
Saturday, February 28, 2015

This Week in Reading - March 1

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week!

What I Got:

Be Afraid by Mary Burton - I've been in a serious romantic suspense (heavy on the suspense) mood since I read Heather Graham's The Hexed.  This is an author I've been wanting to try and the whole secrets from the past premise always grabs me. (NetGalley)

Resorting to Murder: Holiday Mysteries by Martin Edwards - This is a collection of short stories that involve murder mysteries taking place at resort locations. (NetGalley)

The James Beard Cookbook - I love cookbooks and since the James Beard Award is kind of like the Oscars of cooking I figure this has to be a good cookbook! (NetGalley)

Fat Girl Walking by Brittany Gibbons - I've followed Brittany's blog (Brittany, Herself) for quite awhile and always find it interesting.  When I heard she had a book coming out I knew I was going to read it so it was a happy day when the request approval came through! (Edelweiss)


Reading: Heartbreak Hotel by Deborah Moggach and Lord Edgware Dies by Agatha Christie

Listening: Yes Please by Amy Poehler 

Watching: Mostly the news to see if there are weather related delays but I'm looking forward to the CSI: Cyber that's starting this week!

Off the Blog:

We actually had snow that stuck to the ground!  We got 7 1/2 inches in just a few hours.  It didn't start until around 3 in the afternoon and whoever decides that it's going to wait to snow until that late in the afternoon is not very nice.  The Tornado was glued to the windows all day and driving me crazy.  We had about a day to play in it but now it's back in the 40s and 50s so the now has just about melted.
On the weird side Emma got hit by a deer while driving home from work the other night.  It basically ran right into the side of her car.  Other than putting a pretty serious dent in the side of her car everything's fine though it scared her half to death.  She was driving down the road and then heard a huge bang and when she turned her head the deer was basically looking in the window at her!  

Has anyone ever heard of barre3?  They have studios but they also have an online service I'm thinking about signing up for.  They have tons of workouts and there's apparently recipes and fitness plans and stuff.  I love barre workouts but the only place that does them here is really pricey.  I'm thinking about trying it.

On the Blog:

It's time for the TBR Challenge hosted over by Kimberly over at Caffeinated Book Reviewer!  I'm so excited!  My goal for the month of March is 10 books off my TBR shelf.  I have no idea if that will happen but I'm definitely going to try!

What Happened:

Monday: Behind Every Great Man - Nonfiction Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday -My Ten Favorite Heroines
Wednesday: Under a Silent Moon - Mystery Review
Thursday: Sinful Deception - Historical Romance Review + a Look at Historical Fashion
Friday: Friday Linkups featuring excerpts from Death in a Dacron Sail
Saturday: Whose Body? - Mystery Review

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Ex Libris Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - My Top Ten All Time Favorites From the Last 3 Years
Wednesday: Death in a Dacron Sail - Review
Thursday: Novel Interiors - Review
Friday: Friday linkups featuring whatever book I'm reading
Saturday: Cook It Up! Cookbook Challenge

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. That's so crazy about the deer. That happened to me with an owl at like 1am on an empty country road. It left an imprint on the passenger window too. Not fun. Good luck with the TBR challenge. I'm doing it too, but my post will go up later.

    1. I think an owl would be worse than a deer! I don't like dark roads like that anyway but I think that would finish me off!

  2. Good luck reading those ten books.I keep wavering about accepting Burton's book ..i love romantic suspense and this one has me curious. Deer's hitting cars is pretty common especially in rural areas. Friends of ours have been hit 3 x's in the past 4 years. I gotta tell ya I would be freaked out waiting for it to happen again. Glad your daughter was fine

    1. Luckily it's never happened to me but I think if it did it'd be a long time before I drove at night again! I will need all the luck I can get on the 10 books! I'm excited about the Burton. It looks good!

  3. I bet Yes Please! by Amy Poehler is way more enjoyable on audio. She narrated it didn't she? If that's the case the im moving it up on my TBR pile!

    1. She did narrate it and so far I'm really enjoying it! Even better is that she has guests! So far Kathleen Turner and Carol Burnett have both read some. It's really good!

  4. You got snow! Nice that it didn't stick too long- we have tons of it and it's been so cold. Ready for it to go! Glad the deer incident wasn't too serious, but yeah that would freak you out. That's no fun.

    The holiday book looks good, curious about that one!

    1. She actually handled it really well. Better than I probably would have! The snow was fun but I'm glad it wasn't around long!

  5. Please, keep feeding me reviews about romantic suspenses, I'm in the mood for them too. I'll be away this week at my mom's, but I'll be checking your blog when I come back. Spring is showing up here, the nights are fresh, but the days are... rainy and rather warm, it's a start ;)

    1. I'm loving romantic suspenses right now! I love Heather Graham if you're looking for some. I'm excited about the Burton! Enjoy the visit at your mother's!

  6. So glad the deer incident wasn't worse. We have a lot of wildlife in our area and as we are out in the country, the deer abound. Sunrise and sunset are the worst. They look pretty, but they are rather tiresome in many ways. Have a good week! We're had ice and snow flurries this last week and it has gotten on my last nerve. So ready for spring, whines the Texas girl.

    1. We can whine together and be glad we're not up north! Deer are so pretty but they definitely can be a pain! Between garden damage and car damage I'm not always a fan!

  7. Glad to hear Emma is okay. My mom has hit or been hit by two or three deer. They seem to like her. :-) The title, Be Afraid, would make me pick up the book. I think spring has sprung here. Cloudy but warmer and I wouldn't mind some rain to get the plants revved up.
    sherry @ fundinmental Sherry's Shelves

    1. We have your rain here now but I'd be glad to send it your way! Rain is better than sleet though so I'll take it! Your poor mom! I've been lucky to never hit one and this was luckily pretty minor!

  8. I'm always hyper-vigilant when I see a deer caution sign. I've had 2 close encounters over the past few years...they can do a lot of damage to a car. Glad your daughter is okay after the unnerving experience. Between that and the snow, it's been quite an eventful week for you.

    I really like the look of Be Afraid...thanks for putting it on my radar screen.

    My recap:

    1. It's definitely been an entertaining week! Luckily everything's gone well! I'm excited about Be Afraid. I've heard good things about the author.

  9. That's crazy about the deer. It was lucky it wasn't worse!

    1. It definitely could've been worse. Deer can do a crazy amount of damage!

  10. If you do the barre workout online I would love to read what you think of it. I could always use something new to do.

    1. I'm planning on signing up tomorrow so I'll be sure to let you know!

  11. Be Afraid looks very the cover and the premise.

    I have Under a Silent Moon, so I'm off to check your review. Happy reading, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I'm looking forward to Be Afraid! I've heard good things about her past books. I enjoyed Under a Silent Moon. Hope you do too!

  12. You got a lot of snow! It's good the snow stayed long enough for some play time! We got more last week, too, but only 2 or 3 inches. We still have patches of snow around, Now that March is here perhaps they will go away.

    So good Emma didn't get hurt when the deer hit her car. It must have been scary.

    I hope you have warmer weather and a great reading week!

    1. Our snow is just about gone and it's supposed to be in the 60s this week! I'm ignoring the fact that we are supposed to get more ice at the end of the week!

  13. The deer incident must have been scary. Have a good week.

  14. Ohhh, a blogger her turned her blog into a book? That's fascinating! Holy carp,7 inches of snow in a few hours? Wow! We didn't get nearly so much - maybe two inches at most and it cleared up by noon the next day. Ah, well. I've made a page for my header designs and it's live, if you are interested :) Thanks for stopping by!

    1. It was insane! I've never seen it snow that hard ever! I'll definitely have to check out your header site. I'd like to have a unique button or header.

  15. Ahh the snow here too! But it happened at night and has STUCK. I'm reading to see my yard again. lol

    Burton is one on my tbr pile. Hope it's a good one!

  16. A busy schedule. So glad the 7 inches of snow is melting. Hoping for a mid March melt here, at least!

  17. Seems like everyone is reading/has read Yes Please. I haven't really watched much of Amy Poehler's shows but I think I want to check that out sometime. Happy reading this week!

    Bruna @ Bruna Writes

  18. I'm still waiting for my library to get Yes, Please in in audio. Is it funny? I know it is. I loved listening to Bossypants. Tina and Amy are life. Lol.
    Can you please send your weather my way? K, thanks! I can't wait till we're above 0 and I can get this constant chill out of my blood.
    I hear hitting a deer does more to your car than to the deer. But I have no about how scary that was for her. The deer just looking in her window going, "what the hell?". Hope the car is still driveable too.
    Good luck with your TBR challenge this month. You can do it!
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  19. Wow, that deer thing is insane! I have seen it happen though, and they can do damage, so I am glad everyone is okay! I want to read Yes Please because I adore Amy Poehler, but I haven't really had any time. Hope you enjoy all the books, and have a wonderful week!

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  20. Good luck with your TBR challenge. I've set mine lower, I'll be happy if I clear off 5 books.
    How frightening for Emma to be hit by a deer. I don't blame her being scared to death. Hope she's ok now.
    Have a great week.

  21. Oh, you got Be Afraid also! Did you read the first book? It was good.

    Good luck with the TBR challenge. I gave myself a low goal but as long as I get to some of my books that have been collecting dust, I'll be happy. :)

  22. Barre3 sounds really interesting!! Please sign up so that you can report to us how you like it. :) Thanks in advance. LOL!

    And OMG a deer!! That reminds me of Gilmore Girls...though in all seriousness, I know how much damage they can cause and I'm glad that Emma wasn't hurt other than just being frightened. But bummer about the car. :(

    Can't wait to hear what you think of Yes Please (or as I think of it in my head: Yes, Please!!)

  23. I kept going back and forth with Be Afraid. I know I'll like it but trying not to take on many new books at this time.
    My mother has totaled 2 cars by hitting deer. Up north they get very big and her little cars just caved. Luckily she didn't get hurt.
    We have a lot of wildlife out here. Coyotes, possums, armadillos, and deer. The deer are smaller but can still destroy your vehicle. I always drive slow in the early morning and just before dark. Glad Emma is okay!
    My Sunday Post -

  24. I've had a deer hit me on the side of my car too. I didn't see it at my window but I did see it run back to the woods so hopefully it was ok. That was scary but funny and I hope your daughter is ok!

    I'm also doing Kimba's TBR Challenge. My goal is only 4 books since March is going to be a busy month with the kids. And I still have some ARCs I need to read.

    Good luck on your goal and have a great week!

  25. Be Afraid sounds like it could be very good! I look forward to reading what you think of it. I kept hoping we'd make it to the mountains so Mouse could experience snow in person, but it just hasn't happened. I am so glad Emma is okay! I would have been scared to near death too. I hope you have a great week too!

    1. I was here on Monday, but ran off to request the James Beard book and forgot to come back. Sorry, lol! There were three Beard books, so I requested them all. There were quite a few new cooking books. I went to download a book on canning that was a "read now", but it wasn't for Kindle. I saw I was approved for the Cooking With Essential Oils title; it sounds really intetesting. I hope you are having a wonderful week. :)
