
Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday Linkups: Death in a Dacron Sail

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you like blog headers that are bookish or blog headers that are simply attractive?

My Answer:
Blog headers don't influence me too much but I know I would like mine to be more bookish.  I do know that I love when a header suits the tone of the blog and the interests of the blogger.

This week's book is Death in a Dacron Sail by N.A. Granger.  I love mysteries, I love Maine settings and so far this has definitely been a fun read.  I'm hoping to have the review up Monday.

The Beginning:
"The lobster boat rocked violently against the pier as I backed down the ladder and extended my foot onto its heaving deck.  It was a typical February day on the Maine coast, bitter cold, biting wind and spitting snow, the type of day only a hardy lobsterman could love."

My thoughts:
Since a typical February day in Alabama makes me want to hide under a blanket I don't think I could handle a day like this in Maine!  Especially not anything that involves a lobster boat.

The 56:
"He looked from Sam to me and said quietly, "I guess you think I blew this assignment.""

My thoughts:
I'm not quite this far yet so I'm not quite sure what's going.  It does sound like something got seriously messed up so I'm really curious to find out more!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  And are you one of those crazy people who likes cold or are you like me and are just holding on until summer?


  1. The cover brings back memories of beautiful rocky beaches I've visited in Maine. Hope you enjoy the story,

    My Friday post:

    1. I've never been to Maine but I'm looking forward to going at some point. I think if have to wait until summer though!

  2. Those are exactly my thoughts. If you see a header and the theme of the blog fits the blogger's personality, that is great. Headers can be either bookish or attractive for me.

    I like your header. Simple and clean. You don't need anything else. It looks great.

    ENJOY your weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  3. A nice blog header is like a nice book cover. And sorry I do judge a bit. I love yours because it is simple and clean.

    1. Thank you! I don't pay too much attention honestly. Maybe because I do most of my blog reading in a reader?

  4. Oh, I love books set in Maine...the one I'm reading now is set there (as well as in New York); it's been a while since I heard the word "dacron." LOL

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I adore Maine settings as well! Some of my favorite series take place in Maine.

  5. After living in South Florida for many years, I enjoy the changing seasons in the Pacific Northwest where I now live. Our winters are mild, especially as compared to the winter others are experiencing this year! I don't think I'd like to be out on the water in Maine when it's snowing. Sounds like it's bone-chilling cold. But this does sound like a good story.
    My Friday post features A QUILT FOR CHRISTMAS.

    1. I'm not a fan of cold at all so I think I will experience February in Maine through books only!

  6. I love mysteries I am hooked. :) Can't wait to see your review.

    Friday Memes

  7. I can't wait to see your review for this!

  8. That beginning is so evocative of winter in Maine -- it makes me feel the cold drip down the back of my neck!

    I haven't been leaving comments for awhile, but I appreciate you participating in BBOF. Thanks!

    1. It definitely does! Thank you for hosting! I love this linkup though it is not good for my TBR!

  9. I'm a mystery lover so I think I would enjoy this book.

  10. It makes me feel cold with that description! Interesting that it starts on a lobster boat though! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

    1. Definitely! Suddenly my 40 degree days aren't looking so bad!

  11. Hi Katherine,

    I don't tend to take much notice of blog headers, unless they aren't easy on the eyes, then I tend to think twice about stopping. Too many dark colours, or something which is way too busy, aren't god for me personally.

    I love your featured lines this week and this style of descriptive writing would certainly have me reading on. As this is a new to me author, I wanted to check the book out more closely, however the title has yet to be listed on Goodreads, which was a little disappointing. The limited number of Amazon reviews it has so far received, have been quite good, however promotion for this, and similarly the first book in the series, seems to have been very limited, which puts me off a little, although I know it shouldn't.

    Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.


    1. I do tend to be turned off by limited release though normally I think because the cover looks amateurish. Luckily I love this cover and the premise grabbed me. I'm really enjoying it so far!

  12. That first sentence should read 'aren't GOOD for me personally' - I'm not sure that God has much to do with it!

    1. LOL! I didn't even notice. I'm just automatically read good!

  13. The cover certainly paints a grim picture. Hope you have a lovely weekend!

    1. Yeah there is definitely someone having a bad day!

  14. This one sounds like it has potential to be a good read.

    1. I'm really enjoying this one! Definitely worth trying!

  15. Death in a Dacron Sail sounds like a good mystery. Thanks for the sharing and stopping by my blog.

  16. I've never been to Maine but it sounds COLD! Is the mystery good? Anne's Friday Quotes

    1. I'm not very far into it but so far I'm really enjoying it. Maine definitely sounds cold. When I visit it will definitely be in the summer!

  17. Brrr, winter in Massachusetts is bad enough; forget Maine!

    But the writing in both passages is evocative and I want to know more. I'd keep reading.

    1. Just the idea of a Maine winter makes me want to cry! I'm a wimp when it comes to cold weather!

  18. When it's cold I tend to read about warmer climates, I guess I like to imagine I am there in balmy weather! The one exception is my love of the British Isles and mysteries set there.

    As for a header, I'm not influenced by it as to whether I would read the blog but I do admire the creativeness of some folk's banners. I have my dogs up for both of my blogs,

  19. That beginning is a typical day in Canada too.... lol... Winter is the only un-Canadian thing about me. :-)
    Sounds like a decent read, I'd keep reading for sure!
    Happy weekend!

  20. Headers don't matter to me but it is nice to see all the creative ones people have. I hope you are enjoying your book! Have a great week!

    Kathy @ My Nook, Books & More
    My Blog Hop Answer

  21. I love beautiful headers but its still the contents that matters to me :) Have a great week ♥


  22. I don't care for the ride. I'd love some lobster though ;)

  23. I enjoy reading books set in Maine--it's so different than where I live, which is more of a desert-y climate than anything else.

    I'm like you when it comes to headers. I do enjoy well done headers, but they aren't that important to me. My husband puts mine together. I try to change it up six months to a year. I get bored easily with the look of my blog.
