be glad to give you some suggestions.

  21. I've only read The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, and I thought it was pretty good. I enjoyed Flavia's character.

    1. Oh I'm glad you enjoyed it! It's definitely a series I'm looking forward to trying.

  22. Great list, Katherine! I read some of Sayers, Doyle and Hammett years ago. I like Flavia though I'm several books behind. I also have Still Life, but haven't read it yet. I'm adding others to my list!

    1. Thanks! I'm looking forward to reading these. There's just so many great mysteries out there that I know I will love!

  23. This is right in my wheelhouse! I love Tess Gerritsen and have read just about all her books, besides this whole series, and recommend her highly. Tana French-- I've read the first two books by her, and really enjoy her writing style, recommended by Trish @ Between My Lines. Diane Chamberlain is on the line between contemporary romance and suspense and I've read and liked many from her over the years. Nancy Atherton was highly recommended as a cozy author by Lark @ Bookwyrm's Hoard, Louise Penny praised by Mysterious Bibliophile and Alan Bradley by Literary Lindsey. The others I haven't read either. Hope you get to enjoy some of these soon.

    1. I think Trish is who got me interested in Tana French as well! I'm really excited to read these and hopefully will actually make it happen soon! You had a review up for a Gerritson that looked interesting not too long ago and you've gotten me interested in Alex Kava now ax well.

  24. I like your reflex to buy things that mention Irish! LOL But yes you SHOULD read Tana French :) And I'd love to try The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins sometime soon myself. It's one of those books that I feel a bit embarrassed about not having read yet.

  25. Lots of great books on that list and I can't believe that I haven't read any of them. I hope you're able to get to them one day.

  26. The Surgeon is great! It's what initially got me interested in books similar to that, ultimately leading me to the world of mystery thrillers.

    Random Ramblings

  27. Oh Flavia de Luce is great! I've only read the first two (because I suck at series), but I definitely recommend them.
