
Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday Linkups: Christmas with Anne

It's Friday Linkup Time!  I'm linking up with Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings on Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and The Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Question:
Do you write a review for every book you read or only review copies from publishers?

My Answer:
I review pretty much every book I read/listen.  The main difference is that I publish the review book reviews as close to the review date as possible whereas I may store the review for a book I read just for fun for a week when I get behind.

For my last Christmas book of the year is a book I reread every year around this time.  This is a collection of short stories and excerpts from L.M. Montgomery.  All are Christmas-y and all are wonderfully feel-good!

The Beginning from "Matthew Insists on Puffed Sleeves"
"Matthew was having a bad ten minutes of it.  He had come into the kitchen, in the the twilight of a cold, grey December evening, and had sat down in the wood-box corner to take off his heavy boots, unconscious of the fact that Anne and a bevy of her schoolmates were having a practice of "The Fairy Queen" in the sitting-room."

 My thoughts: This excerpt is from one of my favorite scenes in the book Anne of Green Gables.  I'm always thrilled to revisit it in this this story.

The 56 from "Aunt Cyrilla's Christmas Basket"
"The khaki boy said he hadn't tasted anything half so good since he left home.  "They didn't give us pound cake in South Africa," he said"

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  Do you have any rereads for around the holiday season?


  1. I write a review for all my books as well. I just feel the need. :)

    Have a good weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  2. I review most but not all. And I still get excited when I think of Anne and her puff sleeves. I just adored her relationship with Matthew and it broke my heart when he died.

  3. It has been many years since I visited Anne of Green Gables...and I would love to do so in the upcoming year...I have a couple of the books on my shelves. Thanks for sharing, Katherine, and for visiting my blog.

  4. I write a review for just about all books I read. There have been some I abandoned but..
    Hey, I wanted to offer you that book Nora Webster if you'd like it. I am all about anything set in Ireland :-)
    If you want it send me your mailing address to tmculbertson AT gmail DOT com

  5. This sounds like such a sweet book to read at Christmastime. I can see why it's a tradition for you. Enjoy!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG

  6. Oh dear, I feel for Matthew. :D Someday I really should try Montgomery. I somehow grew up without reading any of her works though I think I skimmed one or two.

    I don't review every book I read but most of what I read gets at least one or two sentence review at goodreads. It's not unusual for me to read a book for fun and decide to post a review of it on the blog.

  7. You know, I don't think I ever read Anne of Green Gables.

    I, too, review every book I read. I'm not sure I will continue to do that, though. Obviously reading challenges, review requests and tours will continue to be reviewed but I don't know if I'll always review books I read for the fun of it. We'll see.

  8. I don't write many reviews, I will usually just post an impression or two that I've had about a book after reading it. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  9. I love Anne of Green Gables too and Matthew is an utter sweetheart.

  10. I am torn between spending time writing a review and spending time just writing. What to do?

  11. I write reviews for most books I read. And I don't have any rereads for the holiday season. I have books on my shelf that need to be read so I don't really have the time to reread things at the moment.

    1. Re-reading doesn't happen with me either. No time to do that. :)

    2. No re-reads here either. I only actually enjoy a book the first time around and after that I am quite happy to pass it on to someone else to enjoy. All the books on the shelves in our place have therefore never been read before!

      Have a good weekend ladies:)


  12. Love Anne of Green Gables and I'm especially fond of pound cake! Have a lovely Christmas!

  13. I try to publish my reviews of ARC books on or right around release date and audio reviews within 30 days of when I receive them, since those arrive after release. I am currently writing reviews for the end of January and into February and I read more than there are days to post

  14. I like your take on the review process! I am going to considering submitting my reviews closer to the release day too, this would definitely allow more room for the optional books :)

    I just found a collection of Anne of Green Gables at a local thrift store this past weekend! I can't wait for my little girls to dive into them; great teaser on such a joyous occasion :)

  15. Hi Katherine,

    I generally don't read seasonal books, although if I had youngsters around, that would of course be a totally different scenario.

    My reviews tend to take much longer to write than I ever expect them to and I am therefore constantly playing 'catch-up'. To be perfectly honest with you, I much prefer to write several promotional posts for a book, rather than a review, not because I don't enjoy the whole review process and of course this is what is expected by authors and publishers, but simply because of the time restraints.

    Thanks for such an interesting post this week, it has certainly stimulated some lively conversation. :)


  16. "The main difference is that I publish the review book reviews as close to the review date as possible whereas I may store the review for a book I read just for fun for a week when I get behind."

    -This is sooo me! :)


  17. I review most of the books I read, but not all. It's a long time since I read Anne of Green Gables. You bring ack some good memories.

  18. I love Anne Shirley but don't recall this book. I should read it though.
    Happy weekend!

  19. I like the beginning! Thanks for sharing and stopping by my blog! :)
