
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Relish - Review

Relish: My Life in the Kitchen by Lucy Knisley
Rating: 4 Stars
Source: Library

Description:  In this graphic novel Lucy Knisley tells the story of her upbringing with food loving parents.

Genre: Non-Fiction

Why I Picked This Book: I really hadn't enjoyed Knisley's book French Milk but everyone was raving about this one.  When I saw Trish's review of it and she mentioned that fact that she hadn't loved French Milk either I figured it was worth a try.

My Impression:
So despite the good reviews my expectations were pretty low going into this.  I had found French Milk pointless so I didn't expect this one to change my mind.  Except that it was kind of awesome.  Once I got used to the format - which did take several pages - I was caught up in the quirkiness of the story.
In graphic novel form Lucy tells the story of her parents and growing up in a household obsessed with food.  I think I really started enjoying this book when Lucy and her mother moved to upstate New York after her parents' divorce.  For a kid born in Manhattan country living took some getting used too.  When Lucy called herself a brat for her behavior on a trip to Italy with her father I laughed and liked her just a little bit more.  The descriptions of food are mouthwatering and made me long to hurry to the nearest cheese counter.  The stories are funny and range from coming of age to random but are all food related.  I enjoyed this one as much as I was apathetic about her previous book.
She included recipes at the end of each chapter which were very clear.  The cookies and carbonara have both been calling my name and if it was summer I'd already have made the pesto.

If you love food books but are iffy on graphic novels this is one to try.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: I would definitely be interested.  While I won't be clearing out the graphic novel section of my local library I'll be more open minded about trying them.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Yes, though give a few pages so that you get used to the format.

Challenges Met? Alphabet Soup (R), Foodie Reads, Library Challenge

This post is being linked up with Weekend Cooking hosted by Beth Fish Reads


  1. Oh I loved this. You might like her French Milk -- which was written when she was a few years younger

  2. I really liked this too. I liked French Milk as well but not as much as this one.

  3. I'm not normally a graphic novel person, but I think I might like one about food!

    1. I'd give this one a try! I was not sold on the whole graphic novel thing but I enjoyed this!

  4. I haven't read any graphic novels but have heard great things about this and French Milk.

  5. I really liked this one too. The food descriptions in French Milk were fun, but I didn't enjoy the story as a whole as much as I did in Relish.

    1. I didn't love French Milk but I did love this one. It was cute and funny and interesting all at once.

  6. I haven't read French Milk but I would be willing to try this book base don your review.

    1. I didn't love French Milk but I'd definitely recommend Relish!

  7. I'm not a huge fan of graphic novels, but this one sounds great. I too have seen a lot of great reviews for it.

    1. I'm not either and while I'm not sold on the genre I really enjoyed this one!

  8. I really must pick this one up!

  9. This sounds interesting. I thought French Milk was just ok. Thank you.

  10. YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!! I can wipe that sweat from my brow. ;)

    1. Just finished Dinner: A Love Story. Have you read that one?

    2. I read it but I need to reread it because it was a long time ago and I remember nothing!

  11. Ah, I've got this one on my Foodies Read list, too! I keep hearing great things about it. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    1. I hope you enjoy it! I really did and more than I expected!

  12. Fascinating. I have not read a graphic novel before but you have convinced me to try. I think my Kitchen Reader club members might like it, too; we are trying to diversify a little. Thanks for the review.
