
Monday, February 9, 2015

20 Questions in the Library

Lark over at The Bookwyrm's Hoard and Diana from Book of Secrets tagged me in this fun 20 questions post.

1. How tall are you? - I'm 5'4 though people always think I'm taller than that until they stand next to me.  I can't think of all the times people have told me "I thought you were taller".  Apparently I look like a tall person got hit with a shrink ray.

2. Do you have a hidden talent?  If so what? - I'm a fantastic whistler.  I can whistle for a ridiculously long time and just about any tune.  On an actual useful not I can read pretty fast and I have a good memory for details.

3. What is your biggest blog-related pet peeve? - Not too many on the book side but there's a few food related blogs that I've unfollowed recently because they just read like advertisements.  I don't mind sponsored posts especially if there's some original content but I don't enjoy reading blurb for an olive oil company or whatever day after day.

4. What is your biggest non-blog related pet peeve? - People who don't put their carts up at the grocery store or Target or wherever.  I get out of proportionally angry when I see a cart out in the middle of the parking lot.

5. What's your favorite song? - I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm not a huge music lover and don't really have any serious favorite song.  Mostly when I'm in the car I listen to audiobooks or if the Tornado's with me we listen to a Pop station.  Much to Emma's horror I knew all the words to Bang Bang by Jessie J but that's about it.

6.  What's your favorite Etsy shop?  I'm not a huge Etsy shopper but I'm fascinated by the candles at Frostbeard.  I've seen some great reviews of them and am trying to work up the courage to order candles un-smelled!

7.  What's your favorite way to spend your free time when you're alone? I'm not sure you're ready to hear about my idea of a perfect evening on my own!  A dinner of butternut squash ravioli with a balsamic reduction drizzled over it followed by an evening with my feet up, the Tivo remote, a stack of cookbooks and a pack of Post-It Tabs.  That is my version of heaven.

8.  What's your favorite junk food? So many things.  I love cheeseburgers and pretty much all sweets and baked goods.  I have a massive sweet tooth and I do not share dessert!

9.  Do you have pets?  Yes!  1 dog and 2 cats.  The dog is Spots and the cats are Riley and Spooky.
This is an old picture but that's Spots up front and Riley is the cat and in the back is Lou a Min Pin we used to have.

10. What are your favorite Fiction and Non-Fiction books?  Fiction book favorites are Elizabeth Enright's books as well as most of L.M. Montgomery and Agatha Christie's books.  I find myself rereading The Viscount Who Loved Me by Julia Quinn and Diamond in the Sun by Nora Roberts as well.  Non-Fiction is probably The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom.  It's an amazing book even though it can be difficult to read.

11. What's your favorite beauty product? Mascara.  I don't leave the house without it.

12. When were you last embarrassed?  I don't really remember.  I don't embarrass very easily.  Maybe last year when I was dropping Paul off at school and I misjudged how much the traffic was moving and ended up blocking the cross walk and then the traffic cop fussed at me.

13. If you could drink one beverage for the rest of your life, what would it be? Diet Coke.  Not the healthiest but I love that stuff.

14. What's your favorite movie? While I love TV I'm not a huge movie watcher.  Grosse Pointe Blank with John Cusak has always been one of my favorites and I've never met a romantic comedy I didn't enjoy.

15. What were you in high school?  Prom Queen, nerd, cheerleader, jock, valedictorian, band geek, loner, artist, etc?  Popular crowd I guess but I kind of wish I wasn't because I think I spent way too much time and energy worrying about it instead of just being me.

16. If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live?  While I really want to travel more I'm actually pretty happy where I am.  Farther north and we'd have colder temperatures that I don't deal well with.  We've talked about buying some land a little farther north of us in some rolling hills but that'd be more of a vacation home than a change of residence.  Now travel-wise I want to go just about everywhere!  All over the US, Prince Edward Island in Canada, England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Spain, Portugal, Australia, New Zealand and bunches of other places.

17. PC or Mac?  PC.  I love my iPhone but I'm good with my PC.

18.  Last romantic gesture from a crush/date/boyfriend/girlfriend/? For Christmas J bought me tickets to The Sing Off tour which is the tour based off an a Capella competition show that I love and he well... doesn't.  Not only did is he willing ot go but he bought them completely on his own with no suggestion from me.  It's in March and I'm so excited!

19. Favorite celebrity?  I love Mindy Kaling (her book is great) and John Cusak but there's not really any celebrity that's a must watch.  Now if we're talking authors I have plenty of auto-buys!

20. Which blogger do you secretly want to be best friends with?  Everyone?  No?  That answers cheating?  Okay well - Lark from Bookwyrm's Hoard, Anna from Herding Cats Burning Soup, Kimberly over at the The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, Bea from Bea's Book Nook.  And these who I'm also tagging:

1. Brittany from This is the Story of My (reading) Life
2. JoAnn from Lakeside Musing
3. Trish from Between My Lines

As well as tons of others.


  1. Oh my gosh, I can't whistle at all. I've never been able too. I'm so jealous. This is such a fun tag. Maybe I will do this soon, too.

    1. Oh you should! It's fun and I've loved learning more about everyone. I grew up with lots of dogs and so I got lots of practice whistling at them for one reason or other!

  2. What fun! I'll have to give this some thought.... but those shopping carts left in the middle of the lot drive me crazy, too!

    1. I can feel my blood pressure rising just thinking about the carts!

  3. Great Q&A, fun post! Happy reading this week :)

  4. Oh, I had so much fun reading your responses.Yes on the shopping carts! And what a lovely romantic gesture from J. My honey had similar thoughts - he bought us tickets for Valentine's Day to a local dinner theater. They're doing a revue of Andrew Lloyd Webber's music - the best pieces from all his musicals. I'm a big fan, so I'm really looking forward to it.

    Thank you for the compliment - I already consider you a friend! And I'm going to check out your tagged blogs - I know all the friends but two of your tags are new to me.

    1. The dinner theater sounds like such fun! I hope you have a fantastic time. You're definitely my friend Lark! You're my reading kindred spirit!

  5. What fun! I enjoyed reading your answers, Katherine. I'm right there with you with the shopping carts. The other day a woman parked her cart against a plant--when just a spot over was the area designated for shopping cards. Would it have really been that hard to wheel it to where it belonged? Argh! I have a sweet toooth too. I share dessert sometimes, but I hate having to do it. LOL

    1. Right!!! Just walk 5 feet and put up the cart!!! Seriously drives me crazy. I love desserts way too much. I always envy those people who don't care for sweets!

  6. Thanks for the tag! I'll get it up this week. :D
    It's fun to get a little personal with your readers. Lol.
    Do you embarrass Emma by singing Bang Bang in front of her friends? That would be all the LOLZ. ;)
    Puppy is cute!
    Mindy Kaling is hilarious. I still need to catch up on this season of The Mindy Project. I was so happy when her and blah blah(I don't know if it's a spoiler lol) got together.
    Come to Canada. But not right now. You'd dislike ALL the snow.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Oh I hope you do! I'd love to see your answers! The Bang Bang incident was in the car. There was a Lonely Island song incident at the grocery store that she hadn't recovered from. The funny thing was when she told her friends they thought it was awesome!

  7. Nope not a whistler, but I am 5'4 and loath people who leave loose carts in the parking lot. LOL, I am blonde and need mascara too or I look dead!

    1. Oh I know! Without mascara my eyes just disappear. I knew we were BFFs!

  8. Great post, it's fun to learn more about other bloggers! I love Grosse Pointe blank.

    The shopping carts seem to have hit a chord. :) My first real job back in the day was a cart guy at the local supermarket, so I loved it when someone would leave their cart waaay out there in the parking lot. LOL.

    1. My husband had the same job and felt the same way as long as the weather was good!

  9. Great post, it's fun to learn more about other bloggers! I love Grosse Pointe blank.

    The shopping carts seem to have hit a chord. :) My first real job back in the day was a cart guy at the local supermarket, so I loved it when someone would leave their cart waaay out there in the parking lot. LOL.

  10. Great post! I loved reading this.

  11. I hear you on the shopping cart thing. I see handicap parked cars just leaving the carts by their spot when the cart storage area is right by them. It's so rude. I can't whistle anymore. Maybe I'm just out of practice. I'd love to live in Canada or Ireland too.

    1. I just had to whistle to make sure I still could! Canada and Ireland are in my top 5 of places to visit. Can't wait!

  12. It's great to find out a little more about you, Katherine. I love Grosse Pointe Blank and John Cusak, too. Being able to whistle is great! And what a romantic gesture! I love it.

    1. Oh thanks! Grosse Pounte Blank was my favorite movie for years so I was so happy when I rewatched it recently to discover I still loved it!

  13. Aws <3. I so wish all of us bloggers lived closer together. Would be so fun! Though I can imagine we'd never ever get anything done. lol

    I'm so with you on the carts being left randomly in parking lots. Gah that makes me twitch too! Same with posts coming off like ads. Very fun post :D

    PS I don't share desserts either! Okay I do. But not often. I so feel like Joey from FRIENDS. "Joey doesn't share food!!!!" lol

    1. Oh my God! I love that scene. And yes I definitely go Joey when it comes to dessert. Wouldn't it be awesome if we all lived close! We'd have the best book clubs!

  14. I'm a pitiful whistler, so I admire anybody who can pull it off :) We don't have much wandering carts around here, but I sometimes see, at the same supermarket, people parked in the middle of the way... while the parking lot is practically empty ! It's nice to know you better :)

  15. Yay, thanks for tagging me! As I was reading it, I was thinking that's a fun tag, I should do it! I love diet coke too and I MUST see PE Island someday. It sounds fab in the Anne books :)

  16. What a cute dog! I just think dogs in general make life better.
