
Friday, December 26, 2014

Friday Linkups: The Mystery of the Blue Train

It's Friday Linkup time!  I'm linking up with Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings on Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you have a book with a location you just HAD to visit after reading the book?

My Answer: 
In terms of specific locations probably not though books have put coastal Maine and several other areas in the US on my one day list.  At this point we're just not able to travel as much as I'd like to visit all the places I read about.  I do tend to do the reverse - pick up a book because I love a specific location.

My book this week is The Mystery of the Blue Train by Agatha Christie.  This is the 6th Poirot and according to some sources one that Agatha was the least satisfied because she had caved to pressure from her publisher on a few points.  I, however, have always enjoyed it and it's nice revisiting it.

From the Beginning:
"It was close on midnight when a man crossed the Place de la Concorde.  In spite of the handsome fur coat which garbed his meagre form, there was something essentially weak and paltry about him."

From page 56:
"Madness! Yes, Just that, madness!  For the first time in her life she was swept away by emotion, swept away to the point of doing a thing which even she knew to be incredibly foolish and reckless.  She was enough Van Aldin's daughter to realize her own folly, and level headed enough to condemn her own action."

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. I would keep reading, if only because an Agatha Christie is head and shoulders above so many other writers. The opening grabbed me - who was this weak and paltry man? Why was he crossing the Place de la Concorde at midnight? Where was he going?
    I do love the coast of Maine - it's why we vacation there every summer and why I set my books there. The scenery is breathtaking.

  2. I wasn't nuts about my first Christie (And Then There Were None), but this one sounds intriguing. I might give cozies another chance! Do you have a favorite of hers?

  3. Yes, keep reading! Sounds good to me. But then again I'm addicted to all things Agatha, so I'm slightly biased.

    Mmmhh, location. I had to visit The Louvre after reading the Da Vinchi code. It was on my wishlist anyway but this bumped it up. And it didn't disappoint!

  4. I've been wanting to read an Agatha Christie book for awhile. It's been a long time since I read one and this sounds really good.

  5. I always enjoy an Agatha Christie mystery.

    Trains are a favorite so I would enjoy this book.

    THANKS for sharing, and have a great weekend.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

  6. Sounds like a great story. I like the fact that she is aware of her foolishness but is going ahead anyhow. She must be an interesting character.
    I agree with you about setting. I'll usually buy a book if it's set in a place I've visited or would like to visit.
    My Friday post features CHORUS LINES, CAVIAR AND CORPSES.

  7. I love the Agatha Christie books. I often listen to one when I travel. They just do not get old.

  8. I have quite some locations I want to visit after reading a book, like the US, Canada and Prague to name a few, but I don't think I ever visited a place because of a book. I visited the place were the Harry Potter train scene was recorded in Scotland, that was kinda cool, but we kinda got there by accident when on vacation in scotland until my sister found out why there were so many tourists while there was not much to see, lol.

  9. There's no way I couldn't keep reading it. All of her books are like that!
    I haven't visited a location after reading about it in a book but I have been to many and then about them in one. That often attracts me to the book also.

    Here's my 56 -

  10. I would have to keep reading, it is Christie after all. :-)
    Happy weekend!

  11. I've never read this Poirot story, but it does sound intriguing. :)

    Here's mine.

  12. You can't go wrong with Agatha Christie.

  13. I have almost all Agatha Christie's books and several of them in audio. This is a good read.
    Best wishes for 2015.
