
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

If the Viscount Falls - Review

If the Viscount Falls by Sabrina Jeffries

Rating: 4.5 Stars
Source: NetGalley

Description:  Twelve years ago Dominick Manton was the 2nd son of a wealthy viscount, set up to study with the barrister of his choosing and engaged to the love of his life, Jane Vernon.  Until the day when it all shatters.  Forced to make a choice between saving his brother's life and keeping his own fortune Dom chooses his brother and loses his fortune and Jane.
Now, Dominick is Viscount Rathmoor, owner of a successful and famous investigative service and determined to get Jane back.

Genre: Romance

Why I Picked This Book:Sabrina Jeffries is an auto-buy for me.  I love her characters and she tells amazing stories.
My Impression:
Pro: When I start a Sabrina Jeffries book I know I'm in for a great story, well developed and unusual characters, real and intense conflict and a book I just can't stand to put down.  If the Viscount Falls does not disappoint.  In the previous book we learned the full story of Dom's complicated family and how he had always been very close to his illegitimate siblings.  In this book we're able to really focus on Dom and learn what secrets he's hiding.  I liked Dom.  A lot.  He can be authoritative but he's quick thinking and kind hearted so it's okay.  He's been in love with Jane for most of his life and did the best he could when forced into an impossible situation.  He's incredibly loyal to his siblings - Lissette and Tristan and really wants to get the estate back on track for the good of the tenants.  The pacing of this book is great and while I figured out Nancy's secret pretty quickly there's still a lot of mystery.  I also absolutely loved Edwin and hope we get to see more of him.  Jane and Dom's chemistry seemed very authentic.  Despite Dom's tendency towards bossiness and Jane's tendency to get offended by being bossed they actually work very well together.  They both have pretty tragic back stories that make their issues make sense.  Oh and the scene where Dom tells Jane how he got the scar on his face? Tears.

Con: Jane's being so angry at Dom for making her jilt him annoyed me.  She kept saying she could go anywhere as long as they were together but I was fully behind Dom on his decision.  This wouldn't be a case of they'd be living in gentile poverty in a cottage in the country with only one servant.  This was very real poverty in a London slum with no guarantee of improvement.  Dom would have been leaving her alone for days at a time in an area that was very unsafe for a female alone.  While she does say something toward the end that makes me forgive her for the most part I wanted to shake her on that front.

Overall: Once again Jeffries proves why she's one of my favorite historical romance authors.  The characters were flawed and wonderful, the story was gripping and never melodramatic.  If you like historical romances and you haven't read any Sabrina Jeffries you're seriously missing out!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Yes!  I really don't know why I haven't read all her books as it is.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Absolutely but read How The Scoundrel Seduces first.

Challenges Met? Historical Romance, Alphabet Soup (I)


  1. I've been hearing such wonderful things about this book! I've never read Sabrina Jeffries, but clearly I need to remedy that ASAP. I almost want to start with this one, even though it concludes a series. Everyone is saying it's so good.

    1. I think you could easily start with this one but it'd be better to read at least the one before this. I hope you enjoy her books as much as I do!

  2. Good review, Katherine! I love that you tell us why you chose a book as well as what was good and what didn't work for you. I just won a Sabrina Jeffries; I haven't read her books before (that I remember) so I'm looking forward to trying her. And I really like the sound of this one. I'll put the first book and this one on my TBR list.

    1. Thanks so much! I definitely have loved all of the books in this series. I hope you love her books!

  3. 've never read this author but it sounds like it's time to start.

    1. I love her books Noelle. If you ever need a break from mysteries and want a historical romance I would definitely recommend this one!

  4. Auto-buy authors are the best. You have their new book if your hand and it's like this magical moment. You know you're in for the best reading experience.
    I do like historical romances. And I have not read a Jeffries book. So I will be finding the first book in this series ASAP. Need some good historical romance in my life right about now. :)

    Sherlock- Was it destroying you? Don't worry. Push through. It's such a complex and telling episode. Such a great story line! :D Let me know when you can bring yourself back to it.

    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I'm going crazy wanting to know what happened to Sherlock!!! I cannot wait and it might be days. Definitely read Jeffries! I love her books.

  5. Yay! Because of you, I've had historical romances on the brain and hunted down some new authors via Goodreads and my library. Now I'm on that HR kick.

    1. Glad to help! I'm phase-y on historical romances. I always enjoy them but sometimes I read a ton and sometimes not so much. If you're new to them I recommend Julia Quinn as well.

  6. This sounds so good! I love the idea of Dominick running his own investigative service. I'll have to add this one to my wish list.
