
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten New to Me Authors in 2015

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is my Top Ten Most Anticipated Debut Novels for 2015.  However, after thinking and thinking and countless Google searches this list featured approximately 2 books.  So we're doing a little modifying today.  The topic my list is actually going to before is Top Ten Authors that will be debuting to ME in 2015.  These are authors that for
some reason I never read but will be reading this year!

1.  Stephen King - When I was in 3rd grade I went to a slumber party and for some reason the movie that had been chosen was Pet Sematary.  This was right after it had gone to video so we weren't the 3rd graders of today who would probably find it laughable.  I had nightmares - for years!  It put me off Stephen King for awhile and only a really fantastic theatrical production of Misery had me reconsidering him. I'm thinking A Good Marriage will be a great place to start.

2.  Neil Gaiman - While I've heard of him the closest I've gotten to reading him is watching the Doctor Who episodes he's written.  I'm not sure where to start with him.  Coraline maybe?  I'll have to do some research.

3.  Diane Chamberlain - Some of my favorite bloggers were raving about The Silent Sister in recent months so that's high up on my list but Chamberlain has a pretty substantial backlist worth checking out!

4.  Sarah Addison Allen - While I know she's a favorite of many it's the covers that tempt me!  They're just lovely.  If the books are half as good as the covers I think I'll enjoy them.  I'm planning on starting with Garden Spells.

5.  Robyn Carr - This is another favorite of many of my favorite bloggers and this is the year that it's time to visit one of her worlds.  The very generous Kristin from Always with a Book actually sent me the first 2 from Carr's Thunder Point series and I'm really excited to read them.  I'll be starting Carr's books with The Wanderer.

6.  Marissa Meyer - I don't know what it is about this series but I'm really excited to get started reading it.  Obviously, I'll be starting with Cinder.

7.  Maeve Binchey - This is an author that has been on my radar for a long time but for some reason I've never read anything by.  I'm planning on reading the copy of A Week in Winter that's been gathering dust on my bookshelf for far too long.

8.  Tana French - This is an author I hadn't heard of until recently and when I started reading the reviews my first thought was "Why haven't I been reading her books??"  I'll be reading In the Woods hopefully very soon.

9.  Stephanie Perkins - Pretty much everyone on earth but me has read Anna and the French Kiss.  Next time I'm in the mood for a bright and breezy book this one is up.

10. Rick Riordan - We own every Riordan book that has been published.  How many have I read?  Absolutely none of them.  I'm looking forward to reading The Lighting Thief this year.

So there's my list of authors that will be debuting either on my Kindle or from my TBR shelf this year.  Any authors you're hoping to get to?  Any debut novels you're excited about this year?


  1. Neil Gaiman! EEE I'm going to see him at the end of this month in Sydney, and I'm sooo excited! I have to confess though, I haven't read any of his books, but I listened to the audiobook of Neverwhere, and it's so good! Killer worldbuilding -- I feel like a d'oh should follow that bc everyone who's ever read him has probably already said that lol

    I am busting to get his version of Hansel and Gretel too.

    1. Ooh the version of Hansel and Gretel sounds intriguing! How exciting that you get to meet him!

  2. That is an extremely smart written article. I will be sure to bookmark it and return to learn extra of your useful information. Thank you for the post. I will certainly return.

  3. I've read Carr but so far that's the only from your list. I really like some of hers. A Virgin River Christmas was my all time favorite :) Hope you enjoy your new to you authors this year!

    1. Thanks! Im looking forward to trying these. I kind of figure Carr will come up first.

  4. I plan to get stuck into Meyer too. I dragged my feet on this series deliberately as I knew I would probably enjoy it and want to binge read them. This way there are a few books to tide me over rather than having to stop and start.

    1. I kind of planned on reading Cinder last year but than I heard Cress had kind of a cliffhanger ending so I decided to hold off to closer to Fairest publications.

  5. Cinder! YAY!!! That's an impossible series not to love. It's so freakin' brilliant.
    Also, Percy! I re-read this first 5 books on audio last year and really enjoyed them that way. The guy that did the narration was really good. So I might suggest that way even.
    Stephanie Perkins knows how to write the adorable. Anna, Lola and Isla are all super quick, one sitting reads. Great for a nice day. :)
    I've never read anything by King either. Although I don't think he'll be my type of author. I have thought about trying Under the Dome. Reading that would be a huge accomplishment. Lol!
    I think I may be the only person on the planet to say this, but Gaiman is overrated. I just don't get him. I've tried 3 of his books so far and all have been fails. But I might suggest starting with Coraline or The Graveyard Book.
    Hope you enjoy all these authors this year!
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. It's nice to hear less than glowing reviews for an author or book that everyone seems to love. It help tempers my expectations a bit. Plus I don't feel like such a weirdo if I don't the book! There's so many books I'm really excited about reading! I need more reading time!

  6. I love Stephen King's books. There was a time many years ago that I read them as fast as he would write them. Now other things have come along and I haven't read any in a long time. I really need to get back to them again.

    1. I haven't read any but I'm excited to try them. I'm so glad to hear you loved King's books! I'm excited to get started!

  7. I couldn't think of many debuts either. ;) Tana French is one that I've been meaning to check out for years. And YAY Stephen King!! I was SO scared to read him as well but now I've read more books by him than any other author. I haven't read A Good Marriage but if you're looking for a good one that isn't too scary (it's only mildly creepy at times), start with 11/22/63.

    1. I'll keep 11/22/63 in mind! I'm really excited to try him. Though the length of some of his books is a little intimidating!

  8. Yay, yay, yay for reading The Lunar Chronicles. Cinder is just so amazing, as are the other two books out right now.

    I've read a few Neil Gaiman books - The Graveyard Book, Stardust, Fortunately the Milk. Starting with the Graveyard book would be a good place.

    And Stephanie Perkins and Rick Riordan! Love those two authors.

    1. Oh thanks for the rec for the Graveyard Book. I will have to look for that. I'm really excited about Cinder, Perkins and Riordan!

  9. Great idea for a list. I've only read one Neil Gaiman book and it was The Graveyard Book, I really enjoyed it and it was pretty quick. I liked his episodes of Doctor Who too.

    The Lunar Chronicles is a ton of a fun to read and so are Rick Riordan's novels.

    1. I'm excited about trying these authors! I'll definitely have to look for The Graveyard Book!

  10. Rick Riordan's books are so much fun, I think they are so witty and enjoyable! I haven't read any King either, but I'm a wuss when it comes to creepy books- Maybe I'll tackle him one day. Great List!
    Thanks for stopping by The Local Muse

    1. I've been wanting to read Riordan for years and have decided this is the year! I have to be careful about when I try the King book. I have to make sure my husband won't be traveling anywhere during that time!

  11. Omgsh, I love this idea! There are a number of authors on your list that are new to me as well. For example: Stephen King! Stephanie Perkins!

    I guess Rick Riordan should be on my list too, considering I only read a few chapters of the The Lightning Thief and then got distracted with school -____-

    Anyway, thanks for stopping by and great list!

    Danee @ Fiction Function

    1. Oh thank you! This is one of those lists that's constantly growing. It was hard limiting it to just 10!

  12. Ahhh so many amazing authors here, I really recommend Stephen King, Marissa Meyer, Rick Riordan and Neil Gaiman

    1. I'm excited about all of them. I think the hardest part will be deciding where to start!

  13. Very creative, Katherine! Enjoy your new authors :)

    1. Thank you! I'm really looking forward to getting some of these books off my TBR!

  14. Gaiman and Meyer and Riordan, oh my! And Carr, too, of course. I love it that you'll be reading these authors this year; they are all wonderful in their own ways. I've read lots of Carr, almost all of Riordan and Meyer, but only one Gaiman book so far (Stardust), so I'll be reading a few more of his this year, too. We gave Robin the full-cast audiobook of The Graveyard Book (which includes both Gaiman and Derek Jacobi - irresistible!) so I'll be listening to that at some point, and I want to read The Ocean at the End of the Lane.

    1. It will happen this year Lark! I will get these read! I love the sound of that audio! To be honest Gaiman is the author I'm the most nervous about but that audio sounds awesome!

  15. Good twist on the topic, Katherine! I do hope you enjoy Gaiman. I've read three of his books so far and liked each one. I haven't read Coraline yet. Garden Spells is always at the top of my TBR pile, and yet it always gets skipped. I'm not sure why. I really need to read it. Tana French is on my must read again list. And Cinder is one I really hope to get to one of these days.

    1. I've walked by Garden Spells 100 times at the library but never picked it up. I wonder what it is about that book that we keep skipping by it?

  16. Oh, you've got some very good authors on your list, Katherine. Have fun reading them---especially Gaiman. I plan to read Tana French for the first time this year, too.

    I agree it was hard to come up with 10 debut books. I did a lot of searching, too! I think you came up with a good compromise.

    1. You had a great list though not so great for my TBR! Hopefully we will both get some of these authors off our lists. I'm really looking forward to French's books!

  17. I keep seeing Sarah addison Allen and I have to say they look good. i know they're not "guy" books per se but I'm still kinda interested, I think the covers look great too. Some books are just fortunate in their cover art. :) And Riordan- I've always enjoyed mythology so those appeal a bit, but I haven't tackled them yet. Nice list- happy Tuesday!

    1. Lol! No I wouldn't consider Allen's books guy books! I do love good cover art! That's one of the main negatives about Ebooks is no cover art! I'm surprised you haven't read Percy Jackson! Definitely sounds like your kind of book.

  18. Made me smile to see 2 Irish authors on your list! Read Tana French! She is amazing. And I love Maeve Binchy too but her earlier books are better than the anthologies like Winter Road. But that's still good, her characters are fab! And Marisa Meyer is really good too, I loved Cinder, it's just so unique and I want to finish that series this year.

    1. Tana French is definitely high up on the list. The word Irish is really all I need to buy a book. It's my weakness. Trying to connect with my heritage I guess!

  19. So many good authors and titles, many I've read and some on my wishlist!
    Tana French, Diane Chamberlain, Stephen King, Robyn Carr-- I've read many of. I also read Cinder, one Sarah Addison Allen, and have a Rick Riordan I've yet to try. Ms. Binchey I don't have any by, but willing to give her a try this year. Please pick some of these up so I (we) can discuss them again with you :)

    1. I'm determined to get these read this year Rita! It's gotten to the point of ridiculous that I haven't read them already!

  20. Hi Katherine,

    We do share a couple of favourites in Maeve Binchy and Tana French.

    My mother-in-law is addicted to Diane Chamberlain books and highly recommends her writing, although I have yet to read anything of hers myself, but plan to this year for sure!

    I am also reacquainting myself with Stephen Kings writing. I used to be an avid fan. However he then went through a phase of writing what amounted to fantasy stories and he and I parted company at that point. I notice that his more recent books seem to have reverted to his stock in trade horror / thriller format, so I am looking forward to trying some of them.

    A great list, but there just aren't enough hours in the day to either list or read, all of the authors I really want to try.

    Enjoy your reading, whatever you choose next.


    1. I can believe that about King. There is a chunk of his novels that don't appeal to me and I imagine those are the ones you're talking about. As for the rest I'm really looking forward to trying them!

  21. Regarding Neil Gaiman, if you've read any Terry Pratchett and enjoyed his books then I'd recommend Good Omens as it's written by both of them. Heck, I'd recommend it anyway! :)

    1. Terry Pratchett is actually another one that should be on this list! I will keep that in mind about Good Omens though in reverse - if I love it I'll enjoy Pratchett!

  22. I've read Good Omens by Gaiman, maybe one other; a couple by King, one by Carr and several by Maeve Binchley. I have Chamberlain in the pile of doom and I agree that Addison Allen's books have gorgeous covers. They're almost enough to lure me in,

    Good luck getting all these read and I hope you enjoy them.

    1. Allen's covers are all gorgeous! That's one if the reasons she made the list! My goal is to get to all these authors in some form this year!

  23. Ah, there's a lot of good authors on your list! I especially love Marissa Meyer and Rick Riordan!

    Hope you get to all these and love them!

    1. I am determined to get to them this year! I've been saying I need to read these 0 for far too long!

  24. Oh my - King, Binchy, French, Addison Allen, and Gaiman are authors where I've read nearly *all* their books. (Obvs not King, cause he's written a shitload, but many and many) And some of my favourite authors as well. That's a great pile of books you've got to pick from. Evening Class was the Binchy that got me hooked completely, and I've re-read it many times.
    Now we've all over-rated them, and you'll end up disappointed once you read them. Hopefully not.

    1. Lol I think I'll be okay with my expectations. I will keep Evening Class in mind for Binchey. The good thing with all of them is that if I love them as much as I expect to I will have tons of book choices!

  25. You're going to have a great year of reading if you can get some of these authors read! I loved the Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, there is a graphic novel version as well if you're interested. I've heard good things about Coraline too, hopefully you enjoy that! Cinder by Marissa Meyer was a great read as well, can't wait to hear what you think of it!
