
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Teardrop Lane - Review

Teardrop Lane: An Eternity Springs Novel by Emily March

Rating:4 Stars
Source: NetGalley
Description:  Town physician Rose Anderson has put her personal life on the back burner and her love life in the freezer after a disastrous past relationship.  But she's intrigued when glass artist Hunter Cicero comes to town trying to manage his late sister's children.
Hunter Cicero has always focused far more on his art than his personal life but when his sister's death leaves him trying to help her four children he finds himself focusing far more on his personal life.  And finds himself intrigued by the kind and lovely Dr. Rose.

Genre: Romance

Why I Picked This Book: I really enjoyed the previous book in the series that I read - Dreamweaver Trail - and was excited to see Cicero's story.

My Impression:
Pro: I love Eternity Springs and was really excited that almost the entire book was set there.  The town is a pretty town with the slightest hint that miracles can happen.  It was nice seeing Gabi and Flynn from Dreamweaver Trail but this book easily reads as a stand alone.  I like that while Cicero is actually a nice guy he does have an artistic temperament and that he and Rose have to work out a balance with dealing with it.  Both Rose and Cicero have some pretty serious baggage but I think it helps them understand each other a bit.  The children seemed a bit overdone at first but became realistic especially considering the upheaval in their lives.  I thought Misty especially was a very authentic character.  She tries so hard to be good and helpful but is also a little angry and under it all is a 9 year old girl.  The heat is on the low side - not quite fade to black but pretty close.  I thought that worked with the overall tone of the book as an explicit scene would feel a bit out of nowhere.

Con:  While I loved meeting Rose and seeing Cicero as more human than he was in Dreamweaver Trail a lot of drama happened.  It wasn't quite as dramatic (or violent) as it had been in the previous book but this couple has to go through a lot.  Even though I enjoyed the read I think several of the twists could have been taken out and it wouldn't have hurt the reading experience.

Overall:  This is a lovely book filled with truly nice people in a beautiful little town.  It's isn't a light easy contemporary but it's a compelling read.  Just don't start it when you have to be up early the next morning.  I kept turning pages far to late because I was anxious to find out about what happened to the characters.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?:  Definitely!  I've already know who I hope the next book will be about.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Yes.  If you like contemporaries but don't want just fluff than this is a good choice.

Challenges Met?  Reading Road Trip (Colorado)


  1. I love the cover and noticed it on our Sunday/Monday post. And the sound of the town and the characters makes me want to pick it up and immerse myself in it. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I've enjoyed it. While I like the light and funny contemps I like the more serious elements of this one.

  2. Sounds like it had a tad too much angst..but I do love the setting. I have enjoyed some of this author's works before. Lovely review Katherine

    1. Thank you! It was a little drama filled but I enjoyed it.

  3. It's good to know this one can stand well on its own. I like it when characters are well drawn and must worth through some heavy issues. I will have to look for this one.

    1. It really can. It's definitely a series you can start wherever you want.

  4. Oh Oh! She is on my author TBR list. I think I even have one or two I've picked up at sales. I'm so going to need to work those in. Sounds very nice :D

    1. I really enjoyed this one! I look forward to seeing what you think of her books!

  5. I like that you said it is a contemporary, but not all fluff. I am always on the lookout for books like that. Will have to check out the first in this series.

    1. It's definitely not one of the zany contemp romps. I haven't read the first in the series but I have enjoyed the 2 I've read.

  6. Cover is charming and I got a good sense of the book. I love stories of people with instant families!

    1. This insta-family really worked. It went with the baggage they both had. I really enjoyed this one!

  7. I really want to read this author. It sounds so good.

  8. I love when you have to keep reading and reading, that is always a great sign of a book for me. Too many twists sounds a bit over dramatic but it still sounds like a good read.

    1. It was definitely a good read and it was more serious than most of the contemps I usually read.

  9. Haha! A lesson we constantly have to keep reminding ourselves; don't start a new book when you're going to bed.
    Glad you enjoyed this one. I really love that you read so many books that take places in small towns. I love the small town feel. So if I'm looking for that kind of book I know where to come to see what I should be picking up. :)
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I do see to read quite a lot of small towns! Just let me know if you ever need a rec. I think I've got at least one for every genre!

  10. This is one of my favorite contemporary small-town romance series, and I thought this one was a pretty solid entry. I never expected her to pair this particular couple together, but it works! Good review, Katherine; if I hadn't read it already, your "overall" assessment would have sealed the deal.

    1. Thank you! I really enjoyed this one! It was definitely an interesting couple choice but I think they really worked. Can't wait to see where the series goes next!
