
Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday Linkups: The Monogram Murders

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings on Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and The Friday 56 hosted by The Friday 56.

This Week's Blogger Hop Question:
How do you feel when someone continues to put the exact same comment on your blog each week?

My Answer:
This hasn't really happened to me but I don't think it'd bother me too much.  I probably wouldn't spend much time on my response though.

This week's book is The Monogram Murders featuring Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot by Sophie Hannah.  So far I'm enjoying it as long as I'm not comparing it to Christie.

The Beginning:
""All's I'm saying, is I don't like her," the waitress with the flyaway hair whispered.  It was a loud whisper, easily overheard by the solitary customer in Pleasant's Coffee House"

My thoughts:
I'm intrigued by who "her" is and what's so unlikable!

The 56
"Did the killer arrive at the Bloxham with a glass of Harvey's Bristol Cream in his hand, as well as a pocket full of monogrammed cufflinks and poison? It seemed far-fetched"

My thoughts:
I love the sarcastic tone of this line.  It definitely sounds a bit far-fetched.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. LOL That does seem far-fetched? And I like that the speaker has a sense of humor.

  2. Yes, you must keep reading. I don't see how you can miss with an Agatha Christie novel. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

    1. I so agree though this is just an Agatha character not one of her actual novels!

  3. I started this in audio and probably shouldn't have, as I'm so used to the Hugh Fraser narrations. I plan on continuing my reading in either print or ebook. I think you're right, the important thing is to not compare to Christie as you're reading!

    1. I can see how audio wouldn't work as an audio. The voice of this one is definitely not Christie. So far it's been a really great read though!

  4. Hmmm. Don't think it's possible to outdo Agatha Christie.

    My Friday post:

    1. No I definitely don't think you can outdo Christie but so far this is more like a respectful homage.

  5. Veeerry interesting! It certainly has a sense of humor and my vote is to keep reading. I want to know what you think when you've finished...or gotten halfway through?

    1. So far I'm about 1/3 of the way through and enjoying it. I just have to not read it as an Agaths novel.

  6. You can't go wrong with Agatha Christie!

    Check out my 56.

    1. Definitely not! And while this isn't her so far I'm really enjoying it!

  7. My library friends have been recommending this to me... they said, as you did too, that you enjoy it as long as you don't compare it to Christie. :)
    Someday I'll read it I'm sure. :)

    1. It's a good read as long as you read it for what it is - a good mystery with a nice tribute to Christie!

  8. I love Sophie Hannah, and this one sounds very engaging. Thanks for sharing and enjoy. And thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I haven't read any of Sophie Hannah's other books but I'm really enjoying this one!

  9. I've seen this one around but I'm still not sure if I want to read it.

    1. I wasn't either but so far I'm enjoying it. I just have to remember it isn't Christie!'

  10. Our Netflix queue has been filled with Agatha Cristie lately. Poirot is such a quirky character! I've never read a Poirot story written by someone else, but I'm willing to give this one a try.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG

    1. This one is interesting though it definitely isn't Christie!

  11. I love Agatha Christie, and I've been meaning to re-read some of the books I loved of hers so many years ago. It's been awhile since I read one! I haven't heard of this one so thanks for sharing!

    Regarding your comment on my blog--I also grew up reading all of The Babysitter's Club books. I still have my collection packed away somewhere.

    Katie @ Bookish Illuminations

    1. The Babysitter's Club was so great. I grew out if them before too far in the series but they were fantastic!
      This isn't actually Christie but so far it's been very respectful of the character.

  12. Hi Katherine,

    I always appreciate a commenter who has obviously put some thought into what they want to say and even better, who has thoroughly read the post in the first place! Fortunately, my friends are a great bunch and I look forward to chatting with you all. I always try to respond to every comment and then pay a return visit to the commenters site, as there is generally always something new and interesting to read, and I have picked up some fantastic recommendations and enjoyed some excellent conversations over the years. After all, making new friends and sharing a common interest is what it is all about :)

    Having said all that, 'The Monogram Murders' is not a book I shall be reading. I actually enjoy Sophie Hannah's books, but I don't like the idea of any author trying to take up where the original author left off, especially when that original author is someone so iconic as Agatha Christie and her character Poirot. To me it is simply plagiarism in another guise ... Sorry!

    Of course I hope that you enjoy the book and that you have a great weekend lined up.


    1. I do agree about the thoughtful comments! I've met so many interesting people (yourself included!) and found so many great books! I was concerned about this feeling like plagiarism but so far it really has been enjoyae. It feels more like an homage then a continuation.

  13. In answer to the Book Blogger Hop. I am in the minority. It upsets me. I just know what the comment will be. LOL!!

    I am happy they stopped, though.

    ENJOY your weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. I haven't had it happen to me yet so it may upset me more than I expect.

  14. You should keep reading this one. Far fetched doesn't mean it isn't so.

    My 56 -

    1. Definitely! And in this book I imagine anything is posdible!

  15. I LOVE Agatha Christie. And I like the word "all's." :) The waitress with the flyaway hair sounds fun.

    ENJOY....all of her books are great reads.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

    1. This isn't quite Christie but it's been a fun read so far!

  16. Not a typical arrival for a killer. Great #56! I think it's cute and out of the ordinary, for sure.

    1. It's a fun read so far! And yeah definitely unusual!

  17. Sounds like an interesting book. I haven't read any of the Christie books written by some one else.

    1. This is my first book as well. So far I'm enjoying it as long as I don't compare it or expect it be Christie.

  18. Hmm...I have many thoughts on the 56. I wonder that if the narrator believes the murder was more of a crime of passion than a planned one.

  19. I'd keep going, sounds neat.
    Happy weekend!

  20. I have a few that leave the same comment on everyone's Sunday Post week every week Something like Nice books, Have a good week. I am an old follower. I don't mind simply because some folks are introverts and maybe finding something to say is hard. I do try to engage them. As for Agatha...she can do no wrong.

    1. I do get some pretty similar comments but for the most part it doesn't bother me. This isn't quite Agatha but it's a good read!

  21. I haven't really noticed repeat comments on my blog, either. This sounds like a good read! I've been wanting to read all of the Poirot stories.

    My book blogger hop answer:

    1. This isn't a Christie Poirot but so far it's still been a fun read!

  22. I don't mind as well if they leave the same comment over and over again. Although I can't be so sure since I haven't experienced it yet. :)

  23. I don't mind either but it hasn't happened to me either. At least they've taken the time to visit, even if it is to say the same thing.
    Have a great week Katherine.

  24. I'm so excited about The Monogram Murders. It's funny because I normally don't care for it when an author uses someone else's characters and creates a tale of their own. At least not most of the time. There are exceptions. :-)
