
Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday Linkups: The Shepherd, the Angel, and Walter the Christmas Miracle Dog

It's Friday Linkup time!  I'm linking up with Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings on Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
How many books do you read in a week?  How many hours a day do you spend reading?

My Answer:
I probably read 2 to 3 books a week.  It's hard to say exactly how many hours I spend reading as with 4 kids (one of which is preschool age) I don't have many long interrupted moments.  I grab a few minutes here and there and then probably read an hour or so at least at night after everyone's gone to bed.

So I'm pretty saturated in Christmas books right now but they've been mostly romances.  I decided it was time for a little bit of a change and pick a non-romance Christmas book.  This funny yet sweet book was just the thing.  Set in the 1950s this book has a almost Christmas Story vibe to it as we see Christmas told through the eyes of a young boy.  There's plenty of craziness and a few heartwarming moments.  I read this a few years ago and have been really enjoying the reread.

The Beginning:
My names' Doug Barnes, and this stuff happened on Christmas Eve in my town, which is Asquont, New York.  According to Mr. Purcell, who's my Social Studies teacher is an Indian name that means some Indian thing like "Hunting Place in the Green Forest," but sometimes I think it was just a joke by the Indians to get white people to say "Asquont."

And the 56:
"We were driving on Route 218 when Frank saw a squirrel, and he must have thought it was a really dangerous-looking squirrel because he jumped out the car window to get it."

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. Your reading schedule is exactly like mine. Stolen minutes and then some more intense reading later in the evening.

  2. I try to read everyday but I normally only manage to read 1 book a week. Every once in a while I get on a good roll though.
    Monique @ Mo_Books

  3. I really hope Frank is a dog! :D

    I don't have kids to look after but with multiple part-time jobs, my reading schedule varies. I do a lot of reading in some of my jobs, such as editing, so I might read anywhere from an hour a day to 5 hours a day, more if you count reading blogs. Books read in a week range from 2 to 7, again depending on my work schedule.

  4. Sounds like you have your reading time worked out. I read only one book per week, and sometimes it takes longer. Slow reader here. I read a few hours a day.

    ENJOY your weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  5. I think Dave Barry is hilarious, so I'll definitely read this book. Thanks for featuring it.
    My Friday post features THE TIGER QUEENS.

  6. 4 kids and you still get that 2 or more books done!!!!! WOW!!!! Super mama for sure. Congrats. I have no kids and I do about one book a week. I need to get on it. :)

  7. I do love seeing Christmas through a child's eyes, so this one intrigues me. Thanks for sharing...and here is mine: “WINTER STREET”

  8. - I have four little ones too, my oldest is 12 and my littlest is 3, so I can relate to the jumbling of hours throughout the day episodes ha ha!

    - Oh wow! I'm guessing that Frank is a dog? We have tons of squirrels on our road. . .jack rabbits too! And does :P

  9. Makes your reading time so much more special ;) Funny that I've never really read seasonally ... I cant even think of a Christmas title right now!

  10. Dave Barry is good. I'd want to keep reading.

  11. Dogs are the best, even when they are chasing squirrels.

  12. Oh! Im with you with this "I don't have many long interrupted moments".


  13. My answer would probably 1-2 books a week, and my children are almost grown up! My prime reading time is in the train for my work commute (about 40 mins each way), in the evening before bedtime and when cooking LOL

  14. Dave Barry is hilarious, I would definitely read it!
    Happy weekend!

  15. I would probably keep sounds like fun.

  16. Yes I would keep reading. Is frank a dog? Or a cat?
    Thanks for sharing, here's mine

  17. You did not mention that you read freakishly fast.

  18. Sounds interesting! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

  19. That's awesome that you carve out time at night to read. I've tried that, but it always seems to get bumped by something else that "needs" to be done...

    Happy hopping this weekend!

    My blog Hop Answer
