
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Resolutions

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is Top Ten Goals/Resolutions for 2014 though I'm interpreting this to mean 2015.

Bookish and Blogging Resolutions:

1.  Read 132 books this year - My goal this year was 130 and I beat it by a few books so I'm increasing my goal by 1.

2.  Finish re-reading Agatha Christie's books - I stared this at the beginning of 2014 and have read her Tommy and Tuppence books, her non-series books and the first Poirot books.  This year I want to finish Poirot, and read all the Marple and short story collections.

3.  Build up at least 2 weeks of blog posts - Right now I've only got at best a few days and there's always a slight panic-y feeling.  Having 2 + weeks would be great.  I've already made some prgress but I'd like to keep it going.

4.  Actively participate in the Reading Challenges I signed up for - I signed up for some really fun challenges this year (see Challenge page in the header) and I want to really focus on participating instead of forgetting like I did this past year.  I'm adding a Challenge section to my review template and plan on staying more organized about them.

5.  Limit my NetGalley requests so I can get my review backlog cleared out and make some progress on my TBR shelves - I thinking maybe limiting it to maybe 10 new releases a month so I'll have some time to read older books.

Non-Bookish Resolutions

6.  Learn how to make candy - I have no idea why a candy thermometer scares me so much but it does.  It's time to tackle that fear because I do love fudge!

7.  Actually put together the photo books I've been talking about putting together for years - Pretty much since we switched to digital cameras I've been meaning to make photo books so we can actually see the pictures.  This is the year to do that!  I'd also like to put together a cookbook of all the recipes I use all the time.

8.  Go one place we haven't been once a month - I'm not talking about a big trip but go somewhere.  Be it a town, a restaurant or even a store.  I want to go one place that I've never been before.

9.  Actually attempt to do some of the thousands of pins I've pinned on Pinterest - I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to make this work but I need to come up with something.  I've got so many pins and haven't done a fraction of them!

10. Start preparing for December before it actually is December so I'm not running crazy again - This year was much crazier than it had to be.  So much so that I ended up getting myself sick.  There was so much that got left to the last minute that I could have taken care of in October and November and been much happier.

What do you resolve for the coming year?


  1. I love your resolutions and all the best for them. I am just going to concentrate on my TBR books until 1 June and then I will review it. I'll look forward to seeing how you go.All the best for 2015.

    1. Good luck to you! I definitely need to spend some time on my TBR books!

  2. Good luck with your resolutions. I can't imagine having blog posts for 2 weeks ready to go... I feel a sense of accomplishment after finishing one for the next day!

    1. I can't imagine it either but I'm going to try! I've got posts scheduled into Friday and I'm pretty impressed with myself!

  3. I try to keep a bit ahead of my blog posts, too. But sometimes it is fun to just be spontaneous!

    Good luck!

    Here's my latest post: A Little Nonsense.

    1. I'd like to be more spontaneous with my reading and I'm hoping having stored posts will help with that!

  4. I try to have between 2-4 weeks of posts drafted, and it makes life much less stressful. So when I get stuck in a reading slump, it's okay.

    1. Exactly! I get in a panic if I feel like there's a slight possibility of a slump! I'm hoping that this will fix that.

  5. Great resolutions :) I'm particularly impressed with your 130 books! I wish I could read that fast.. Great decision to re-read Agatha Christie too. She's one of my absolute favourites :)
    Good luck and happy new year!
    Rachel @ Dashing Good Books

    1. It's been really fun re-reading Agatha's books. I'm getting a much better look at her writing trends.

  6. I need to start trying out my Pinterest DIYs too! I pin them and then forget all about them. :)

    1. Oh me too! I think I may have more pins than books!

  7. I meant to make time for putting together photo albums during my medical leave, but here I am at the end and I haven't even started. Maybe I should make that one of my goals for this next year. I won't have the time to spend on it like I would have this month, but at least it would get done.

    I hope you accomplish all your goals for this year, Katherine! Good luck.

    1. I'm hoping that if I do a little at a time I'll get them all done. I'd like to make some kind of cookbook as well. This will be the year we get all caught up!

  8. A great set of goals! wishing you all the best in achieving them :-)

    Sharon – Obsession with Books

  9. Good luck with your resolutions, Katherine. They are admirable. Especially learning how to make candy ;) Pinterest is addictive for pinning, but then...
    Thanks for your wonderful blog. I've picked up a lot of reading material from you!

    1. Thank you so much Noelle! Your comment made my day! Books and Pinterest are my 2 primary vices!

  10. Congrats for surpassing your goal. Ha - yes, Netgalley can be a killer. I cut WAY back there and Edelweiss. Oh man, make me some candy! :D

    1. Let me perfect it first and then I'll send some your way. :)

  11. Oh, I love #2 and #4! And I'm right with you on #5, but 10 ARCs per month is probably a bit high for me. We'll see. Your non-bookish goals are great, too. I'd love to learn to make candy and get my photos organized -- and my yarn stash and my books, too. And in my copious spare time, maybe learn to spin? Hey, I can dream! ;-)

    1. Right! We have all kinds of spare time. We have plenty of time to master everything!

  12. These are great resolutions! I like your Netgalley one...I'm trying to stay away, too.

    1. Thanks! NetGalley is definitely one of my major vices!

  13. OMG ... I was pinning right now actually and thinking to myself... man I need to do some of these pins! LOL!!

  14. I actually don't make in-life resolutions because I don't keep them, so I just want to make some in-blog ones and try to keep to those. I was nodding my head in agreement as I was reading your list and really enjoyed it.

    1. Thanks Rita! I'm feeling really motivated right now so hopefully that will move into the year with me. You've outlined some great resolutions for your blog. Hopefully we will both succeed in keeping our resolutions this year!

  15. Have you been taking a peek at my life? I recognise so many of those situations... and should be making those resolutions too. I wish you wel with your resolutions: here's to a productive, fun-filled, healthy 2015!

    1. Thank you Marina! I think that's why the book blogging community is so great - we have so much in common! I wish you a happy healthy and productive 2015 as well. It will be the year we get all caught up!

  16. Love your list Katherine! Yay on hitting your reading goal this year! Have fun with your goals this year. I've got a couple similar ones on my list :)

  17. So many of your resolutions should be mine, especially the photos! I have so many photo albums I wanted to make but haven't taken the time. Especially ones for my daughters! I really need to do a little at a time, especially since Shutterfly has a lot of sales during the year.

    I'm also trying out some of my pins from Pinterest. We are tired of eating the same thing so my daughters want to try some recipes together. I'm going to include them in a post, it's to add something different for the blog. Also it's a fun way to include them on my blog (and to teach them to cook).

    Good luck on your goals and have a great 2015!

  18. Happy New Year to you Katherine, well done on a great number of books read in 2014, and I hope you have a great reading year this year! Lindsay
