
Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday Linkups: Under a Silent Moon

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings on Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Is there anything that makes you not return to a blog or not want to look at it even for the first time?

My Answer:
I can't really think of anything.  Maybe if I don't love the style of a review on GoodReads I'm not motivated to go check out the blog but I can't think of anything that's made me want to avoid a blog.

So last week I thought I had an excerpt from Dorothy Sayer's Whose Body?  but it turned out that I had accidentally started Strong Poison.  This is why you shouldn't pull up books on your Kindle late at night or before coffee.  Luckily a friend caught it or I would've been monumentally confused when I started Whose Body? in print!  This week's book is a book I'm really excited about and the review will be out on Wednesday!

The Beginning:
"In years to come, Flora would remember this as the day of Before and After."
My thoughts:
I know exactly what she means and in real life Before and After can be caused by happy events I'm betting this won't be the case for Flora.

Page 56:
""This is a question for Ms. Smith.  Can I ask about your personal qualifications to lead a murder inquiry?" It was Roger Phillips, revenge for her failing to answer the break-in question."
My thoughts:
I'm not this far in the book yet but just from the little bit I read I'm guessing it's a press conference.  Since Ms. Smith is really DCI Smith the whole not using her rank seems very disrespectful.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  


  1. The Eliz Hayes book sounds good Katherine. I have a copy and hope to read it soon.

  2. This book was very good. I'm so looking forward to the second in this series. It will be out at the end of March. Yay! Hope you enjoy the rest of the book!

  3. This one has my granddaughter's name in it, Flora. So, it's a winner... keep reading! :-)

  4. Good answer. I don't like clutter, and someone else mentioned a small font. That definitely is a deterrent. :)

    ENJOY your day. I hope you are warm and cozy down there in the South. :) We are freezing here in the North.

    Have a good weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  5. I downloaded this one onto Sparky, after reading and loving Into the Darkest Corner. Sounds so good, and I must hurry up and read it; thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  6. I love the name Flora. And I can relate to the before and after as well.

  7. This sounds really good. I'm going to add it to my wishlist.

  8. GREAT opening line! I really liked it. Thanks for visiting my page. Happy Reading!

  9. I love the cover of this book, as well as the opening line. Now I'm curious about the before-and-after event. Another book for my TBR mound!
    My Friday post features CHRISTMAS CRACKER.

  10. This sounds like a good book and I love the cover.

    Friday Memes

  11. Under A Silent Moon sounds VERY good.

    ENJOY!!! Great cover too.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

  12. I'm guessing that the 56 is set in the likes of a court setting, but I can see how it can possibly be a conference too! :)

    If I discern deliberate malice within a review, than I too would not consider visiting that blog. It's a daunting task too, when you have to give an honest opinion about something that didn't quite fit with a book you read.

    Have a wonderful weekend Katherine :)

  13. Keep reading, definitely! I like the turns of phrase in the excerpts. I hope you enjoy reading further and have a lovely weekend.

    My Friday post at Lassiememo

  14. Have you watched Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries? I know the first two seasons are on Netflix, and it sounds like the kind of show that would be right up your alley.

    1. I watched them on NetFlix and loved them! It's hard waiting for the next season.

  15. This is intriguing and I really like the cover.
    Thanks for sharing!

  16. This does sound good, looking forward to your review!

  17. I am a little more intrigued by the beginning, but yes, I would read it.
    Happy weekend!

  18. Yes keep reading! I love a good detective story and I like it when the protagonist is a female.

    My 56 -

  19. Hi Katherine,

    As author Elizabeth Haynes works as a police intelligence officer, this should be a great example of someone writing about what they know best, and for me that always seems to work in delivering an interesting and intriguing storyline.

    Your great choice of lines had me surrying off to check this one out in more detail - Result, it's now on my 'Want To Read' list, so thanks for the recommendation.

    Have a great weekend,


  20. I really enjoyed this one so I will be looking forward to your thoughts on it! I have the second book on my iPad and can't wait to start it! Enjoy!

  21. Interesting snippets. I'll take a look at this one.

    The Picture.

  22. That would be a hard question to answer. Other than the obvious, a blog that spouts hate--that would be a big turn off for me. My review of Behind Closed Doors will go up this week. I really enjoyed it!

  23. I think if a blog has been inactive for some time then I'd be less likely to return to it.
