
Saturday, December 20, 2014

This Week in Reading - December 21

It's Sunday Post time!  Hosted by the awesome Kimberly over at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

What I Got:

Medium Dead by Paula Paul - I haven't read many historical mysteries and this one with the comparison to Jacqueline Winspear set in Victorian England looked intriguing.

Meet Your Baker by Ellie Alexander - Have I mentioned I have a weakness for any book involving chefs?  Especially pastry chefs?  Throw in a murder and I can't resist.

Find the Good: Unexpected Life Lessons from a Small Town Obituary Writer by Heather Lende - Really the title says it all on this one.  This comes out in April and I'm really looking forward to reading it.


Reading:  If You've Got It, Haunt It by Rose Pressey

Listening: Still listening to Secrets to the Grave by Tami Hoag.  I haven't had much listening time in the last couple of weeks but I'm almost done with this one.  

Watching:  I'm loving The Librarians!  I watched the first show this week and loved it.  I enjoyed it more than the most recent movie.  I think this show has lots of potential and TNT owes me one for cancelling Perception.  I also enjoyed The Sing-Off.  I don't know why but I love acapella.  I'm just sad it was a one episode competition instead of the longer ones they've done in the past.  I have caught up on this season of Doctor Who.  I'm currently emotionally crushed but I have hope that it'll get better.

Off the Blog:

So we have all (J, Paul, Emma and myself) gotten addicted to a trivia game called Trivia Crack.  It turns out when it comes to trivia games none of us are good people.  There's a lot of trash talking around the house and periodically one us will scream something along the lines of "What!", "You've got to be kidding me" or "Boom" depending on what happened.  Right now we're all pretty neck and neck with J taking a slight lead because he can kill us all at sports. Our dinner table conversations have turned to the various weird questions we've gotten.  Eleanor came home for the weekend and has joined in the fun.  It is good to know that the kids either through us, the public school system or their own initiative do seem to have a pretty broad knowledge of science, arts and history.

I think I've gotten Christmas taken care of.  There are a few things that didn't end up being able to do but it'll be fine.  I did manage to stop by the mall so the Tornado could visit Santa.  When I asked him what he had asked Santa for he informed me that he had so many questions he had forgotten to ask for anything.  Apparently they did discuss the reindeer in detail though.  Whatever mall Santas get paid it isn't enough.  This year has just seemed so crazy.  I don't know if it was because Thanksgiving was right at the end of December or I just wasn't paying attention.  Regardless, I'm spending Christmas day in my pajamas and doing nothing more challenging than deciding how many of the Doctor Who Christmas specials I want to re-watch.  

On the Blog:

What Happened This Week:

Thursday: Bonfire Night plus The Christmas Bouquet - Reviews (my first and probably only DNF)

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Make My Wish Come True - Review
Tuesday:  Top Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing this Year
Wednesday: TBD
Thursday: TBD
Friday: Linkups with whatever book I'm reading
Saturday: TBD but something food related

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Trivia Crack! Love it... will have to look into that one. I'm liking the Librarians too so far, hope they keep it fun. I'm looking forward to Agent Carter too. Christmas day at home with a good show- sounds pretty good. Enjoy! And merry Christmas! :)

  2. We love trivia and games but hadn't heard of that one. Sounds good to me :) Your plan for Christmas Day sounds pretty special too-- a lot of relaxing after all the running around we've done lately.
    I read another title by Heather Lende: If You Lived Here, I'd Know Your Name. Just an easy, feel-good chatty memoir about small-town life in Alaska. Have a great week and hope Santa is good to your little one.

  3. I am enjoying the Librarians also. It had a high rating for viewers so maybe it will be picked up as a series. That would be so wonderful! I kinda of went overboard this Christmas on myself. I have really been needing new jeans, a new jacket.. new make-up, new everything! It is just all getting old. I have to remember I only buy jeans like every 5 years or so... so in the end it's worth the money. This year it was going to be just my husband and I for Christmas dinner and next thing I know there are a few more people coming. Which is great but if I had known I may have bought some supplies for the table. I still might go out and about and find some great decorations.

  4. Oooh, I have to watch the librarians ! You crack me up with your trivia contest ;) Happy holidays !

  5. Haha love the sound of all the Trivia Crack trash talking! My family gets ridiculously competitive over all the games too and I love it! Enjoy your Christmas day, it sounds perfect. I'll be cooking, then visiting family in the afternoon but come the evening I plan on hogging the couch and not moving! Happy Christmas :)

  6. Looks like you have been having a busy week. Enjoy your time you do get. Hope you stop by.

  7. I am horrible at Trivia games but I like Loving Librarians as well, they do owe us for getting rid of Perceptions! I also got Medium Dead this week then realized it is like book four of a I hate when I do that so I hope I don't get confused. :(

    Have a Merry Christmas and happy reading!
    Week In Review

  8. I definitely need to check out Trivia Crack... we love finding new game s around the holidays!

  9. Trivia CRack sounds fun. I am always looking for something for dinner parties; not so much as a formal game but for helping groups of people who don't know each other break the ice.

  10. Sounds like things are lively and fun in your household...I do love playing games with family, and realize that it's been too long. Enjoy the holidays, and watching TV in PJs sounds like the perfect way to spend the day.


  11. I'm watching The Librarians too. It's good, so far. I hope it continues.

    Have a great week!

  12. Sounds like a good Christmas Day plan to me! I think Christmas has the tendency to sneak up on us every year no matter how prepared we think we are. It is how it is. :P
    Only three books this week. *high-five* :)
    Happy Christmas!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  13. I've heard of Trivia Crack. I have a feeling I'd be terrible at it. We play a lot of games and the language can get a bit grapic. We're all very competitive. LOL I'm as ready for Christmas as I can be. I'm just hoping I can fight off this cold that's trying to get me.

    Have a wonderful Christmas.

    My Sunday Post -

  14. Love trivia games and I;m good at them because my brain is stuffed with all sorts of unimportant things. However, if the questions focus on the 90s, when I was submerged in work and my kids, forget it. I seem to have missed that whole decade. Do take some time and relax for Christmas!

  15. Trivia Crack sounds so much fun. I suck at trivia games though. Have a great week! :)


  16. I love your plans for Christmas. LOL I want to do that too. :-)

    Have a Merry Christmas, Katherine!
