
Friday, January 30, 2015

Friday Linkups: The Hexed

It's Friday Linkup time!  I'm linking up with Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question is:
Do you ever get comments from authors when you have posted or tweeted your review?

My Answer:
Yes, though more frequently comments through twitter than here.  It's always very exciting though slightly nerve wracking!  Once I had a comment from an author thanking me for getting her book on a Sunday Post type post which was very exciting.  I also love when a favorite author follows me on twitter.

I've only read 1 Heather Graham but I loved it and promptly requested every Heather Graham on NetGalley I could find.  I now have 3 that are waiting on me not to mention a huge stack of her older releases and have read none of them!  I'm so excited to get to this one.
Book Beginning:
(from the Prologue)
""Help me, Rocky! Help me!"
Craig Rockwell - Rocky to family and friends - was seventeen, a high school senior.  It wasn't that he didn't like Melissa Wilson; he just wasn't interested the way she was interested"
(from Chapter 1)
"Every once in a while Devin Lyle couldn't help herself.  People did such outrageous things sometimes that she just had to step in."

My thoughts:
The prologue is a little perplexing.  While I understand that Rocky might not be interested in Melissa I wonder why that's an issue here when she's calling for help.  Also why is she calling for help?  So many questions!  As for the Chapter 1 I completely sympathize with Devin.

The 56:
"There was a presence behind her, but she didn't know.  She didn't see.
It was the killer.
For a moment, something glittered in the starlight.
A knife."
My thoughts: Nothing particularly interesting other than things look very very bad for whoever she is.  I haven't gotten to this part in the story yet so I'm not sure what's going to happen next.

So would you keep reading?  Do you have an author whose books you collect but for some reason never seem to read?


  1. Oh Graham is one I've meant to try. And yup I've collected a good number of hers lol

    Yay for authors replying. I always love that too :D

  2. Why does she need help and why would Rocky not give it. I haven't read any Graham either.

  3. Same with authors on Twitter, it's such an easier way to connect for them and I appreciate it so much when they do! I definitely think Rocky should help her, whether he is "interested" or not! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you enjoy your weekend!
    My Friday memes post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  4. I am curious about this author, and the snippets make me want to know morel. Thanks for sharing...and thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. I've met the author several times at BEA and she is so nice. Hope you enjoy her works.

    My Friday post:

  6. A Twitter follow is wonderful. Love the replies from authors.

    ENJOY your reading weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  7. This sounds very good! I'm going to look it up! Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great day!

  8. I liked this one and I'm enjoying this series.

    I do enjoy when authors comment, on the blog or via Twitter; it can be exciting!

  9. I love how easy author interaction is now a days. With social media, it is so easy to reach out to your favourite authors. And most of them will acknowledge. :)
    Yes! I've collected quite a few books by authors I've yet to read. Or like yours this week, read one, loved it and went and found ALL the rest of their books. But have yet to read them. Totally the story of my life. Lol.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  10. I love this author, but like you I haven't read to many but I have some waiting on me to read. :)

    Friday Memes

  11. I mostly have books from others that I have read. And if you finish this book I look forward to seeing your thoughts on it!

  12. I'm wondering what kind of help Melissa needs -- help with homework or a life-or-death situation? I'd keep reading to find out whether or not Rocky helps her and what happens next. The 56 didn't grab me. It felt like the narrator was observing the scene, rather than in it -- but then again, maybe that's what's happening!
    My Friday post features A DARK & STORMY KNIGHT.

  13. This 56 made me think I was watching a horror movie for a second. I'm guessing this is a bit of a thriller.

  14. Heather Graham is always good and this sounds very mysterious.

  15. I have a pile of her books and love her writing. I just recently got this one and haven't started it yet!
    My 56 =

  16. I hope you enjoy Hexed! I like it when an author comments or tweets in response to my review--although sometimes it also makes me nervous to know they might have read it! Like you, I tend to get more comments on Twitter than on my blog from authors.

  17. I need this on my TBR list..... I have a thing for killers and knives :D I only have one book of Heather Graham, "The Deadly Harvest" and i loved it. Thanks for this post, reminded me to check more of the author's books..

    Enjoy reading! :)

  18. I've read most of hers and alsways look forward to the next one. I also like her Quinn and McCafferty (sp) series.

  19. I really like Heather Graham's suspenseful writing!
    Happy weekend!

  20. It could be rather daunting to know that an author might have possibly read your review; gah! Especially when a review may not be a positive one :/ You've got me curious with this Heather Graham author though! The book beginning and 56 are inviting :)

  21. I get excited when an author replies to my Tweets or visits my blog. We know they are busy so it's nice for them to take the time to thank us. I've only read one of Heather Graham's books and I really liked it. I bought a couple more so hopefully I can read them soon. I agree that the prologue was weird and she's holding back on something, but I would continue reading. This sounds really good and I hope you enjoy it!

    Have a great week!

    Kathy @ My Nook, Books & More
    My Blog Hop Answer

  22. I hope HEXED is good.

    Have a great reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

  23. I got a lot of Twitter comments too and never had an author commented on one of my reviews. Everything's cool though. Anyway, your book looks interesting :)


  24. I am intrigued. I've never read anything by Heather Graham. I might have to add her to my list of authors to try out.

    Thanks for visiting The Busy Mom's Daily on Friday.

  25. Oh that beginning and 56% has me interested. I hope you're enjoying it!

  26. I think Twitter is the most popular why authors contact bloggers and comment on reviews.

  27. I'm with you on the questions! I'm wondering why he won't help her either! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)
