
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Death of a Liar - Review

Death of a Liar by M.C. Beaton

Rating: 3.5 Stars
Source: NetGalley
Description:  The 31st book in the Hamish Macbeth series takes us back to the Scottish Highlands and to the small village of Cronish.  There we meet the liar.  Liz Bentley, is a woman who calls and insists that she was brutally attacked.  Hamish makes his way to the village only to find out that not only was she lying about this attack but there have been many other lies.  Disgusted he heads home and dismisses the next call he receives from her.  Except that one wasn't a lie.

Genre: Mystery

Why I Picked This Book: Something about seeing Beaton's name on a cover makes me buy them even though I don't always love them.  This is actually only the 2nd Macbeth I've read but I love my visits to the Scottish highlands.

My Impression:
Pro:  Once again Beaton has produced an entertaining and fast paced mystery.  The premise is interesting on this.  There's a lot going on here - which lie could Liz have told that really angered someone enough to kill her?  Is this connected with a double murder that happened around the same time?  There are a couple of plot leaps that weren't handled in the most believable way but it didn't really bother me.  Also, what is a bap?  Hamish falls in love with a baker who apparently makes delicious ones and they spend a good bit of time talking about them.  They sound amazing though I don't quite know what they are or where I can find them here!  This is a great mystery for a cold grey day when you can stay inside with a cozy blanket and a steaming cup of tea!  Not perfect but a non-cutesy cozy in a great setting with interesting characters.

Con: This is actually one of my main problems with Beaton's mysteries in general - we get too much of Hamish's (or Agatha Raisin's in her books) love life.  Yes, you may find this new woman attractive but do we have to hear about it regularly?  Or have ex-fiance's tumbling into every other page?  I'd really much rather just focus on the mystery.  I really enjoyed the premise of this one and there was a lot going on connected to the murders so all the personal drama seemed unnecessary.

Overall: If you've read an M.C. Beaton book before you know basically what to expect from this one.  If you haven't and are curious this would be a great place to start.  Even though this is the 31st in the series this is definitely one you can jump in anywhere.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Yes!  I always enjoy an M.C. Beaton mystery though I do probably prefer Agatha Raisin

Would I Recommend this Book?:  I think most mystery readers would enjoy this one!

Challenges Met? Alphabet Soup (D)


  1. I've been wanting to read M.C. Beaton's books. I'm really interested in the Raisin books. It's good to know that you were able to read this one without reading the 30 books before it. Can you imagine 31 in a series? Wow!

    1. I prefer the Raisin's because there's a few factors I don't love in Hamish's books. There's a nemesis and all that. I can't imagine 31 books!

  2. I've read a couple Agatha Raisins, but no Hamish Macbeth - yet.

    1. I prefer Agatha Raisin to Hamish but the setting for this one is great!

  3. Haven't read anything in these series, but it sounds like it might be good to start with Agatha Raisin?

    1. Either would be fine but I think I prefer Agatha Raisin. I like the side characters better in that series.

  4. 31st? Holy crap! Lol!
    The Scottish Highlands is definitely a major draw. It's one of my favourite locations and atmospheres to read about.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I know right! And that's just 31 in this series. I have no idea how many are in her other series.

  5. I've never read anything by M.C. Beaton but I am so curious about her books. They always look like so much fun. But when I finally get around to trying out her books, I think I will start with the Agatha Raisin books.

    1. The titles are so catchy they always grab me and I love the Macbeth covers. I do think Agatha Raisin is more fun but this one has a great setting.

  6. My jaw dropped when I saw that this was the 31st book in the series. I'm glad to know this one will stand well on its own.

    1. That's just 31 in this series! There's probably more in the Agatha Raisin series! All of her books that I've read work well as stand alones.

  7. I like the Hamish Macbeth books in audio, although I haven't been diligent in keeping up with the series. I find them to be comfort reads (or comfort listens?).

    1. I beg these would be great in audio! The problems I have are all things I can overlook in audio form.

  8. Wow that is a LOT of books. My mom reads this series. I keep meaning to give them a go and have picked up a few over the years. One day maybe.

    1. They're pretty entertaining. I love the setting in this series though I probably prefer the characters in the Agatha Raisin series.

  9. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I understand comfort series - you keep reading even if they aren't always fantastic. I have a few of those, including Maggie Sefton's knitting books.

    I keep meaning to try this series again. I read one back in the 80s and it didn't grab me - though I can't remember why. I love Scotland, and people seem to really enjoy the series, so maybe I just hit a "meh" book in the series. Someday I'll try again!

  10. I haven't read any MC Beaton. I love a good mystery though. This book sounds pretty good and I love that it is a stand alone.
